Odd- The Squad

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nathans pov~
i wake up, great another day of bullying. i get up and get dressed, hiding all my scars. i they grab a piece of toast from the kitchen and run to school. i walk in and ho to class, i sit in my spot. at the back of the class. i hate that my first class is math, it sucks. soon everyone files in, some glaring at me. i just roll my eyes. but i keep my signature smile, the class starts. my bullies turn and glare at me every now and then, i just keep smiling. soon the class is over, i wait. once almost everyone has left i get up and walk out. time for my next class! science.

-after science cause im lazy-

i walk out of science. next class, study hall! my favorite and least favorite. my bullies take this time to attack, the worst part is i like the leader. moose is so cute! anyway, i put anything important in my locker and shut it. ready to be hurt. i go and sit outside, i start drawing a tree. soon the bullies aproch, i sit the paper and pencil down and look at them. i sigh, just watching them walk to me. "hello nerd" shark calls out. "sup" i say back, standing. "bro, why are you so chill?" his other friends says. saber. "because. you guys do this everyday, reaction or not. ive gotten used to it. just get it over with saber." i say looking down, holding my arms out. moose snarled, being the first to punch me. i take it with no emotion, soon shark and saber join. i just stand there with no emotion, i don't know why i let them do this. really, i can defend myself. soon they knock me to the ground and im laying on the ground, they kick me repeatedly. i smile, "why the fuck are you smiling kid?" moose growls. stoping, and stop the others as well. i slowly stand up, "because im glad you take out what ever frustrations you have on me. better me then someone who cant handle it-" i get interrupted by the bell. "well, i better get going. fell free to come beat me up any time, heres my address. by gorgey" i say walking away, a kind smirk on my face. yes, i did give them my address. if somethings happening at home, they can come to my house as a save place. i peak over my shoulder, moose is frozen in place. i laugh, soon ariving at class. its language arts, great...

i walk in to the class and go to my normal seats. once everyone else is here the teach starts talking. "okay, you will be writing short stories. you will turn them into me at the end of class. your story can be about anything." he finnished. i smirk, im good with this. "you may start now" he says. i quickly get to work.

'just think.
everyone youve ever seen,
walked by, talked to.
what happened to them?

anyone youve ever heard cry,
what happened?
parents death?
hurt by anyone?

anyone youve ever seen someone being called a slut?
could it be, rape?
could it be a drunk hook up to forget?

anyone youve seen been shamed in anyway, something bad happened for them to become that way.
they could be abused,
they could have been attacked or raped,
or maybe, something happened. they're life being a reck from the start.

why, i should know. ive seen it happen, ive also been that person. and at this point nobody gives a shit, so why should i?'

i leave it there, the bell rings and i turn in my paper and get to next class.

-to la last class-

the day went by normal, moose and the others gave me weird looks. but didnt come near me, and now im off to my last class, quior! (screw spelling) i roll my eyes and quickly get in my seat. and again a class starts, "okay kids. today we will be singing-" a few people groan. "and we will getting in partners, because were doing deuts." he said in a cheery voice. people groaned more. i laughed quietly. "can i get nathan to come up here?" the teacher asked. i stand up and walk to the front, dodging a few spitballs. "yes sir?" i ask. "you will be singing first" he instructs me. i nod, i stand next to his desk. i smirk, closing my eyes.

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