Gods - Fto

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So a lot of my characters are usually cryptid like cause I like the mystery it, but I did actually go a bit heavy with it here.

Lucas pov-

I poke my tongue out my lips carefully, squinting at my work. I tug on the chunk of seaweed, and jump back as water sprays up. Ha ha! The fountain is online! Let's go! I toss the seaweed to the side, rolling my shoulders. "Hey Boat." A voice calls. I turn. White hair, cape... "Brandon!" I grin. "My favorite Diablos!" I cheer. He smiles softly. He has some people with him, which is odd. "I'm the only Diablos you know." He reminds. I roll my eyes. "Take a compliment Brandon." I scold. He winces. "What brings you to my humble abode." I question, as if we weren't standing in the middle of town. "I need your help." He states. I tilt my head. He sighs. "It's a memory mage. He has a special talent for Lacrama and wants the counsel dead." He states. The shirtless guy next to him speaks up. "Brandon seems to think you can defeat this guy, so it's kinda all resting on you." He deadpans. I blink. "Your asking me to fight an extremely deadly mage with no known weaknesses?" I question slowly. Brandon pauses, and nods slowly. The other two share a look. I grin. "Oh why didn't you just say so?!" I chirp. Brandon relaxes instantly. "That was easy." The girl mutters. I chuckle. "Come, come, I need to grab some stuff from my place." I gesture them along.

I leave them in my living room as I rummage through my bedroom. "This place seems emptier than before." Brandon points out. I check my inventory before walking out. "Oh yeah I got robbed." I toss out, resting my hands in my pockets. Brandon falters. "Someone robbed you?" He repeats. I chuckle. "Crazy right? They were desperate and I felt bad so I let them. You still crashing in Alantide?" I question, walking out. They follow quickly. "Yeah. We came by boat." He offers. I nod, following him over to it. "So are we gonna get to know who this guy is?" The girl questions. Brandon winces. "Right. Boat, this is David my S class Ice mage and Kit my A class fire mage." He introduces. David huffs. "I am a demon slayer I'll have you know!" He snaps. Brandon rolls his eyes. I blink. "Are you also a slayer?" I look at Kit. She falters. "Pardon?" She questions. I tilt my head and shrug. "Your not an ordinary fire mage." I explain. She winces. "I'm a Phoenix slayer. In training." She offers lightly. I nod. "That's awesome." I chuckle. She smiles. David nods. "Your turn." He reminds, squinting at me. Brandon walks off, pulling up the anchor. I hum lowly. "I'm Lucas. People usually call me Boat." I introduce, bowing my head lightly. Kit giggles. "And your a mage?" David questions. I grin. "I'm many things." I chirp, and walk off to the sails. Brandon signals me and I drop it easily. I head up to the front of the boat, looking out at the water. The others seem content to let me be for the rest of the trip.

I rest my hands in my pockets, following Brandon. You know, he told me about his island being destroyed and all but I think they did pretty good with all this. Major props. Buildings like this would take me weeks to put together. Brandon leads me into the main building, where everyone else seems to be. There's yelling as a grey haired dude seems to be preparing himself to jump. Jump where, no idea. "I see y'all had fun." Brandon points out. The bluenette groans. "Who are you? Intruder!" The dude on the table slurs at me. "He's not an intruder." Brandon sighs. David and Kit take their seats. I grin casually. Brandon was right, chaos. Brandon sighs. "Inmo sit." He demands. Inmo follows quickly. "Care to introduce?" The bluenette offers. That's probably Ritchie then. Brandon nods. "Everyone, this is Boat. Or Lucas." He glances at me. I shrug. "Either is fine." I confirm. He nods. Ritchie blinks. "And your our key to taking down Abraham?" He eyes me. I quirk up an eyebrow dully. "No offense, but we sorta fought him with the entire guild and he still won." The brunette offers. Wait, I know that outfit. I blink. "Eden? Or... it's Devin now right?" I question. He winces. "Devin. But..." His eye flashes blue. "It's lovely to see you again Lucas." Eden offers. I grin. "Oh that's freaky. Hey man." I greet. He nods. "Should we trust someone who's friendly with Eden?" The other lightning mage, Blake if I remember correctly, asks. Ritchie shrugs. "Brandon trusts him, so I will too." He confirms. Brandon nods. "Trust me. Boat can handle Abraham." He confirms. I grin. "I haven't had a good fight in a while. This'll be fun." I stretch. Brandon rolls his eyes. "Chill out. We don't know where Abraham is, so you'll be sticking around for a while." He points out. I nod. "Yes sir." I salute lazily. He glares at me. I scan the room again. Oh I can't wait.

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