Fairy tail

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You guys know, questions and commentary is always welcome. Requests even.

Ritchies pov~
Why did I have to fall for him? The guy that has a wife. And a child. But nope, it's him I was fated to fall for. "Ritchie!" Someone calls, snapping infront of my face. I look up. Brandon. "Yes Brother?" He gestures behind him at the other guild masters and seconds. Oh. I blush in embarrassment. "O-oh." I mumble.  All attention was on me. Brandon moves up to his post. "You Alright Ritchie?" Jonathan questions. I force a smile. "Yeah. Sorry about that. You were saying?" And with that, the meeting continued on as normal.

I stare at the empty exposed desk. My mind seemed blank. I barely noticed the tears dripping down my face. "Hey Ritchie- woah, you okay?" I look up, Mario. "What? Oh yeah, I'm fine." I feel another drip down my face. "Oh dear." I mumble, wiping at my eyes. "I was just going to ask when the new missions were going to be put up...." My eyes widen. "Oh yeah! Ill be right on that." I shoot him an apologetic smile. He nods. "Why were you crying?" I wipe at my eyes. "Not exactly sure." Of course I'm sure. I don't exactly have any happy thoughts now days. I pick up a stack of papers off the desk and jumping down, heading back to the boards.

I pin up the last one, humming to myself. When I heard rapid footsteps. It was Kat. She slides to a stop. "There you are." I grab her by the shoulders. "Easy there. Deep breaths. What's wrong?" She giggles. "Nothings wrong, I just ran around to find you because I wanted too." She steadied herself. "Either way, Michael wanted you to stop by. Whatever that means." I ignore the thoughts coming up. "Okay, thanks. If anyone askes, tell them I'm at Grimshade." I walk off, blinking over to the main island.

I walk in to the guild hall. Everyone gathered around. I look around, raking my brain for where his office was. "Why are you here?" I look over. Poison dragon slayer. "I just need to talk with Michael." His gaze is cold. "Mitch. Don't disrespect the other guild masters." The purple haired one remarks. 'Mitch' sighed, walking over. I spot the door, walking over and pushing it open. I close it behind me and knock on the second door. "Come in!" Michael calls. I push open the door. Michael sat at his desk, wiping at his eyes. But gives up upon seeing me. "You made it." He smiles weakly. I rush over. "What's wrong?" He closes his eyes as tears fall freely. I hold him in my arms, lowering him onto the ground. I rub circles on his exposed side and I comb through his hair with my other hand. He slowly yet surely stopped crying. "Are you feeling better?" He opens his mouth but chokes on his words. I shush him. "Take your time." He takes a slow breath. "Isabelle. She... she's dead." My eyes widen. "O-oh." *I think the daughters name was Isabelle. I'm to lazy to check.* He nods weakly. "Lilac..." He mumbles. I stay quiet. He starts speaking again. "Her memories were wiped... She doesn't remember me. She doesn't remember Isabelle." He grips my poncho. "Oh Michael... I'm so sorry..." He stays quiet. "You know me and the others are always willing to be there for anything you need." He's quiet for a moment before speaking. "I... I have a guild meeting." I shake my head. "No. I'm not allowing you to go out in this state. I can go cancel it for you." He chuckles weakly. "They won't listen to you." I sigh. "Then you cancel it." He slowly pushes himself up. I follow. He keeps his head down and walks out. Everyone goes quiet at him being there. He moves to his chair. "I... I'm afraid-" He clears his throat. "That I will have to cancel this meeting." He pauses. "I'm not feeling well. I do apologise." He clears his throat once again. "You feeling alright Michael?" Bren questions. He nods. "Yeah... I guess." He walks back over to me. He then brings us back to his office. "Is there anything you'd like me to do for you?" He sits on his bed. "Just... don't go." He smiles softly at me. I nod, sitting next to him. He curls up and clings to my leg. I shut the curtains with a wave of my hand. And I watch him slip into sleep.

He slept for a good while. I'm sure that's the longest he's slept in years. We remained undisturbed for a long while. Up until a knock rings on the door. "Come in!" I call quietly. In walk Brandon. Before he can speak I shush him. He blinks, flying up to me. "What in?" He mumbles. I shake my head. "It's a long story." I whisper. "What did you need?" He crosses his arms. "You missed a guild meeting, a round of dodge the lightning bolt, and it's now nighttime." He lists off. I sigh. "Sorry." He glances down at Michael. "Is he sleeping?" I nod. "Yeah, it's great. That's one of the reasons I haven't returned yet." He sighs. "Go home and get some rest Brother." He nods. He gives me a small hug before walking off.  I look down at Michael's sleeping form. I watch him shift before slowly looking up at me. "Good morning sleepy head." I smile. His eyes widen. He pulls himself up. I notice how his bags dulled slightly and his skin looks less pale. I grin wider. "Good morning...?" He mumbles. I laugh. "It's actually Nighttime. But you slept for a while for once. Good job." He nods slowly. "I feel weird. I haven't slept that long in years." I gently pull him to his feet as he yawns. "Understandable. But you should get some food and maybe water. You missed dinner." He nods weakly. I lead him outside, he kept his head down, avoiding the few people around. I slide him into a seat and smile at him. "What can I get you?" He shrugs. "I don't really care." I nod. "I'll be right back then." I turn and walk to his kitchen.

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