Collection - Minecraft?

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This is... Well this is me practicing actually putting endings on my stories and writing out some less... Fleshed out ideas?
-It's mostly Boat honestly but not entirely
-incorrect quotes in-between, mostly of the Olympus family

Fto, mostly in season 5 but season 4 mentions.
This is generally just a short thing about Lucas being an adrenaline junkie and not very mentally well (Not putting labels but something's there.)
And I like fight scenes, sue me.

Boats pov-
I sit silently in the corner of my living room, fiddling with my hair. "Your not going to be able to braid your hair with your hands shaking like that." Galrin points out. "I know." I hiss lowly. "It's not like I can just, make them stop." She chuckles. "Go ask David for a fight or something." I roll my eyes. "He's just gonna spar, and that's not going to work. You know it only works if im actually in danger." I roll my eyes, sighing. I end up pulling it into a messy pony tail. I give up, sighing. I lean my head on the wall, closing my eyes. Suppose I gotta mentally prepare myself for the guild meeting. That's gonna suck.

I leave my hands in my lap, fidgeting. I'm pretty sure Ritchie was talking about something. "Lucas?" A voice calls, a hand tapping my shoulder. I look up quickly, jumping. "What?" The one who touched me was just Blake, who jumps back at my reaction. "You with us Lucas?" Ritchie questions. "Your usually jumping with joy at the mention of a fight." He chuckles. I fiddle with my hair, perking up. "What? I get to fight someone?" I grin, suddenly paying full attention. He chuckles. "There you are. Yeah, because we had a lot going on the last Gmg, and now everything has kinda settled including La'Carnival, we were going to do another fight. We have to do a guild count and then sign ups." He explains. "Why a guild count?" Devin questions. David huffs. "Cause the guilds are constantly changing. And we are one of the largest ones." Brandon shrugs. "Actually Protectors give us a run for our money but still." Ritchie chuckles. "I just gotta take a picture of you, write down your name and there we are." He shrugs. David groans. "Lame!" I look down again, barely listening as everyone kinda goes crazy. So loud...

I feel my hands shaking still, and In the end I use my powers to tie my hair back. Luckily I can hear my name echo as they announce my turn and I walk out. Standing across from me is easily one of my favorite people to fight. Lopho. "This feels familiar." He points out. I chuckle. "It does. If I remember correctly, last time we came out in a tie. With you running after Eden and Brandon pulling me away." I smirk. He rolls his eyes. "I don't like water." I hum lowly. "We'll make this quick then." Galrin laughs from the back of my mind, and he summons his wings swiftly. "Can those things even lift you at that size?" I question, stepping back as he flies. He seems to be struggling though. "This is so much harder than I remember." He grumbles. I chuckle. "Barely then." I let my magic flare, a chain wrapping around him and yanking him to the ground. He hits the ground with a yell, before zapping me. I throw up a barrier swiftly. "Now that's more like it." I grin, holding up my hands. Steady. "Thanks for this Lopho." I chirp, reaching up to fix my hair. He pauses. "Are you fixing your hair?!" I falter. "Yeah, I mean it was kinda a mess man." I chuckle, tying off the braid swiftly. "I know you have a goddess in your head but my god, your so feminine." He comments. I falter. "Okay to be fair Galrin did raise me. I didn't really have any parents and my mentor died pretty early on." He pauses. "That explains so much." I sigh, rolling my shoulders. "Okay, I'm getting bored." I let my magic surge again, a geyser opens below him, throwing him into the air. He yelps, spreading his wings but they do nothing. "Hey Furball, most wings don't work when wet." I call. He crashes to the ground and growls at me, lunging at me with his sword. I make one out of water, throwing my arm up to block it. I move swiftly, attacking. We bounce back and forth, moving swiftly. He mutters to himself and I roll my eyes. "Oh come on Lopho, we're both god slayers, let's not limit ourselves." He glares. "Your right." His form changes swiftly, and light bursts before my eyes. I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath. So seeing is not something to happen right now. The light burns my exposed skin but I am a water mage. And water, is everywhere. I start up some rain, walls forming around me and distorting his light. I open my eyes, hearing Lopho complain. You wanna complain? Fine. He flies up, and I flood the entire arena, leaving the stands free. I fog up the water and look up. Lopho chuckles. "Water won't hide you Lucas!" He calls. I find myself appearing behind him. "Who said I was hiding?" I stab into his arm and he spins around but I disappear back into the water. He's balanced up on a platform, wings useless when wet. Not like there's anywhere to go. "How did you..." He looks around. "Scared of a little water kitty?" I whisper, he turns and I slice into his leg now. "Enough!" He yells, throwing out a blast that manages to get rid of the clouds. And make my position in the water highlighted. "There you are." I grin, jumping up into the air. He swings at me but I fall instead, pulling him in with me. He hisses hitting me back. I fall into the water. While it braces my fall, I still hit the ground pretty hard. I grin, leaning my head back. "You know what Brandon always says Lopho?" I call, uncaring if the guild master can hear me. "What?" He falters. "There goes your one free hit!" I laugh, blasting him again. He grunts. While light magic is powerful, it doesn't have many uses. It's better as a healing magic. Not to say Lopho isn't strong... It just so happens that I'm stronger. He throws me into a cage, and suddenly Galrin goes silent in the back of my head. Lopho pants. "Your out of shape Kitty." I call. He glares. "I'm in perfect shape." He snaps. "Circle isn't a good shape to be in!" I chirp. I hear an oh shit form someone behind me. He stares at me. "Your a criminal Lucas, this cage will hold you. For a while." I laugh maniacally. He falters. "Seriously Lopho?! Oh god you don't even know how I got into Divinus do you?" He pauses. "Why would I know?" I grin. "You were there. I attacked the island, that's why they wanted me. I'm not a criminal just because I like to fight." I throw out a magic blast and disperse the cage. "Galrin however..." She growls in the back of my mind, clawing for attention. "She isn't afraid to get more blood on her hands." I chirp. His eyes widen, and a murderous grin spreads on my face.

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