Darling - Fto S5

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Guys, rewatching Yamistu's story and I have brain rot. I have no idea how to write him or Flurry's characters but take this anyway.
-If it wasn't obvious Ritchie doesn't die in my stories. I'm god. Fuck you.

Yamistu's pov
I sit back on my couch. Since I got a room In the guild hall I had taken to spending more time there, wanting to be around Flurry more often, but after we left Divinus' S class trail or whatever I wanted some alone time. After Flurry killed Biblico and everything it's been... interesting. She brought Oakley back, and I came here. That weird dark guild is handled. Which... is whatever. I'm tired either way. I spoke to that Lucas guy too, he said that Abraham was handled, whatever that's about. So now... yeah. I sigh, closing my eyes. With all of the world ending chaos, her with her recently found son, her killing a guy, it's been a long few weeks. I can still feel that star mage's energy crackling under my skin. Gotta go expel that sometime. I open my eyes, looking up at the ceiling. It can't ever just be a nice moment? I want to tell Flurry the truth, about how I feel. But she's been through so much... I can't put this on her too. I hate emotions.

I walk across the island swiftly. It's a large barren place I had to swim too. Hopefully Flurry gets my note. I sigh, brushing back my hair. I had to do something to get rid of the energy. Can't sleep properly, it's making me even more ancy than normal. I take in a slow breath before I suddenly send my fist flying into the ground. Cracks spread out from the impact, the ground shaking. I exhale, and start taking my emotions out on the ground. Too much energy, too many emotions. I stand in a gaping hole that was once an island, water trickling in front the sides. I exhale, closing my eyes. At least I got some of that energy out before I over flowed. I flex my hands, they're pretty sore. I look up at the sky. Nightfall. Suppose I'll get back by morning if I hurry. I walk over, climbing the hole and starting my swim back. Really should aquire a boat. I pull myself on to the land, and expel enough energy to dry off my clothes and heading back. I notice people staring at me but I just don't really care. People never stop staring. I slip into the guild hall. "Yamistu? Why are you shirtless?" Juno questions, her and Cecil playing cards. "I left my coat here." I comment. She chuckles lowly. "Flurry was waiting for you by the way." She comments. I blink but nod, walking downstairs. I walk up, tugging my notice off my door. "Yamistu?" Flurry opens her door and squeaks. I glance back. "Oh. Hey. Juno said you were looking for me?" I prompt. She just gapes at me. I wince. "Oh. Yeah. Hold on." I slip into my room, snagging my coat off my bed. She steps into the room. "Where? Why?" She squeaks. I hum. "I took a trip. Didn't wanna ruin my coat. You were looking for me?" I question. She hums. "Oh yeah. I wanted to extend my room to make space for Oakley, since he's so young I didn't want him to be alone. Would you... help with that?" She questions softly. I shrug. "Sure." She smiles. I crouch out of the room. "Just tell me what I'm doing." I remark. She slips into her room. "Well these are both outside walls so I suppose we could go either way. Gotta move my furniture. Oh I gotta sleep on the couch." She whines. I hum lowly. "You can take my bed." She looks up at me quickly. "What?" She yelps. I hum softly. "It's not like we haven't shared a bed before Flurry." I remind, feeling heat rise to my face. Hers turns pink as well and she nods quickly. "Yeah! Right!" I nod. "I can start moving this stuff then." I offer. She chuckles lightly. "Yeah! I mean, I can't move it. You know I'm not that strong." She laughs awkwardly. Things always feel so awkward between us now days. I shake my head and get to work. I move everything against the wall with the door. "I'm gonna have to rip some of your vines down." I comment. She nods. "Yeah I'll just grow more." She confirms. I glance at her, and she's just sat on her bed playing with her dice.

I look around. "Watching you work is so entertaining." Flurry comments. I glance at her, and chuckle. "Probably really tiring for you." I deadpan. She giggles. I brush off my hands. "This is probably the best your gonna get Flurry." I comment. She smiles brightly. "Would you move my stuff back?" She cooes. I stare her down. "Please?" She puts on puppy eyes. Damnit she's got me figured out. "Yeah yeah, where am I putting it?" She giggles. "Think I'm gonna put it back like normal and then put up a curtain in the middle to give him some privacy." She explains. I shrug, and walk over. She looks up at me, still sitting on the bed. "I hope you know just how inconvenient your being." I deadpan. She giggles. "But your so strong. Your biceps can handle me right?" She pokes my arm. I sigh, and crouch down. Before picking up the entire bed with her in it. "Okay this is the best thing ever." She breathes. I sit it back down and look at her. She gasps at me. "And you haven't even broken a sweat, look at you!" She insists. I hum, and proceed with moving things. I hear her yawn over the sound of me moving the chair. "Your tired." I acknowledge. She flinches. "Just... your almost done! Sure you have nothing else you have to do?" She insists. I glance over my shoulder at her suspiciously. She plays with a vine nervously. "I can't do anything until the walls set. Why don't you want to go to sleep?" I question. She winces, looking down. "Flurry..." I walk over. "What's wrong?" I question. She sighs. "I just... Ive been having nightmares recently. About who I used to be, about Oakley dying... sometimes it's the guild too." She winces. I crouch down. "Well, I can confirm that I would never let that happen in real life. Have you tried nightmare remedies? Tea? Comfort? Sleeping with someone else?" I offer. She shakes her head. "Tea doesn't help... and I don't wanna burden the others with this. Im supposed to be there leader." She insists. I chuckle. "Sorry to say Flurry, but none of them seem you as some kinda impenetrable wall of a guild leader. Your human and they know that. Juno likens you to their mother." I point out. She gasps. "She does? I don't mother them, do I? No I don't." She insists. I smile softly. "The point is. They've seen you at some of your lows, and they've seen you at your highs. You saw them at their lowest too. You saved them Flurry, they won't judge you for being human." I insist. She chuckles. "Says the warrior." She points out. I shake my head. She wraps a vine around her finger. "Could I... could I still sleep with you tonight?" She whispers. I blink, immediately caught off guard. God its like flurry knows and just likes to torment me sometimes. "I..." I cough, standing again and turning away from her. "Yeah sure." I confirm. I can't see her reaction but she stands. "I'll be like your teddy bear again." She giggles, walking across the room. "Uh, yeah. Right." I nod awkwardly. "I'll be... over there." I mutter and slip out of the room quickly. I crouch into mine and try to calm down my flaming cheeks. After I chickened out of telling her the truth before we saw my mother my emotions have been tormenting me. I know I have to tell her, but I just... don't know how. It's never the right time.

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