Leo, your a goddamn idiot- OZ

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Leo's pov~
I was just reading through my notes, as per usual. "David!" I hear Lucas yelp. I glance down. David had woken up, and he was high and drunk at once. I sigh, looking back at my clipboard. "What are you doing up there?!" I look down. "Reading." I wave my notes. He looks down, taking an exaggerated breath. "How did you get up there?" I shrug. "I climbed?" I flip through my papers. "Where is the robot?" David blurts. Lucas turns to him. "I don't know. Why?" He snickers. "Because Ligma, we live with him." I scoff. "Don't remind me." I mumble. He looks up. "What are you doing up there moron?" I put away my clipboard. "Looking down on you. As usual." He huffs. "Normally I have to look down on you Shorty." Lucas groans. "Why do we keep him around?" I shrug. "I have too?" David grins. "Last time I checked, you keep me around because you like me." I roll my eyes. "Your the one that ran up to me and drowned me in a hug after I was gone for 5 days." Lucas crosses his arms. "It was 5 days!" I slide down, swinging on the branches to land in front of me. "You guys missed me more then I missed you." Lucas gives me a look. "You were gone for 5 days. You left me alone with him for 5 days." He hisses. I nod. "I was alone with him for a month and a half before we saved you." David hugs me. "It's fine. I know you love us." I groan. "David. Boundaries." He pulls back. "Sorry." He looks down. I blink. "This isn't his normal...?" Lucas sighs. "This is him with the pills and not alcohol." I glance over. "Affectionate?" He nods. I sigh. "Well, I'm going out." I reach up to pull on my mask, adjusting my hair. "Can I come with?" Lucas begs. I nod. "Sure. What about him?" Lucas turns to him, he was staring at the wall. He brings his hand up and presses his neck, David going limp. "That's... something." Together we move him to the couch. "That should last." I write a note, sitting it on the table. We then start walking.

"Where are we going?" Lucas questions. I hum, shushing him. "Quiet. And kinda just exploring? I don't have a destination in mind." Lucas sighs. "You know where we are?" I nod. "Relatively." He groans. "Better then nothing." I pause, looking around. "Follow me." I pull myself up a tree. Before crouching. "How do you do that so easily?" Lucas questions lowly, pulling himself up behind me. I look around. "Prepare yourself." He takes a deep breath. I jump onto another tree. He gasps, looking down before backing up. "Come on now. I can catch you." He meets my eyes before taking a breath. He runs around and jumps, I use one arm to grab his wrist, pulling him closer to me. "Now just a few more times." He yelps. I roll my eyes, leading him across until we reach a roof. "Just a minute." He sits down, gasping. I just watch him bored. "How did you just do that so calmly?" He looks up at me. I shrug. "I had a child hood." I keep it short. He pushes himself up. "Why did we do that anyway?"  I lead him over to the edge. Where not to far away there was a group fighting off Zombies. "Who are they?" He sits next to me. "Safe haven. I forget their names, but I know I've seen them around." He nods. "So why did we run?" I crouch. "Zombies mostly. I want to observe them to see what their doing before we rush in as well." He nods. "Smart. Smart." They kill off the Zombies before just talking. Were luckily close enough to hear them. "Behind you." One of them whispers loudly. "They look familiar..." He mumbles, glancing at us. "We've been spotted. What now?" Lucas whispers. I hum. "Stay low. Until they confront us, we stay back." He nods. We stay silent. "What do they want?" The other asked. I think that's the detective Zombie guy. "Do you know them?" The guy with a mask questions. "Yeah." He nods. "Why are they watching us?" The actor questions, I think his name is Xylo or something. "Why aren't we just calling them over?" The mask guy questions. "Can you two not spy on us?!" The detective calls. I push myself up. "Come on now Lucas." He looks down. "How do we get down?" I chuckle. "Come on now. Don't be such a wimp." I jump off, sliding down and catching myself on a ledge, I pause to observe my surroundings. I jump onto a pile of crates then make my way down. I look up. "Think you can do that?" He blinks. "I uh..." He slowly moves down, yelping as he catches himself. "To the crates now." He nods, jumping over. "Your actually crazy. You know that?" I nod. "I do." I lead him to the group. "Who are you?" Xylo eyes us. I sigh. "You've met me." He blinks. "I uh... think I would remember that." Lucas turns to me. "Oh! Leo, your mask." I reach up. "Oh, I forgot I put it on." I slide it off and put it onto my bag. Xylo gasps. "Oh! It's you. Quite a mask you have there." I nod. Lucas glances at me. I hum. "This is my friend. One of the 2 I was looking for when I first met you." He gasps. "You were looking for us. You do care!" I roll my eyes. "Introduce yourself Moron." He nods. "I'm Lucas...." I nod. He glances at the group. "Well, I'm Xylo. I'm an Actor." Lucas nods. "I know you. David and I are fans." Xylo eyes brighten. Ritchie steps forward. "I think you know me, but incase you forgot, I'm Ritchie Williams. The Detective." Lucas nods. The mask guy stays quiet. "This is Inmo." Xylo introduces him. I alter my stance. "I'm Leo." Lucas turns to me. "You think David will be upset we didn't use code names?" He whispers. I shrug. "They don't know that. And who says he has to know." I crack my knuckles. "Why were you watching us?" Ritchie questions. I lean to the side. "Wouldn't you like to know." Lucas lightly hits me on the shoulder. "Be nice to them." I groan. "We were just being cautious. You never know who to trust now a days." Lucas explains. I nod. Lucas glances at me. "How long have we been out?"  I hum. "Maybe and hour or two?" He groans. "David will be waking up soon. And I rather he didn't drink all the alcohol again. God forbid he gets his hands on medication." I nod. "We best be going then." Xylo glances between us. "This David fellow sounds unstable." I shrug. "He's just a alcoholic." Lucas looks up. "It'll be dark soon. Which way do we go?" I glance up at the sun. "This way." I point behind us. He nods. "Well, we'll be off now." He waves as I start walking. He jogs to catch up with me. I keep my eyes in front of me. "Leo...?" I glance at him. "What is it?" He's silent for a moment. "Never mind..." I sigh, pausing to turn to him. "What's bothering you?" He looks down. "O-oh. I uh was just thinking... And I got to wondering. I started to wonder why your so introverted, and closed off." He keeps his eyes downcast. "But it's silly. Just ignore me." I sigh. "David really has broken all of your self confidence." I rub my temples. "Lucas." He looks up upon the use of his real name. "I went through a lot when I was younger. I already was introverted, but I guess it just added to it? I'm not sure. I just know it's who I am." He nods. "That makes sense." I pat him on the shoulder. "Now, let's get going." I start walking. He walks next to me in silence. "And don't let David's comments tear you down. They're the front he hides behind. We are equals, I won't get upset because you asked a question. Unless it's at a bad time." We then fall into silence.

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