Hurts- OoOs3

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Uh... Yeah I don't.... I have so many idea but I dunno how to make them longer stories- where did my talent go? Fuck.
- This'll probably be short. Oh well.
- I just got home from my first day of school so uh... Big tired. Maybe if my English gets really bad I'll come back and edit it? I dunno. I hate editing things.
- I'm actually starting my OoOs3 stories with this- I'm so sorry

Riggy's pov-
I sit calmly, looking out at the water. I love boats. It just really clicks with me I guess. I remember the events from earlier. Why was I so worried? I thought I had gotten better about this. Oh well. "You've been out here a while." Kaya remarks, sitting next to me. I keep staring. "Riggy?" She questions. I fake a snore. She shoves me and I tumble into the water. "Riggy?" She calls and I see the other two walk up. "What happened?" Reverie remarks. "Riggy fell in." I teleport up, dripping with water. "Awe you missed me?" I question with a chirp. God my accent is annoying. "What happened?" Kara huffs. I chuckle. "I was sleeping!" She blinks. "With your eyes open?" I nod. "Mhm!" Teris laughs. "I do that!" Reverie rolls her eyes and walks off. I return to the front, letting the water drip off me. Sure I could dry myself off, but what's the point?  I am a son of Loki, one of the most powerful Norse gods. Joey never quite grasped the full potential. No one did. I shake off the thoughts. "Shouldn't you be steering the boat?" Reverie questions. I glance at her. "You do realize I have magic right? I don't need to always be watching it." I shrug. "Besides, I'm on the look out for islands! And sea monsters!" She sighs. "How much longer is this trip?" I shrug, letting my mask drop slightly. "Ah well, I can't predict nature. But I say maybe a day or two at least, unless you want to stop somewhere along the way?" I prompt. She blinks. "Oh." She glances down at me. "I wasn't expecting you to know." I laugh loudly. "I'm Norse! We live to Sail!" I jump up. She rolls her eyes. "Should have seen that coming. Doesn't Loki hate the sea?" I glance at her. "Lokison isn't one to like things that he can't control. Like nature. So the sailing is just a battle he can't win, and he doesn't care." I shrug. "Loki doesn't care for his Norse roots anyhow, to messy for him." I look back at the horizon. "So you really are different from him." She laughs. I nod. "Joey will be more like him than Ill ever be." She falls silent and I hum sea shanties under my breath, keeping my eyes out. "Riggy!" Kyre yells and I turn. I find Reverie still watching the horizon and Teris in a sea monsters tentacle. "What do we do?" She looks at me. I rush over, stopping the boat. "Teris!" I call. He turns. "Turn really big." I call. He frowns. "What?" I nod. "Do it!" I glance at Kyra. "Go tell Reverie to hold on." She blinks but nods. I look at Teris who grows really large and the tentacle unwraps from around him. "Teris, you gotta go small again!" I call as he falls. He does so, falling on to the boat. I let the energy fester in my hand and the boat speeds forward, away from it. I change the course slightly, and once it's gone I slow down and check Teris. When the others walk back out I bounce on my feet laughing. "That's how you slay the great tentacle beast!" Reverie looks at me. "You didn't even do anything?" Kyra hums. "What was with the speed boost anyway?" I shrug. "I wanted to scedaddle, and the boat listened!" I chuckle. "Teris!" Kyra rushes him. Reverie sighs. "He's probably just tired from over use of his powers." I laugh. "You two have fun! I must go make sure we are set for our course." They blink as I walk off. Once out of sight I relax. That was the better of the options. They can't know the truth. I glance behind me. Their rejection would hurt more than it already does.

I bounce back and fourth, swaying the boat as I sing. "Will you shut up?!" Reverie snaps. I laugh. "But the shanties-" she glares. "I don't care about your stupid songs." I laugh, spinning the wheel and pressing my dagger to the wood and stopping it. She stumbles as we go backwards. I lean on the wheel. "And I don't care about your need to get home." She glances up at me. I merely smile. She glares. "You will get us home." I chuckle. "Not until you apologize~" She huffs. "What are you talking about?" I shrug. "You called the ancient sea shanties shanties boring, I was you to say sorry." I challenge, leaning on my hand. She glances behind me. "Riggy! Rock!" I hear Kyra yell. I glance up, finding a maze of rocks. I rip out the dagger and spin the wheel, maneuvering through them with ease. Reverie glances at me. "How'd you do that?" I hum. "Years and years of work." I look back at her with a smile. "You still haven't apologized yet!" She glares. "I will throw you off the edge." I shrug. "No need." I jump off the edge, catching a rope on the side and dangling. Her eyes widen. "Riggy!" She huffs. "Kyra! Can you steer the boat?" She calls. Kyra walks over. "Probably." She shrugs. "But I don't know what way to go, Riggy never taught me." Reverie sighs. "Well Riggy, jumped off the boat." I knew it. They just want me for my skills. I pull myself up. "Awe, you worried about me?" I play. She sighs. "Just get us home." She rubs her temples. I quirk up an eyebrow. She groans heavily. "I'm sorry for insulting your songs." I shrug. "Good enough!" I spin the wheel and they stumble as I pull us back on course, setting the wheel. "Can you stop that?" Kyra looks at me. I shrug. "I could... But I don't want to." I skip off, looking at the sunset.

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