Happier- OoO

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Ah. Angst. I'm half asleep so you know, this'll probably have a happy ending.
-Nice little song for you to listen too above, doesn't have to do with the story.

Xylo pov~
I've known since the beginning. The way he walks, talks, just smiles. It all drives me crazy. But. He has a girlfriend. A girlfriend I helped him get. A girl that's hated me most of the time she's known me, and still holds resentment. I can see it in her eyes. That doesn't matter. She makes him happy so I'm happy. Or I try to be at least. I don't know how many nights Lee's seen and or heard me cry to myself. Typically to sleep. But she's never asked. So i guess that's a good thing? Until now.

"Seriously dude are you okay?" She questions. I tense, wiping my eyes. "I'm fine." I mumble. She sighs. "You do this every night." I frown. "Sorry for being a bother." She frowns. "I just want to help you feel better." I sigh. "You can't. No one can. I'll try and stop." She exhales heavily. "Xylo-" I stand. "I'm going for a walk." I walk down the pile of hay and out the door. I'm sure I looked like a mess. I walk down the path and sit on the beach. The moon still rising. I pull my legs to my chest. "I could sense your distraught emotions for miles." A voice purrs. I sigh. "Leave me alone." I mumble. "Oh dear. Son of Hades not so strong now is he?" Jyles teases. I ignore him. "What happened? Roommate kick you out?" He questions. I shake my head. "No, I walked out." He hums. "Your look rather messy." He plucks a piece of hay from my hair. I huff. "Be glad you can't see my face." He hums. "That bad? You look... broken." I sigh. "I've been broken all my life Jyles, I'm sure you know what it feels like." I can feel the sun on my feet. I glance up. Sun rise already. I pull myself up shakily. "Lovely talk." I remark, moving back to my cabin. Lee was asleep. I move to clean up. Like nothing ever happened. I mean, I've always been a burly man with messy hair and shit but still. I walk out the door, ready to start my day. "Up early as always." Mario comments, falling into step. I smile softly. "Yep." He glances at me. "Have you been sleeping enough?" I pause. "What do you mean?" He chuckles. "Were best friends dude. Your eyes, their exhausted." I chuckle. "Probably from stress. I'm fine really." I smile. We continue to walk. "If you say so." He remarks. I nod. "So Aphrodites Ball coming up. You gonna take anyone?" He questions. I hum. "I'm not going." Watch all the couples be so lovey dovey? No thanks. He frowns. "Awe why not?" I chuckle. "Things never go well for me at balls dude." He shrugs. "That was last year! You'll be fine." He grins. I hum. "No." We walk into the mess hall. "Awe, please?" He frowns. I avoid looking at him. "No." He huffs. "If I get you a date will you go?" Hm... "That wasn't a no~" He smirks. That damned smirk. I shake my head. "Lets just get some food." I remark. He laughs. "Loosen up dude." I hum. "Maybe when hell freezes over." Mario blinks. "Didn't a rouge demi god go and actually freeze part of the underworld?" I hum. "Yeah, I felt with him and relaxed for a day." I smirk. He chuckles.

Fantastic. Being roped into going to this stupid ball, with stupid Magnus. Their not stupid- Ugh. I managed to slip away from them, walking to the entrance. I sit on the edge, over looking camp. "Whatcha doing out here?" Dran questions. I hum. "Silently wishing I could burn this place to the ground. Or sky I guess." He blinks. "That's uh... dangerous throughts. Why's that?" I sigh. "The whole romance schemes never been for me. Despise it even." He sits next to me. "What happened?" I hum. "How much do you know of last year?" He shrugs. "A little." I nod. "Long story, when Bryan was possessed by the seductive rose, he stabbed me with it. Not, completely." I remark, trying to calm him. "But enough to kinda, mind control me? But yeah. I was forced to love him. But at the time Bri and I were kinda a thing? His sister. Bri got really mad. Bryan took me to the ball, Bri used a love potion on me. And they kinda spent all night just fighting over me? Which makes no sense because I'm not the kinda guy people fight over-" He hums. "I wouldn't say that. Your a very admirable guy. Strong, relatively smart, handsome." He shrugs. I sigh. "I don't really care, it was a one time thing." I look back down. "Do you do that on purpose?" He questions. I quirk up an eyebrow. "When people start to compliment you, you look away and try to change the subject." He remarks softly. I shrug, pulling my knee to my chest. I leave my other leg to dangle. "Uh, I'll leave you be." He walks off. I nod.

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