Goddess -Tommy Innit

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This is genuinely one of the longest things ive written to date.
-Timeline is bad. It's a fanfic, no one cares.

-I hope this doesn't break any boundaries?? There is like, sex jokes but they are minors and I don't go into that.
-This was written before Tommy revealed he actually had a gf but uh, we respect Em and mean no Ill intent :)
-Also before Ranboo came out, so they are still he/him in most of not all of this, I apologize but it would be so much effort to change.

Nyx pov-
I hum softly, leaning back in my seat. I glance up at my screen, the blond currently quiet. That's odd... I frown, eyes flickering to my door. I check quickly to make sure my brother isn't streaming and stand before walking over to lean on his open door. "Nyx? What up?" He questions. I hum. "You should check on your friend." He pauses. "What?" I walk over to pull up Tommy's stream on his computer. He huffs. "Tommy's quiet. That's never a good sign." I chuckle softly. He grins at me. "Still watching his streams?" I huff. "Shuddup. He's funny." He gives me a smile, but I just smack him and return to my room. Suddenly Wilbur speaks over Tommy's stream. "TOASTER." He yells. Tommy jumps. "What the hell Wil?" Tommy laughs loudly. Will laughs. "I was waking you up dude! Mute your stream." He pauses. "Yeah okay." He does, and even blacks his camera. Chat rushes by quickly, before he returns. "Alrighty Chat. Fraid Mother Innits summoning me." He laughs, doing a quick outro before ending stream. I frown, but take off my headphones. Will leans on my door frame and I glance at him. He smiles. "Tommy's fine." I nod, and he returns to his office. I smile softly, standing and walking over to sit in my egg chair, resting my sketch pad in my lap.

I sigh, leaning on the door frame. Will looks at me, headphones around his neck. I tilt my head. He grins. "I wanna set up a communication line with the ghosts." I pause. "You want to invite ghosts into our home?" He nods quickly. I let out a low sigh but walk over to fetch his vlog camera. He rushes to help me set up the empty part of his room. Before he returns to his station, starting his stream. "Hey Guys!" He greets Brightly. He pauses, looking at me. "You wanna be on camera?" I shake my head. He nods. "Yes guys, I have a guest!" He laughs, thanking a few subs and things. "Well guys, today. We're doing a little bit of a spooky." He grins. "My...." He turns to me. "Flatmate?" I sigh. "Sister." He nods. "My sister, will be behind the camera recording everything. Huge thanks to her, she knows more about this then I do." That seems to send chat into a rush. "You didn't tell them you had a sister?" I question, voice naturally soft and smooth. I don't bother to change my tone much. He pouts, leaning back in his seat. "No. I forgot I guess." I sigh. He perks up. "What do I call you on camera? Why do we not plan these things?" I chuckle. "Athena." He mutes. "Isn't that your Twitch handle?" I shush him. He unmutes and grins at the camera. "Well yeah. Chat we have my sister Athena, and we're gonna go do some ghost things." He glances at me. "How do I switch cameras?" I sigh. "Why are you a streamer?" I step into the camera sight just enough to show the Tommyinnit jacket I was wearing around my waist and quickly tap a few buttons so the camera changes. He stands, rushing over to stand before it. "We good?" He turns to me. I hum. "Alright Chat, mic check. Can you hear Will alright?" A few people actually give me positive replies, the others are still freaking about my merch. "Why are you wearing the child's merch?" He questions. I quirk up an eyebrow. He grins. "Your a simp." I hum. "I'm the one keeping your stream running." He laughs, holding up his hands. "I surrender!" I smile softly, rolling my eyes, walking over. His laptop had chat on it for him to see, and I stay behind the camera and make sure everything's set. "Lights out." Wilbur points. I sigh, turning them off. He grins. "Now I bet that looked cool." I roll my eyes. He pauses. "Why must you be so mean to me?" I grin. "Because I don't like you." He sighs. "Chat, this is why I didn't want you to meet her. She's so mean."

I watch as he giggles, looking up at me. "Thena." He whines. "Save me." I pause. "Why is it my problem that the ghost doesn't like you?" He gasps. "Your my sister Thena! Don't leave me like this. You live here too." I shrug. "Ghost does as ghost is." He pauses. "The fuck did I just enter too?" A familiar voice suddenly plays. I freeze instantly. "The child's here!" Will gasps. "Tommy I brought a ghost to my flat and my sister is abusing me." Tommy pauses. "Why didn't I know you have a sister?" Will laughs. "Cause I didn't want to tell anyone." I pause. "Wait how am I abusing you?" He stands, walking over to me before wrapping his arms around me. I yelp, laughing. "Wilbur I swear to fucking God!" I yelp as he pulls me off the ground. He chuckles. "Your so light." He sits me down again and I shove him back into the camera. He winces. "Ow!" I roll my eyes. "The hell just happened?" Tommy laughs. "Imagine being abused by your own sibling? Things aren't looking good for you big Man." Will huffs. "You get abused by Motherinnit child, chill." I glance at Will and gesture over. He steps back. "Maybe we should chill with throwing the word abuse around." I whisper. He nods. "Shit yeah. Thanks." I nod. He returns to his seat. "Well, will you be joining us for the ghost adventures Child?" Tommy gasps. "I am not a child! Wait. How old is Athena?" I grin as Wilbur laughs. "Not 18." Tommy gasps louder. "There's hope." Wilbur hums. "You know she can hear you right?" Tommy huffs. "Shuddup. Yeah I might as well, maybe this ghost of ours needs a big man to cradle her." Wilbur bursts into laughter, curling on the floor. "You really do take the gay jokes to the fullest." I comment. Tommy pauses before speaking quietly. "It's a guy ghost?" That just sends Will into another round of laughter. I chuckle. "Will? You good?" He holds his stomach as he lays there. I hum. "Yes Tommy. The ghost is a guy, and we have deemed him the name Jack. Because he's a jackass." Tommy laughs, cheering loudly. "British, Woman and funny! Wilbur I may just have to steal your sister." Will gasps. "How dare? You can't just steal her!" I clear my throat and Wills eyes widen. "Right! She's a person. Not an object. Please don't kill me." I roll my eyes.

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