For You -Fto

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Would you believe me if I told you I have roughly 93 drafts overall? :)

Viper's pov-

My entire life, well, since my village was destroyed anyway, I've been known as the poison dragon. I was deemed scary, a threat. And admittedly, I played into it. But then, I went blind, and I met Kay. Between Jasper and Kay... Everything changed. Well, not everything. Allumos will say it was his influence, and sometimes I like to let him believe that. But he doesn't know, he doesn't need to know.

I lean on my hand lazily, watching as Kay idly colors in the swirling patterns of the vines on my arm. "I know you have vibrant blue hair and purples your thing but sometimes I just think it's good to get some brighter colors in your life. I mean, Allumos is incredibly emo and he wears white." Kay rambles. I hum softly. "That's cause he can teleport." I mutter. She blinks. "He can what now?" I nod. "I need to be able to go unnoticed to sneak attack, but Allumos can just teleport. So he's more accustomed to wearing brighter colors. That's why the Wandering coins dressed like me, and why you dress the way you do. Different jobs." I explain. She blinks. "Oh, I never thought of it like that." She giggles. "I guess that makes sense. But red is like, the color of blood right? So this fits anyway." She dismisses. I glance at her coloring. "Blood is darker." I correct lightly. She nods. "I know but this is the best I got. Jakey borrowed some of my markers so I'm a bit limited." She grumbles, still neatly filling in a leaf. I hear footsteps and have Jasper turn around. "Mitch?" A familiar voice calls. Oh dear. "Pat?" I question as he pokes his head in. "Mitch, there you are." He breathes. Kay pulls away so I can sit up. "Mitch?" She questions. I don't answer her, standing. "Pat, what are you doing out?" I question, eyeing him. Brown eyes and all. "No idea. Allumos has gone silent and here I am. Lopho said I might find you here. He also said that he's definitely going to start calling you Mitch." He deadpans. I huff. "I'll teach him to regret it. You remember how to get back to the guild hall?" I question. He shrugs. "Mostly. Might venture around, go see Flurret. First though, lovely to finally speak with you Kay." He prompts. Oh great. Kay smiles awkwardly. "I'm confused." She offers. I sigh. "This is Patrick, Allumos inhabits his body. Patrick has brown eyes, Allumos has red." I explain. Pat nods. "We're very different I assure you. Mitch and I go pretty far back you see, and I just had to see his new girlfriend." He circles Kay. I sigh and return to my seat. "We're not- Im- he's- Just friends?" Kay squeaks. Pat laughs. "Patrick." I scold. Pat glances at me. "What?" He prompts. I sigh. "I know what your doing." I remind. He shrugs. "I haven't seen you this protective since our old days. You always were quite the possessive lover." Pat points out. Kay squeaks, bright red. I just lean on my hand, entirely used to his bullshit. "I remember you hating that about me. And Kay and I aren't together, stop terrorizing the poor girl." I scold. He holds up his hands in surrender. "Yes, very well. Still though, she's a good woman. You'd be best to not loose her Mitch." He insists. I nod. "Go sip your tea somewhere else Conner." I scold. He laughs and walks off. "Lovely meeting you Kay!" He calls. The girl turns to me. "I have so many questions." She breathes. Fantastic.

"Mitch?" She asks again. "My name." I assure. She blinks. "Did you think my name was actually Viper?" I prompt. She shrugs. "People have weird names, who am I to judge?" She insists. I sigh. "Nope. Born Mitch, started going by Viper maybe... 7 years ago? 8? Pat's the only one who calls me Mitch anyway." I dismiss. She takes my arm again and I shift so it's available for her to color. "And you two..." She trails off. "Dated?" I question. She nods. I let my head lull back against the seat. "Sorta. More like friends with benefits who went on the occasional date." I dismiss. She freezes. I smirk. "He dumped me for his now wife, actually. That was just in my early Grimshade days." I assure. She blinks. "I just didn't know you... Well, swung that way." She whispers. I nod. "I don't, usually. I don't usually swing anyway, prefer to be alone. Messing around with friends was more of a physical thing." I dismiss. He slowly fading blush returns full force. "Oh." She squeaks. I click my tongue. "Pat was the first time I ever considered trying to have a serious romantic connection. I don't regret it or the way it ended." I assure. She nods, and we sit silently for a moment. "Why did he think we were...?" She questions softly. I shrug. "Probably because we spend a lot of time together. If it makes you uncomfortable I can make sure he doesn't say anything like that again." I prompt. She chokes on air for a second. "No, no, it's fine. Everything is fine. Just caught me off guard. Does it make you uncomfortable?" She insists. I stare at her and she glances up at me briefly before looking down again. "No I don't mind." I dismiss. She nods quickly. "Who paints your nails?" She suddenly questions, turning my wrist so my hand is palm down against the table. "Marshie lately. They insist." I confirm. She blinks. "You should totally get some kinda pattern. I mean you look really good with the black nails but maybe something blue to pull it together? Your lucky you don't have to worry about color matching with your eyes." She rattles off, drawing a neat little flower across the back of my hand. "I do." I confirm. She blinks up at me. "Match with my eyes. Ones blue, ones purple." I explain. She gasps. "Oh that's so cool! I didn't know you had two different colored eyes. I bet they're pretty. It's cool you keep up the color scheme though. You could technically dye your hair and go with whatever color scheme you wanted. I mean, Purple is a pretty go to with the darker theme. You have red for blood. Green for poison. Yellow for... What's yellow?" She whispers. "Radiation sign." I offer lightly, highly entertained by her attempts at associating colors with more melancholy subjects. "Yes!" She chirps. I watch her closely from Jaspers eyes, even though she's still very focused on her art. "I guess that leaves orange. And I mean, I love orange as much as the next girl but it's not exactly the best go to. Fire maybe?" She questions herself. "Foxes." I offer lightly. She glances up at me, smiling fondly. "Yeah." She whispers. "I like blue." She dismisses. "It's the color of a lot of things. The sky, ice, blueberries." She lists off. "The ocean." I throw out. She nods quickly. "Do you like the ocean? I mean, I know you get motion sick but do you like swimming? I've never seen you swim. I haven't seen you do a lot of things." She insists. I just stare at her. "Can you cook? Can you bake? Maybe you can juggle. Are you a secret super genius?" She questions. She keeps going though, apparently deciding me actually responding to these questions isn't as important. Thats okay, I don't mind her just rattling off.

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