A hateful relationship- Aphmau

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3rd person-
Travis stared at the ceiling of his room. The bruises stung with every movement. "Travis?" A voice calls. He makes a sound of acknowledgement. "You've been done here a while. What's up?" He tilts his head to see Dante. Then just looks back. "Travis?" Travis sighs. "What?" Dante sits next to him. "What's wrong?" Travis laughs. "Everything." Dante moves quickly, pulling up his sleeves. Clean. "Good. Now, what's made you feel this way?" Before Travis can say anything, the door bell rings through the house. "I'll be back. Don't do something you'll regret." Dante stands up and walks away. Travis sighs. "I'm going to do something I'll regret." He moves to stand up, then walks up the stairs. Dante stood in the hallway, talking to Vlyad. Travis sighs, "I'm leaving." Travis calls, walking out the door. He walks across the street.

Travis walks in to see Katelyn on the couch, watching Once. "Heeeey Katelyn~" He cooes. She groans. "Before I punch you to the other side of the world, why do you keep coming back?" Travis slides into the couch on the other side. "What do you mean?" Katelyn pauses her show. "Why do you keep coming back, when I just keep punching you away?" Travis smiles softly. "Because no matter how much you hate me, I know you had a rough time growing up. And I want to be there to always tell you that your loved, and someone cares." Katelyn blinks. "Seriously?" Travis nods. "Now, I'll save you the trouble." Travis stands up, "is Aph home?" Katelyn nods. "She's in her room." Travis walks off, walking to hang out with Aph. "Hey Travis?" Katelyn stops Travis. He pauses, and turns. "Thanks." Travis smiles, nodding. "Any time."

Short story I felt like writting. I might expand on this later.

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