Oh dear Part 2

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Ritchies pov-
I change back instinctly, as does Michael. "A week before the new comers aye?" Michael looks around. I nod. "Of course." He turns and pulls me in for a kiss. I kiss back immediately. "How do you predict our relationship will Change this run?" I mumble. He shakes his head. "Not that much. Every one already thought we were dating anyway." I nod. He hums. "We need them all here to execute the plan. So it's best we do it before Xylo knows who he is. Not to mention, I don't want to cut out Austin completely. Maybe he can be our servant or something?"  He explains. I nod. "Of course. Austin has a place in my heart. But you know Bri has to be there for him to function." He smirks. "I have just the thing."

We stand at the gates, watching Austin do he little gig, for the last time. Michael leans into me,  yawning. Austin finnaly sees us. "Hey! You finnaly turned around! Welcome to camp Oasis." Micheal calls. He tenses. "Hi?" I grin. "Welcome." Michael copies me. "What am I being welcomed too?" Michael grins. "Camp of course." Austin walks forward. "Are you the camera crew?" Michael stands up. "No? What camera crew?" I watch them converse. Austin suddenly calls me out. "What is that on your skin?" Michael turns to me. "It's a birthmark." I remark, remembering it's still on my skin. "Dang, your birth must have been rough." I hear a snicker. "All god birth is rough. Ever read any books?" Riane remarks. Michael giggles internally. Austin eyes us. "What are you doing?" I shake my head. "Nothing. Let's go. We have work to do."

I stand behind Michael, unnoticed by everyone but him. He stood up on the ledge. He sighed, annoyed beyond belief. I walk forward, still hidden. I watch them. Michael jumps down. " I'm Michael, son of Athena. Welcome to the trial of Ares. The trial where you fight each other to the death! How fun!" He fake cheers. The others start to protest. "To the death?!" Suddenly, my brother runs up panting. "Who are you...?" Michael asked, arms crossed. "Uh, I'm Colin. A son of Hermes." Michael nods. Michael conversed with the others, keeping up a fake happy persona. Until he backs up and simply flies back up. I walk up to him as he calls go. I smile at him. "How are you feeling?" He groans. "This is worse the more times I see it." I nod. I wrap my arms around his waist. "So I looked into it, and we have about a week, and then we can schedule a dance. Get everyone there. By then, Xylo won't have found out who he is, and we can get closer to Bri and Austin." He explains. I nod. "Sounds alright. But how will we get Kayla to schedule a random dance?" I giggle. "It won't be random darling. A little file and memory tampering never hurt anyone." Michael chuckles. "God I love you." I grin. "I love you too." We both turn, just in time to see Xylo lay the last strike on Inmo. I slink back, and Michael grows cold again. "Congrats or whatever. Horrendous fighting from all of you. So don't feel proud." Michael grins slightly, pulling out the Art of War. "Now scram!" They all run off. I chuckle. He turns to me. "What's so funny dear?" I giggle, "you. So adorably scary." He pouts. "I am not adorable!" I nod. "Of course not. You just abnormally cute." His face turns pink. I snap and watch the shadows retreat. "What's that for?" I throw my arms over his neck. "I wanted to see your beautiful face clearer." He chuckles. "Seriously? Where did you get this flirting thing from? None of your parents do that." I grin. "Of course not. I got it by looking at your handsome face." He blushes, but continues to stay confident. "Michael, sir?" We both look over. There stood Colin? "Yes Colin?" Michael replies, not moving. "Uh, who's this...?" I grin. "Names Ritchie. Michaels boyfriend and your brother." I smirk, and he hesitated before nodding. "Okay?" Michael hums. "Why are you still here Colin?" Colin jumps. "Oh yeah! Some snake lady named Kaykrae requested you." Michael groans. "Damned snake lady. Thanks Colin." I pull away from him. He smiles at me. "You still have to fly me over you know?" I roll my eyes and hook my arm around his waist, before jumping into the air. I then land on the docks. I retract my hand. He looks around then sees the snake lady. We walk over. She glances over at us, suddenly scared. "O-oh. Ritchie, your here too?" I grow cold. "I know that look in her eyes." I fake a grin. "Is that a problem? I can leave." She fidgets nerviously. "N-no. Of course not." Michael glances at me. "What did you need anyway?" She fidgets in place. "Oh right. Uh... Austin has gone missing." Michael and I both tense. "So your sending me to find him." She nods. "This is what your best at." He crosses his arms. "Yeah, yeah. I'll have him report to you within the hour." She nods. He turns to walk away. I smile at Kayla and walk off. I feel her tense. I catch up with him. "What was that about?" Michael asked. I grin. "She remembered. Somehow. She remembered the last time line. So we simply need her to think it was a dream." He nods, slipping an arm around my waist. "So where's Austin?" He grins. "Uh." He scans the area. "Over there." He points. We walk over and see him leaning on a tree, staring off. I walk up and throw an arm over his shoulder. "Ack!" He yelps. Michael walks up infront of him. "What's this? Why are you broading?" Michael smiles softly. Austin looks down. "Why are you two here?" I chuckle. "Cause we missed you. Now, what's wrong?" He sighs. "I don't know. I just feel out of place." I glance up at Michael. "I... I've been there before. But, we are to meet up with someone new tomorrow. Maybe she can help?" He hums. "Ill... take you up on that. Who is she?" I shush him. "That's for you to figure out tomorrow." He groans and tosses my arm off. "You suck!" I roll my eyes. "I mean, I like guys so probably?" Austin scoffs and lightly shoves me back. "Not like that!" I chuckle and push him back. "It's totally like that." He groans. Micheal chuckles. "You two are adorable." I pout. Austin blushes. I look back at Austin. "You feeling better now?" He smiles and nods. "Thanks guys. Sorry you had to see me that way." I grin. "Nah. If we don't deserve to see you at your worst, we don't deserve to see you at your best." He chuckles. Michael pats him on the shoulder. "He's right. We'll gladly see you at your worst, if it means we can see you at your best." Austin laughs again. "Thanks guys." I hum. "The snake lady also requested us get you To go on some mission." He tenses. "Oh. Okay." Michael grabs his hand and tugs him along. I walk happily next to them. "You're in a good mood darling." Michael points out. "I just happy." Austin glances back and forth. "You two are a thing?" I nod. "Yeah." Austin starts to bounce. "That's so cute! Mom and Dad are actually together!!" Michael chuckles.

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