Don't forget- The Squad

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moose pov~
I draw as the teacher teaches, it's the last class. soon the bell rings, i sigh. every one but one person leaves, Nathaniel. he kinda just ignores me most of the time. he walks up to me,
"To the kid in the corner"
he says. i growl,
"Trapped in the shadows of doubt" I look down, a shadow covering my eyes.
"Passing time till it's over
Just hoping one day you'll be found"
he says, i sigh. i will never be found.

"Tell me who threw your chance away?
Did they even know your name?"
he asked, i shake my head.
"If you live in the echo
Your heart never beats as loud"
I sigh.

"You're not invisible
You're not alone
You're worth more than they know
But you've been running, running, running
When you should have known
You're not forgettable
he holds my hand, i yank it from his grip. he sighs, we go home.

-next day-

I go to school, i find Nathan crying.

"I see the fear of rejection inside your eyes"
I say. he looks up.
"Whisper of truth, lost in the choir of lies
I know it's more than you can bare
It may seem like no one cares"
I pull him up from his sitting position.
"When your world is the darkest
Remember the sun will rise"
I say, pointing to the sun.

"You're not invisible
You're not alone
You're worth more than they know
But you've been running, running, running
When you should have known
You're not forgettable

I say, he smiles.

"You're not forgettable
You're not replaceable
But you're perfectly you
You're not invisible
You're not erasable, no"

we sing together.

"You're not alone
You're worth more than they know
But you've been running, running, running
But you've been running, running, running
You're not forgettable

as we Finnish the last line I pull him into a kiss.

I know, it's short but i like it. it's not like any body reads these. peace✌

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