Austin... -OoOs3

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Mitchie? Fucking classic ship guys, I'm back.
-"GoddessofWind8water" I have no idea if I spelled that right and I'm too lazy to check. They requested this.
-This'll be short but I actually have an idea so that's new.
-Can be taken platonically, or romantically, your choice.
-i do use the outfits above incase y'all can't remember.

Michaels pov-
I glance around casually, hidden within the shadows. A upgrade from my death I suppose. My eyes scan the wooden building before the stone arches. Wow Xylo did this place up. I walk though and pause. Statues. My eyes flicker over each one. Inmo is dead...? I'm dead. My eyes linger on mine momentarily before they catch another. I notice that panda hat anywhere. I step over. "Austin." I mutter, my entire form going cold. So if he's gone... And Ritchie is across the world... "Looky here. You really are all alone." That can't be... Austin can't be gone. "Michael?" A voice calls and my eyes flicker back. He looks different. Older. His skin is bare of the marks that previously laid there. But the scars still stay. A map of our victories. I look back at the stone. So he's still here too huh? "Did you know?" I finally question. He hums. "Xylo showed me around yesterday. That's when I found out he was dead." He pauses. "Im surprised they thought you were dead and not me." He chuckles. "Shoulda known you couldn't die." He steps closer. I hum. "No I did. I did die. But I'm back. Make the right connections and anything is possible." I lick my lips slowly, still staring into his stone cold eyes. "Xylo tell you how he died?" Ritchie lets out a soft hum, yet still a denial. "No. Xylo seemed heart broken at the mention." I exhale. "How'd you take Inmo's death?" He pauses. "There's a new camper. Cal. Who Xylo said I should talk to. That he would explain." He taps his leg. I get it now. He's still in shock. "Why haven't you looked a me Michael?" He finally questions. Damn I love when he says my name. I hum. "Because I don't think you'll like what you'll see." He chuckles. "Michael. It's you and me. Always has been. You sacrificed your life for me, admittedly a stupid idea but a thing you did. There is nothing I couldn't like about you. Your perfect in everyway." I chuckle. "You always called me too controlling, you would claim that I was incapable of taking a break once I was fixed on something." I laugh, and he chuckles back. "I know. And it was true. But it was you. And I wouldn't trade you for anything this world has to offer." I pause, glancing back at him again. "Promise not to scream?" He blinks. "Of course not. I would never." I spin on my foot, revealing the black skin and the large white colored grin on half my face. He pauses. "What... Happened?" I sigh. "I met him, when I died. He offered me life. In return for his own goals. He's kinda like an annoying voice in the back of my head. Sometimes I can, make it go away. But that's when I'm relaxed. And I haven't exactly had a change to relax since this happened." I glance down at myself before looking at him. "I woke up in a cell." I cross my arms. He laughs. "Why were you in a cell?" I shrug. "You remember that old spell we used to cast?" I question. He hums. "Gotta be more specific there." I hum. "The one we used to get on Kayla's good side because we always knew everything that had happened recently." He blinks. "Uh, yeah. It was helpful when we had to go to the underworld for a while." I nod, suppressing a shiver at the thought. "We should do that again." He chuckles. "I understand now." He eyes me. "Surprised you ditched the armour." I glance down. "Uh, yeah. Since I kinda just planned on sitting on that throne until I starved, I saw no reason not to take it off. Honestly I'm really bored of fighting. I'll probably start to wear some similar clothes when I get a chance to change." He smiles. "Okay." He glances over my shoulder. "We uh... We should go." I look back at his statue once more before nodding. "Yeah okay."

Ritchie chuckles. "Just ask Xylo how he died." I cross my arms, sighing. "Austin was practically your son Ritchie. I know you better then that, and I know that your in pain." He glances at the statue. "Uh, yeah. Yeah I am. But it's okay." He smiles at me. "I kinda cried over you and him years ago. And now that your here I'm kinda focusing on you and trying to forget about him." He shrugs. "He deserves to rest in peace you know?" I chuckle. We hear footsteps and I take in a deep breath to calm down instantly. "Xylo." Ritchie smiles. He chuckles. "Hey Ritchie. Still mourning huh?" He nods. Xylo glances at the back fo my head. "Who's your friend?" I hum, chuckling. I turn to him. "Surprised you didn't reconguise me Good old son of Apollo." I mock. He sighs. "Really?" I shrug. He pauses. "What Michael? I thought you were dead." He points to my statue. I nod. "I was." Xylo looks at Ritchie. "That's the second person who's statue I'm going to have to remove. And id been told there's a third. What the heck guys?" I grin. "I'm the god of War and Wisdom. You really didn't think I'd find a way back?" Ritchie chuckles. "The duo is back Xylo, and now that Kayal is gone were your problem." His eyes widen. "No." We nod. I pause. "Xylo, be honest with me." He smiles softly. "What's up?" I glance back. "What happened to him?" Xylo pauses. "Hades." I scowl instantly at the name of my uncle. He sighs. "After trapping me in the underworld for a year, he forced me into the arena. Not a fun place. In order for me to leave, I had to win my last battle. Against Austin." He looks at the statue. I look down the instant his name is said. "I wasn't alone. There was a minotaur, whos only dream was to run in the flower fields. And Ricarro, who's kinda like a son now. He accidentally fell into the underworld. But uh. Austin, was still mad at me. Over Bri. Over Leaving. Over lying to him. He took the first hit. And I had no choice." He covers his mouth as his eyes water. Ritchie hums lowly. "That's a reacurring theme here." Xylo looks at Ritchie. "That people are killed by an unwilling participant." He remarks lowly. Xylo's eyes widen as he glances at Inmo's statue. "What about Colin?" I question softly. He looks at me. "Who?" I glare. "Ritchie's brother idiot." His eyes widen. "Him and Seeks home were attacked ages ago. Seek was taken captive by Brandeen. Who held him in a crystal, powering his spirits. But I've never seen Colin." Ritchie glares at the ground. I stare Xylo dead in the eyes. "How many people has this camp killed?" His eyes widen. I hum. "Ritchie and I were here for our entire lives Xylo. And one person. One person died in the cave. And I promised myself that I wouldn't suffer the same fate. And I did. I got the conquences of my actions." I glance around. "We left 7 years ago Xylo. How many people have died since we left? How many more." I gesture at the statues around me, desperately pushing back the anger crawling forward. Xylo frowns. "I've tried, so hard." I look at Ritchie. He glances up at me with teary eyes. Before taking my hand. We step away from Xylo, onto the path. He gives us a weird glance but Ritchie and I keep muttering in Greek. There's a brief flash and I stumble. "Michael." Ritchie rushes to catch me. I hum. "Sorry, been a while since I was able to use magic." He chuckles. I glance at Xylo. "I think it's time, we do something about this place."

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