Slushie Boys!!- Part 2

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This will probably be long after the first one because I take forever on writing. I just, love these two. Anyway, Part 2 is here! I did a recap because Part 1 was forever ago.

If you end up liking this story it's an official book! Go check out Slushie boys, the book is under my profile! (It has more parts then what's in this book.)

"I'm serious Lucas. Why do you hold yourself back like this? The boy's obsessed with you. Everything he says ends up about you. You've gone through hell and back and you can't show him some measly scars? It shows what you survived through. What are you so scared of?" I look down at Plant. "The truth."

Lucas pov~
She gasps. "W-what?" I look up at her. "I'm scared of accepting the truth Galrin." Her form flickers. I stand up. Do I want to show him? I turn, looking in the mirror. So many scars covered. Surprised David never noticed. "Why are you looking at yourself in the mirror like that?" He questions, resting his hands on my hips. I look over my shoulder. "I... was thinking." He hums. "About what?" I stare at his reflection. "Remember that day you noticed I was injured? And I told you how Galrin injured me?" He nods slowly. "Yeah." I reach into my pocket. And hand him the wipe. "Go ahead. Wipe off the make up." His eyes widen. He drags the cold wipe down my back, gasping. I stare at the mirror. "Lucas." He looks up, meeting my eyes in the reflection. "She'd done it for years. Originally it was to build my pain resistance. Later she would take out her emotions on me when I wouldn't let her do it to others. And she would punish my when I told a major lie." He turns me to face him. "Lucas. What other scars are you hiding?" I carefully move from his grip and wipe down my back completely. I wipe off my upper arms and sigh. "Why did you avoid some spots?" He questions. I look down. "David." He nods. "If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to." I wipe off my wrists, revealing the thin scars covering my wrists. There's a whole mess of them. He gasps. I move to wipe off my sides, showing more of them. "Lucas." He mutters. I keep my eyes down. "I haven't done it in years. It's not a time in my life I'm very proud of." He lifts up my head. "There's more scars on my face, but I can't show those ones." He frowns. "Why?" I laugh. "You think I naturally look this good? Nah." He giggles. "Is bet you'd look just as pretty without it. But I won't force you, if you think your pretty." I nod. He runs his hands over my chest. "You went through so much... Holt shit." I laugh, adoring the way his eyes roamed my exposed chest. "You know, I love the way your looking at me right now." I remark. He looks up. "Hm, seems I'll have to do it more often then." I wrap my arms around his neck. "Please do." He continues to stare at me like I'm the only thing in the world. I carefully move so he's looking into my eyes. He blinks before I press our lips together. He melts, returning it. I pull away slowly. He pouts, but it turns to a smile. "Your amazing." I chuckle. "Thanks. Your amazing too." He keeps his eyes on my face. "How can someone be so damn hot?" I laugh. "I question that everytime I look at you." He flushes. "Why don't you ever blush?" He pouts. I peck him. "I do. It's mostly hidden by my makeup." He caresses my face. "Can... I see?" I sigh, looking down and wiping off my face. I look up, smiling softly at him. His eyes widen. "Holy shit your hot." He spits out immediately. I look away, red coating my face. "Your just saying that." He moves so I look at him. I stare into his eyes as his wonder. "I could stare at you for hours." He mutters. I chuckle. "Thanks. Your pretty good too." I run my hands along his waist. He leans into me. "Your so warm." I chuckle. "I would assume so. Your rather warm for being ice." He leans forward. I meet it. He connects our lips, slightly pushing me back. I lean on the wall behind me, slinging my arms around his neck. He takes control, licking at my lip. I go ahead and open my mouth for him to explore. We get lost in the sensation, when I pull away i pant for air. He does the same. I laugh lightly. "Maybe next time we should remember to breath." He laughs. I slip my eyes closed, leaning back. "Lucas?" He mumbles. I smile. "Just going over how crazy my life became when I met you." He laughs. "Likewise. I wouldn't change it for the world." I open my eyes, looking at the god in front of me. "Love you." I find myself muttering. "I love you too." He smiles, a blush covering our faces. "We're so cheesy." I laugh. He grins. "Only for you." He pulls me by the waist closer to him. I lean in. "Good job, your getting worse." He giggles. Before his eyes widen and he turns a deep red. I grin. "Did you just-" He cuts me off. "Shut!" I tilt my head. "That was adorable. Please do that more often." He turns. "That's not fair. You know I'll say yes because of how cute you are!" I pout. He turns away. "Fine. But only when others aren't around." I smile, wrapping my arms around him. "Thank you." I mumble. He nods, rubbing my back.

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