Christmas Bitch!- Fto

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Lucas centered! Uh, don't know who to ship him with yet, but I'll figure it out somewhere along the line. I guess you could call it a Christmas special, but really late.

Lucas pov~
I watched through my window as people strung up the lights and snow started to fall. Christmas. I much preferred to stay here, in my dark house. Away from all that cheer. I move to keep baking my doughnuts. There's a knock on my door. "Come in." I call. The door is pushed open quickly. "Merry Christmas!" David cheers. I sigh. "Whatever." I roll my eyes, mixing the frosting. "What do you mean whatever? Your literally baking sweets!" I hum. "Devin wanted to try my recipe." He pauses. "Why aren't you celebrating?" I shake my head, ignoring his stupid costume. I slide the bowl into the freezer. "I don't celebrate your little Christmas." He hums. "Why not? I don't think I've ever seen you this bitter. What are you, Scrooge?" I hum. "I'm not. Because 3 spirits won't be visiting me and convincing me to like Christmas." He frowns. "Why don't you like Chrismas?" I sigh. "Long story. Don't want to explain.  Don't care." He turns, walking out. Okay then?

David's pov~
I walk into the guild hall where others were still decorating. "David? Where's Lucas?" Blake questions. I slam my hand on the table. "This is a crisis!" Everyone turns. "Whats wrong?" Brandon questions. I gasp. "Lucas is being a Scrooge! He doesn't like Christmas!" They gasp. "What? Why?" Kit questions. I shrug. "I don't know. He wouldn't tell me. Said it was a long story and he didn't want to explain." Ritchie hums. "What do we do?" I grin. "Christmas overload. Were going to give him the richest taste of Christmas Spirit he's ever seen." They smile at me.

Lucas pov.
I was simply cleaning in the dark. I like the dark actually. Anyway, I'm not looking forward to giving him his doughnuts. It's far to fucking festive here in Alantide. "Vacation?" Hm... "Maybe." I hum lightly to myself. "Your only human afterall." I sing quietly to myself. Sure I could just wash out the dirt, but where's the fun in that? The door is pushed open. "Lucas!" I turn. "What?" I sigh, David still sitting in his snowman suit. "Were you singing?" He pauses. I hum. "Not important. What do you want?" He grabs my wrist. "Let's go." He drags me out the door. "David?!" He drags me into the guild hall. Ew. I sigh heavily. "What?" He throws me into a seat before sitting next to me. "This is disgusting." I roll my eyes. "You weren't kidding." Brandon remarks, dressed as Santa. "Santa isn't real." I call. He hums. "The Christmas Spirit brought him to life." I spin, pulling myself up. "Nope. Not doing this. Goodbye. Find me whenever this shit is all over." Ritchie pushes me back. "Nope. We have a guild meeting you have to attend." I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. "Fine, whatever." I sit down. "You really hate Christmas don't you?" Kit questions. I huff. "I do! I really do." Brandon hums. "Why?" I sigh, closing my eyes. Before shaking my head. "I just do." I open my eyes. "Stop asking me questions and move on with this meeting."

Of course it was a set up. I stare at my newly decorated house. Eyes burning with hatred. "Lucas?" Galrin questions. I wave my hand, quickly wipping the decorations off the house. I leave them in a giant pile by Devins house. I walk in. In here too? I growl. Proceeding to clean up the decorations and promptly destroying them. It smells like goddamn ginger bread too. I turn to the candle. I don't mind it but I'm already mad. Fucking Christmas. I throw the candle into the trash, lighting a few of my own to overpower it. I move the doughnuts into a bin and walk over to my neighbor, Devin. I knock briefly. He opens it, wearing a Christmas sweater. "Here's those doughnuts." He smiles widely. "Oh! Thanks." I nod. "Merry Christmas." He greets. I roll my eyes. "Whatever. Enjoy the doughnuts." I glance over. "And if you helped with that monstrosity, don't." I gesture. His eyes widen. I turn, returning to my home. I climb up to my attic. I need to blow off some steam.

David's pov~
"So, that didn't work." Devin remarks. I nod. "Something really affected him. He really hates the idea." Ritchie hums. "Maybe we can speak with the others at the Christmas party tonight, see if they have any ideas." I nod. "Good idea. We will, make Lucas feel the Christmas Spirit!" They cheer. I grin.

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