Welp- Fto

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Man, I can't wait for the day where I can finish a story instead of creating 5 more ideas. Forgive me if I cross stories and this ends up having a completely inconsistent story line.

Lucas pov~
I sway lightly in the wind. Brandon might be training. I like the wind. It's cold too. I like it. The pink leaves fall around me. It might be a storm or just a windy day. Or maybe it's Brandon. Either works. I could hear footsteps. "I told you Plant, the tree looks extra pretty in the wind." David remarks. "Papa!" I open my eyes as he comes up to me. "Hello Plant." I smile. "Why are in the tree?" David calls. I hum. "No body bothers me. And I was careful not to disrespect it." Plant pulls him up. "Do you know why it's so windy?" He questions. I shrug. "Brandon could be training. Or maybe it's just weather, we do live on an island." He sits next to me. "It is nice up here." I laugh. "Makes me want to feel the air." He shrugs off his jacket. I roll my eyes, smiling. "I'll let you have it for now." He grins. "Good." Plant stands, holding out his arms. Wind brushing past them. Hair flowing epically. I smile. "You look fantastic Plant." I remark. "You watch Plant." David stands. I nod. Plant and I sit and feel the wind. I hum. "Stay right there Plant." He nods. I slide down, looking up. Might be a storm brewing. I return up to Plant. They smile at me. "Plant!" They chirp. I chuckle. "Seems a storm brewing." They sway in the wind, tumbling down. They attempt a vine and miss so I catch them Just before they hit the ground. I float them up, and steady him. "Careful sweetheart." They turn. "Plant Float?" I laugh. "Yes, I can make you float." They turn to me with mystified eyes. "Plant!" David calls. Plant looks down. "Come here." David holds out his arms, and Plant jumps down. I follow. "The storms forming, let's get you inside." I laugh. "Is it an actual storm?" He nods. "Yeah. Came in from the ocean." I nod. "You guys go have fun." He waves. "I think Brandon and Ritchie are trying to get everyone inside too, just because it should be pretty bad?" I tilt my head. "Can't I just, send it back to the water? If not me maybe the duo literally known for storms?" He shrugs. "Just trying to save my child." He walks off. "If you need a house with a door just use mine." I call. He flips me off. I laugh, and lean on the tree.

The rain had started now. I hear footsteps. "Lucas. I knew you would still be out." I turn, seeing the familiar white haired guild leader, drenched in water. Hot... I laugh. "Why didn't you make some kind of barrier?" He shrugs. "I don't mind the rain." I step over. "I like the rain. Why aren't you inside?" He hums. "Just making sure everyone's inside. This is supposed to be a bad one." I blink. "I could lesson it? Or you and your brother could be rid of it. Your known for your storms." He shrugs. "I like it. Just want to make sure the others are out." I sigh, seeing his pink cheeks. "Come on." I lead him inside, the water dripping off him. I close my eyes, using the rain to sense the island. "Everyone's inside." He blinks. "How?" I chuckle. "I can feel the water like you can feel the air." He nods. I pull the water from him and toss it outside. "Let's get you into something warm." I gesture to his exposed chest. He frowns. "I'm okay." I bring him to his room. "Your face is pink. I'm preventing the cold before it happens." He frowns. "Just let me do this, it'll be easier." He sighs, sitting on the bed. I toss him a hoodie. "Wear it." He tugs off his poncho and tugs it on. "What about you?" He frowns. I glance at him. "Oh. David froze me a lot. I'm used to the cold. Our house was also very cold. David doesn't like heat and doesn't know how cold is too cold." He frowns. "Your really close to David aren't you?" I nod. "Yeah. We're like Brothers." I move to sit on the window sill. He blinks. "Lucas?" I glance over. "Hm? Oh, I'm bored. You have a better view of the storm from here. And David might be at my house with Plant and I really don't want to deal with that." I smile, looking back out the window. He laughs, pulling up a chair to sit next to me. I push open the window, using my magic so the rain doesn't come in. "You have really good control of your magic." Brandon remarks. I glance at him. "Oh, thanks...? This is rather simple. Galrin says I haven't tapped into about 60 percent of what I can do." His eyes widen. "Really? Galrin is your god right?" I nod. "Yeah. Galrin and I don't get along most of the time but we have our good points. Like fighting and my powers." I trail off. "But yeah, she's been with me for as long as I can remember. She tries to push me to the best I can be. To some extent..." I chuckle. He leans forward, crossing his arms on the sill. "You wanna talk about it?" I laugh. "It's fine, really. We have a much better relationship then most of you Demon slayers and your demons. Galrin just focus' a lot on the power aspect, and making sure I run far enough in the morning. That kinda stuff. When it comes to friends, or love, she doesn't really care? I don't mind it really." He hums. "Are all gods that way?" I laugh. "From as far as I know, relatively? Like Michael's god Kathazar, focus' on Michael's worth ethic. He doesn't really care when Michael doesn't sleep to work, because he's working. But Kathazar couldn't care less about what Michael does. If he wants to go make out with say, 6 girls at once. Which he wouldn't, but Kathazar couldn't care." Brandon blinks. "Gods sound selfish." I laugh. "They are. Their gods, Brandon. Why would they care about measly Mortal issues?" He laughs. "I suppose your right. But why choose mortals then? Why make people God slayers?" I look at him, he's really paying attention. "I actually asked that once. Galrin said it's because humans are the best way to pretty much do their bidding. Humans are easily manipulated. When I was really young she had me convinced fighting was the way to deal with my problems. So i grew up fighting everything. I mean, I still enjoy a good fight, but that's just the mind set I had growing up." He blinks. "Oh. That's crazy." I laugh. He looks out the window. "I don't remember much of my life from Salode. I just know I have a lot of scars from it. Then obviously we came here, and i think you know the story from there." I blink. "I've only heard bits and pieces. It seemed bad so I wasn't going to ask." He laughs. "Shortly after we got here, a cloaked figure put demon lacrama in us. It was only last year when we figured out the cloaked figure was Jonathan. But yeah, our demons took over and we went on a murderous rampage. And then a man named River, you may know of him, was the old leader of the Wandering coins. He was the most powerful mage in Alantide at the time. Ritchie, Michael and I combined barely even held up to his standard. He stopped us, and brought us back from our demons. And we were convinced to be better, made Divinus for others like us. Criminals who wanted to be better. But then, Jonathan killed him. You know the deal, we all fought and all. You were there for that part." I laugh. "I was. This guild has some bad stories doesn't it?" He grins. "That's why were the most badass." I roll my eyes fondly. "Yeah, yeah." I ruffle his hair, before looking out at the rain. We sit in silence before the door opens. I glance over. Ritchie. He looks at us. "Hi...?" I jump up. "Your soaked. How long were you in the rain?" I walk over. He laughs. "Not long. I actually just got to the island. Seems most of the storm is just hitting us." I sigh, drying him off and throwing the water out the window. "You two are absolute idiots." I shake my head. "Hey!" They whine. "What are you doing here anyway?" Ritchie questions. I hum. "Well, you see. Your bother was also out in the rain. So i brought him back before he caught a cold, and David is probably at my house with Plant because I actually have a door, and i really don't want to deal with that." Ritchie blinks. "Doesn't he have like, a magical door?" I nod, moving back to my spot. "It's like this, pretty much keeps the weather out." I gesture. "I should know. I made it." I laugh. "He's crazy." Brandon remarks. I turn to him. "I'll throw you out the window." He laughs. "No you won't." I stand. "You two have fun. I'm going home." I salute and jump back, landing with a splash on the ground. I walk off.

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