Lychee Part 2

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Wish I could have actually gave y'all a cliffhanger but nah, my phone didn't allow me.

Lychees pov~
He snickers. "Think to yourself? Can't you do that all the time?" I blink. "You should know better Jyles. I won't explain anything to you." He crosses his arms. "This is why I don't talk to you." I snicker. "Because I have a bad aura? I know you can sense it." I leans back. "I've heard some bad things about you." I grin. "Let me guess. Drannus?" He shivers. "So you know." I nod. "Of course I do. He doesn't conceal his aura." He moves back slightly. "I should go." He flies off. Hm... weird. I mean, who would want to talk with me anyway? I'm just a weird guy with a weird aura. Why didn't I just die? Why did I become a damn demon? Now I can't freaking die easily. Fucking hell. I look down. I stare into the depths of the water. How I wish I could just jump in. Drifting further down, breathing the harsh water in. Feeling the pain sting my throat as I slowly start suffocating. I'd let my eyes slip closed as slowly the darkness will overtake my vision. And with that, darkness would overtake my mind.

I tug my hand to my mouth. I move my vision to the pier, eyes wide. Did I just...? It seems to be becoming a habit of mine, feeling my self falling into the depths of my mind, imagining myself dying in various ways. Since when did I know so much about death? I make my way up, stumbling. I walk back to my cabin, unnoticed. I open the trap door, closing it above me. I climb down, past my bathroom, and into another room.  I drop to the floor, looking around. I walk over, before collapsing in a mattress. It's a rather bland room. No body knows it's here. The walls are painted a light blue and the floors are carpeted. I have a mattress in the corner, with sheets on it and a simple pillow and blanket. There's a charger for my phone and that's it. I tug out my phone, looking through it. Boring. I sigh, clicking on YouTube. I binge through a series I've been watching, laying lazily on the bed.

Beach party. I'm surprised I was invited. I sat in his house, my jacket pulled back on. I rather like the jacket actually. It's cold in here, but I don't like being so exposed. "What are you doing in here?" I turn at the voice. Dolas. "I thought you were with Mania." He nods. "I was. I needed a break. Being like him is exhausting." I eye him. "Davis woke up." His eyes widen. "How did you-" I crack a smile. "Dolas, don't question me." He nods, sitting next to me. "He's really an idiot. I'm surprised he survived this long." I shrug. "He did die, but Cal reversed the timeline and saved him." He nods. I comb a hand through my hair. "Nice swimtrucks." He laughs. "Nice dragon. And pretty good abs." I roll my eyes. "Yeah, I work out. You'll have to as well if you plan on keeping that figure. Not to mention The diet he's on." Dolas groans. "This boy is a lot." I shrug. "Yep." I eat some gum. "What are you even doing in here away from everyone?" I grin. "Avoiding people, obviously. And just relaxing obviously." He picks me up. "Nope! Your socialising!" He puts on the fake voice. "Davis!" I manage to tug off my shirt before I'm dropped in the water. "You bitch!" I surface. He laughs. "Get over it!" I push myself up and jump at him. He falls to the sand as I pin him. "How dare you!" He laughs. I stand up, picking up my jacket. I notice several people looking our way but I ignore it. I dust off my jacket. I reach up and punch him once he gets up. "I swear to god!" He laughs. I roll my eyes, tossing it on the couch by the fire. "You've got to socialize and do things Lychee." I squint at him and he dashes. I follow behind. He hides behind Xylo and Mania. Seperated. "Help!" Mania laughs. "Weren't you just chasing Xylo?" Xylo nods. Davis yelps. "Middle bro is much scarier then Xy-Dad!" I cross my arms. "Got that right." He peaks out. I squint. He yelps. "Come on, a death would be really annoying to clean up." Xylo groans. Mania yelps. "I want my boyfriend alive!" I roll my eyes. "I'm not going to kill him. I just planned on socking him in the face." Xylo grins. "In that case." He and Mania hold Davis forward. I grin, swiftly punching him in his face. His head goes to the side. "Ow! How are you so strong?!" I cross my arms, a triumphant smile on my face. "Yeah... He hits hard." Xylo cracks a nervous smile. Mania looks at him. "How do you know that?" He laughs nervously. "Uh, various trails and sparring matches." I hum. "Ima go swimming. Anyone wanna join?" Mania smiles. "Sure!" Davis groans. "I'm going to get ice." I roll my eyes. "Whatever, I didn't even hit you that hard." He yelps. Xylo laughs. "The wings make it hard to swim, so ima pass." I nod. Ricarro runs up. "You guys are going to swim?!" Momiji not far behind him. We nod. He turns. "Will you join?" She smiles softly. "Oh, sure! If you want to?" He nods quickly. I grin, turning and jumping onto the edge of the boat course. "I don't think that's a good idea!" Xylo yelps. It wavers, as it was only ment for flotation, but I keep my balence. "Who cares!" I laugh. I step back, falling into the water. The others follow. "It's safe out here right?" Mania questions. I chuckle. "It's highly unlikely anything bad could reach up in the shallows. Besides, if it wasn't safe it wouldn't be an accessible beach." She nods slowly. "What happened to your floaty?" Momiji asked. I shrug. "I was inside so I took it off. Luckily I got my jacket off before Davis soaked it." I lean back, floating peacefully. Ricarro crosses his arms on my chest, leaning on me. "Your Mucsles are really sharp." He states. I laugh. "Thanks." Mania giggles. "How are you floating?" I glance at her. "Good center of balance. Plus little bro is keeping himself up." He giggles. I move quickly falling underwater and picking up Ricarro. I swim up. He laughs loudly. A lot of attention is drawn to us. "Your really strong." Momiji laughs. I shrug. Ricarro holds his arms up. "This is so cool!" I glance up. "Close your mouth Ricarro." He nods, doing so. I toss him off my shoulders. He swims up. "That was fun!" We laugh. I drop under water, swiming off. "Lychee?" I hear a call. I pop up, noticing I'm rather far. "Yeah?" They look at me. I notice a few other people in the water. "Why are you so far away?" I crack a grin. "Because!" I swim down. Somehow able to see rather well in the salt water. Probably the demon side of me. I search for something on the ground as fish swim by. I find what I'm looking for. On the way up i hear a converstation. "He can breath for extended amounts of time, I wouldn't worry." Sounds like Cal. "What can't he do?!" Nad. I pop my head up. They look at me. I notice Nad was in the water and Cal was sitting at the waters edge. Xylo was with him. Nero was flying above. "Did I scare you?" Ricarro gasps. "What can't you do?!" I shrug. "Many things. Why?" Momiji clears her throat. "What were you doing?" I crack a grin. "I was getting something special from the deeper ocean, for someone I know." They all coe at me. I roll my eyes. "Since when have you given gifts to people? Seems rather nice of you." Xylo taunts. I splash him. "Shut up! They're special." They all make the same noise. "My god. You guys are insufferable." I swim to the beach. "Yo bartender. Could I get a drink?" Cal rolls his eyes. "Don't you have your grape juice?" I blink. "Oh yeah!" I search my pockets, pulling out the bottle. "What else do you have in your pockets?" Nad questions. I hum. "Wouldn't you like to know?" I pull out my phone. "What?!" Pretty much everyone exclaims. I snicker. "It's water proof. You guys really aren't caught up with modern technology." I scroll through the several texts Brandeen and Daveed sent over the course of this trip. I lean back, sending a quick text back. Before pocketing my phone. "Is mine waterproof?" Cal questions. I shrug. "Hand it over." He does so. I tug off the case and open the back. "Yep." I fix it before just opening his phone. Seems like everything's the same. "Lychee!" Cal blushes, grabbing for his phone. I glance at him, smirking. I toss it back. "Here you are." I jump back in the water. I swim past their feet, until I'm in the deep end again. I could see a lot of fish and shadows of other things. I tug out my phone again, sending a quick text. He takes a moment before replying. "Occupied, talk later, Cabin." I leave it on read before swimming up. I pant for air. I was under for a while there. How stupid of me. I swim back, notice the group dispersed. I pick up my jacket and walk into the cabana. I think I'm sharing but I don't care all that much. They have their locker, I have mine. I leave the jacket in there and dry myself off with the towel. I ruffle my hair, muttering a spell to dry it. I replace the jacket with my towel, shutting the locker. I tug on my jacket and walk out. I sit by the fire and remain undisturbed for a while.

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