Update- A/N

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As of today (yesterday?) Slushie boys- the book- has officially been released. We've done it boys! Big plays, big plays. Some more Fto stuff on the way.

But uh, I have more. I just wanna kinda explain something to give context for the next few weeks. I know I kinda gave quite a bit of spam short stories. Filler stories of course. Now that Fto is coming to a close, my stories will too. But there's the catch. I've uh, kinda been going through a rough patch recently? I won't go into detail, it's mostly school stuff. But yeah, that's been happening. So I've been struggling to write a lot of things. A lot of stories have been deleted too, I just... don't know how to continue them? And I'm sure many more will follow. But yeah. Just, don't be surprised if the next stories are short and few inbetween. And... kinda angst? Nothing to bad tho-

Either way, uh, yeah. With the arrival of Mho, many more things are to come. I already have a few ideas, but yeah! Excited for that and what path that'll take. (Shinos already my favorite but no surprises there.) I guess I'll leave this here, with just as much anxiety as always-


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