The sins?- Omegagaminglp

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okay, so this story is based on Omegagaminglp's seven deadly sins series, the recent one. this takes place about the 3 or 4th episode. it's an amazing series and I suggest you check it out. I'm using the same people but gayer.

Wraths pov~
I wake up behind the bar. I look over to see how close lust had gotten. again. I quickly move away, do not need to deal with that. seriously, you blow up one guy and this is what happens! I quickly check around, confirming everyone is still asleep. I mean, it's about 3 or 4 am. who else would be awake? I sigh and walk out side, then jump down to the ruined town. whoever did this, had to be close to us. not many people know about my OCD. I mean, the guys don't even know. Or maybe it was an accident. I stare down at the pattern in the ground that was truly annoying. I then look up at the night sky. it was clear today, no stars. I sigh and close my eyes, hightening my senses. *spoiler alert! this isn't something revealed yet in the timeline.* I mean, I am demon after all. I can feel the air around me. I can hear the grass sway in the wind. I can feel presences in the house we stayed in. I snap my eyes open as one of them awakens. I jump up and make it seem like I was just standing on the balcony. "why are you up so early?" I glance behind me, even if I know the voice. but then i return to the area infront of me. "I could ask you the same." I keep my voice quiet and calm. "I'm not sure why I woke up." i chuckle. "I get nightmares." he moves to stand next to me. "what are they about?" I look at him, "I think this is the longest you've gone with out flirting with me. good job Richie." he laughs. "I try. it's hard for the sin of lust you know." I laugh. "It's hard for all of us. we are sins after all" he sighs, "yeah. I know." we fall into silence. I could sense his fatigue. "you should go back to sleep" I comment. he sighs, "what about you?" I turn to him, "what about me?" he meets my gaze. "aren't you going to sleep?" I shake my head. "I've woken up now. I won't sleep for a while. I'm fine, I promise. just go to sleep." I lightly push him to the bar we had slept at. "if you insist Cap." I nod. he sat down and was out like a light. I glance at the moon. it's about 6 am. David will wake up soon. he's always up after me then Richie. then Brandon. I walk out the room and continue to look around, then I end up right back at the demon blood. I sit down and stare at it. "Identificazione" I mumble. i watch as a bunch of writing appears in my eyes.

"level 2 demon. blue orcs. physical strength. Blank mind." Is the things that point out the most. level 2 demon eh? blank mind so... their mind can't be read. Well then. I stand up. I walk back. by time I'm back David is awake, and Brandon is getting there. "hello Cap. where were you?" I turn to face him, "around." i then return to walking. Brandon was sitting casually, still half awake. Richie was out cold. I lean down and check his pulse. okay, so he's still asleep. I turn to the other two. "has normally awake by now. what's up with him?" I shake my head. "he was up late in the night. I'll deal with him. we have more to explore now. And to find who did this." it was painfully obvious. I knew exactly who did it but I can't reveal that. I walk over to Brandon and shake him. "you have to wake up now." I comment. he sighs and yawns before standing. I look around quickly. "their here" I mumble. "who? who's here?" i shake my head, "nothing David." I walk over and shake Richie awake. he groans. "wake up." I whisper. he groans again and his eyes flutter open. "come on, you can sleep later." I back up and he stands slowly. "what time is it?" I look out at the sun. "about 7 am." he nods. I gather everyone in the hallway. I turn to Brandon. "you awake right?" he nods.

and after that we start exploring again, we run into the two that started this mess. "greed. envy." I greet. the two turn. "if it isn't little Michael." I sigh. "please. can we just get this over with. your annoying" and soon enough they were out cold, and so was David. Brandon had fallen asleep. again. I turn to Richie. "that was a good hit. if you would have actually hit your target." I seeth. he sighs, "sorry Cap." I shake my head. "let's just train while we wait for these knuckle heads to wake up." he gets out his sword and I mirror it. he attacks me first, and I dodge with ease. "I suggest tilting the sword a little to the left." he follows and tries to hit again. he gets closer but I parry it. "you have to be faster than that" I push his sword down and jump at him again. this goes on for a while until we hear David start to wake up. I turn to him. I almost miss Richie's noise of... disappointment? I ignore it and start to talk to David.

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