Togetherness - Mhe (Mho s2?)

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Okay. Guys. My hero eternity right? I'm not sure if I want Shino to punch Echo in the face or kiss him. So here- I give you both.
-it is a short story because like, it's been 1 episode on the hero side lol

-as usual I am just guessing and assuming pronouns, don't come at me, just correct me

Shino's pov-
I let my hair drape over my eyes, looking around. I'm not really sure why specifically Echo set me up in this one. Why he hated me in all of the other ones. But it was a mess in here. Lot of boxes. So I went ahead and stayed here over night, and cleaned up. Fetched myself a desk and things. Set up my laptop while I was at it. There's a knock on the door and I glance over. Ronin blinks. "Wow you set up fast." He mutters. I hum, cracking my neck. I still have my hood pulled up actually. So far everyone seems to stay in their hero costumes around here. "I wanted to get it over with. Most of those boxes were empty by the way, I gave the paperwork to Greg for him to process, and the rest of the boxes seem to have mostly old tech and random things from the people who last had this building." I explain, leaning on the table. Ronin gives me a dull look. "Shino what the fuck." I shrug. "I was bored. I left all the boxes over there by the way. I wasn't sure if you wanted it. Maybe Gadget can use them." I mutter, glancing over at the boxes which I had labeled. Ronin sighs. "I don't know whether your actually just this proactive of a person or if your trying to prove yourself." He mutters. I quirk up an eyebrow. "Do you think I need to prove myself to you?" I question. He shrugs. "Common." He gestures. I walk after him, closing the door behind me. I make sure to lace the door nob with light so it can't be opened. I mean, I don't want Gadget snooping around my laptop. He leads me down stairs into a basement. "Welcome to our training circle. I want you and Echo to do some work down here, so you two have practice working together down here. I need you two to be able to have each other's backs." He instructs. I nod. "I'll try. But he doesn't seem to like me." I offer. Ronin gives me a look. "Gonna be stopped by someone not liking you?" He prompts, smirking. "I'm not stopped, but it is going to be an inconvenience. When does Echo get here?" I question. Ronin shrugs. "Im here." A voice speaks behind me before he lunges at me. I side step quickly, swinging my foot down to trip him. I create a staff out of light quickly and quickly use it to pin Echo to the ground. I think it's only one of his echo's though. "Glad you can make it." I smile. He blinks at me. "How did you know I was there?" I chuckle. "You know, you probably should have asked about my quirk before attacking me." Ronin chuckles. I pull back, the staff disappearing back into my hand. Echo disappears swiftly, and the original Echo walks in, minus the mask. God that one loose strand of hair... I really wanna push it back. "Somehow you know all about mine but I know nothing about yours." He comments. Wonder if he says everything in a purr or if that's just his accent. "Did you hack into his profile?" Ronin looks at me. I hum. "I didn't hack anything. I guessed your password. Seriously Ronin, you can stand to be a bit more original." I offer. He winces. Echo hums lowly. "So you know everything about me?" He questions. I blink. "Everything that's on file. Like your real name." I offer. Echo gives me a dull look, those sharp eyes cutting into me. "I feel as if we're on a very uneven ground here." He offers. I hum. "Since we're working together, might as well." I crack my knuckles absentmindedly. "I'm Shino, my quirk is hardlight. I create things out of light energy. The more intricate the thing, the harder it is to create. I can't create things like, food or electronics." I explain. "As for why I knew you were there, when I over use my quirk I go temporarily blind. So I've gotten good at using my other senses." I offer. Echo nods slowly.

Ronin hums. "Now that were properly introduced, time for you two to learn how to work together." He chirps. I quirk up an eyebrow. Ronin steps back, and hits a button on the wall. Two robots rise from the ground. "You will be fighting these guys, on level medium. I want you guys to work together, don't just split the work." He explains. I hum, looking at Echo. "Have any battle plans?" I prompt. He reaches up, tugging on his mask again. I tug mine on as well, mostly just to protect my face. He hums. "I specialize in undercover work. Usually I'm best at sneaking up on people, over whelming them." He explains. I nod. "I can be in the spotlight." I hold up my hand and let it glow. He gives me a dull look. "Funny." I chuckle, dropping my hand. He sighs. "Show me what you can do and I'll step in." He comments. I nod. I don't mind following point. My studies show that he's quite strategic, so I'm sure he'll have better plans than me. Ronin just watches us. "Is there a way we activate them?" I question. The robots eyes light up. "Like that." He nods. I nod. Right. Disarm... I walk forward calmly. The robots rush me, swords in hand. Their pretty dull. I quickly dodge one and smack it with my staff, before moving quickly to wrap the other in a light rope. I throw the robot over me, smashing it into the other. Before flicking my wrist and creating a net over them. I step back, and look at the two. Their both just watching me closely. "I'll obviously be more gentle with actual people." I offer simply. Ronin crosses his arms. "I don't remember you being this strong last time." I pause. "Are you referring to our partner class exam in which I was stuck in my own personal nightmare half the time or our midterms in which I had such a bad team I had to literally antagonize my teammate for us to win?" I deadpan. Ronin chuckles. "Your finals actually." He prompts. I shrug. "I was holding back." I offer simply. He shakes his head. "Why do we need to be partnered up, he clearly can handle himself." Echo offers. Ronin sighs. "Even the strongest fighters are better when they have someone at their back." He points out. I nod. "We'll work on it." I offer. He nods, and walks off. Echo sighs, looking at me. "Hope you don't have anywhere to be." He comments. I shrug. "I gotta surface eventually. If I don't get sunshine in about... 5 hours? I will faint." I offer. He gives me a look. I wince. "Don't ask me man, I don't know. It's just something that happens." Echo simply nods and I wish I could see his expression from under his mask.

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