Slushie boys- Part 4

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Welcome back! One request is all it takes for me to start another chapter, because I'm obsessed. I mean, Blake and Lucas are adorable but I'm not done yet. This is the honey moon and a bit more insight on Lucas' past. (And an explanation of their powers at the end.)

If you end up liking this story it's an official book! Go check out Slushie boys, the book is under my profile! (It has more parts then what's in this book.)

"Anything is fine. I just can't believe I already have such a family." I move one hand from him to pick up Plant. "Plant." They smile. "I love you so Much, Luke." He grins. "And you too Plant. I love you just as much." I laugh. "I love you too David. And I adore you Plant. I don't know what I would do without you two." David pulls me close, whispering against my lips. "Good thing you don't have to find out." Before connecting them.

Lucas pov~
I lean back, hand subconsciously fiddling with my rings. I still can't believe it, I'm married to David. When did life get so crazy? I stare at the water around me, images flashing past my eyes. When my life went so downhill I never thought it would get better again. But here I am. I smile, sure I may have not left all of my criminal tendencies behind, but I'm a much better person now. "Your still getting to comfortable around them. They could snap at any moment, and hurt you and David." I shake my head. "They wouldn't hurt us. Do I need to shut you up again?" She tenses. "No... please don't do that." I nod. "I won't. Not unless I need too." She doesn't like being back in the room, the others don't like her. Simply because her brash personality. I sigh. I should go make sure they don't snap.

I walk in to yelling. Jesus their loud. Brandon and Blake were off to the side, like quiet people. Everyone else was pretty much doing their own things. I walk over, dropping next to the two. "What did I miss?" Brandon sighs. "People accidently gathering. You smell like fish." I sniff my shirt. "Damn it, I wasn't even in the ocean that long." Blake gasps. "What does it look like under water?" I laugh. "It's very pretty. You want me to stop them?" I question Brandon. He shrugs. I hum. "Well, I don't mind it really." Brandon glances at me with a smirk. "Say, I remember you telling Ritchie you would wear a skirt." I flush. "Yeah. I would." He grins. "I want to see it." I stand. "Your lucky." I step around the bar. Once my frames hidden it glows. I sigh. I stand, stepping out. Brandon and Blake start clapping. I roll my eyes with a smile. "How did you change so quickly?" Blake questions. "Magic." I deadpan. "Don't know what you expected there." Brandon laughs. A pair of arms wrap around me. "You look amazing." David whispers. "Thanks. It's just a skirt, don't know why it's such a big deal." I laugh. "I litterly wear make up everyday." He shrugs. "It's a way of expression." I hum. "Your fight with Inmo over?" He nods. "He walked away." I glance back at the two. "Anything else you want me to do?" Blake laughs. "Twirl." I step out of David's arms. I take a quick spin, the skirt flaring up. "Majestic." Brandon laughs. I join. "Thanks. I'm a ballerina." I grin. Brandon hums. "I wouldn't be surprised if you were." I laugh. Blake hums. "What are you going to do for your honeymoon?" I glance at David. "We haven't really spoke about it yet." He shrugs. "Anyway, changing the subject. Round one of the gmg coming up soon." I nod. "Who all's in the first round?" Brandon questions. "I am." Blake remarks. "I am too." I smirk. "Who do you think you'll fight?" David questions. "Well, I have blue. And someone in the protectors also has blue but it was in marked. All I know is it's in the protectors and it's not the cat or Mania." They nod. "Who do you want to fight?" I lick my teeth. "It'd be to have my hands on Bryan again for a rematch." I grin. "You are terrifyingly excited for this." Brandon laughs. David smiles fondly at me. "I always love a good fight. If it wasn't my need for a fight I wouldn't have even been in this guild." His arms wrap around me again. "I'm glad you did." I smile, rolling my eyes. I hear footsteps and glance over. Guest. "Oo~ Guests." Brandon groans. "Can you deal with them? I don't want to stand." I laugh. "Go ahead." David allows me to walk away. I head past the chaos, greeting the new commers. They jump, turning to me. Grimshade. "Don't worry, I mean no harm. Welcome to Divinus Magia. How can I help you today?" Marsh speaks up. "We were told to speak with your guild leader. A Ritchie?" I glance over. "He'll be right with you." I smile, turning. I walk up, nudging Ritchie, breaking his conversation with Devin. "What's up?" I hum. "Grimshade. Looking for you." He nods. We walk over. "You called?" Marsh nudges the figure beside her, who is that? "Yeah. A uh, what's his name, Spirit! Asked for you." They stumble. Ritchie grins. "Ah. Spirit. Okay." He glances at me. "Who's spirit?" He mouths. I smile. "Michael." I mouth back. He nods. "Right." I walk off, leaving them to it. I jump up, weaving around the plates on the table. "Your an idiot." David calls. I grin. "I know!" I reach up, pulling myself into the rafters in a quick movement. I push down the skirt, in a quick glow I return to normal. I slide down, swinging off the table. "Hey David?" He turns. "What's up?" I hum. "Let's go do something." He shrugs. "Alrighty then." Brandon stands. "Actually. I have something for you guys." We blink. He leads us to his office. "This is a special mission, no ones been able to complete it." He holds it out to me. I take it, opening it. I give it a bored look. "Sorry, that's a no." David looks over my shoulder. "Why?"He questions. "Because Brandon, it's simple. They avoid us." He stands. "Huh?" I close the mission. "They avoid Divinus Magia. Haven't you noticed. They confront people. But once we step into line, they're gone. No trace. There's nothing we can do if they avoid us." He sits it down. "Why would they avoid us?" David shrugs. "Maybe they think we'll convince them to reform or something. They're masters at hiding, they're only found when they want to be found. And they don't want to be found by us." Brandon runs a hand through his hair. "Anything else you know?" I glance at him. "Devils tongue hates them." His eyes widen. "Huh?" I click my tongue. "Devils tongue hates them. Hates their lack of order and everything." David nods. "Yeah. Then again, everyone hates them." I nod. David hums. "Anyway, we'll be on our way now." Brandon nods slowly.

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