Flower Boy- Fto

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Crack ship, I'm writing this with very low energy so like, type go bad.

Devins pov~
I hum, gently tilting the flower. Hm... "You've been staring at the flower for 10 minutes." I glance over at Ritchie, smiling. "I would explain but i think it would only confuse you further." He shrugs. "Fair point." I glance at the flower, before crushing it in my hand. His eyes widen. "Woah, that was new-" I up root it, crushing it in my hand. It crumbles into nothing quickly. "I'm also pretty confused." Eden remarks. I chuckle, making a new one. I gently plant it in place, watering it. "Suprised David hasn't attacked you yet." I glance up. "Huh? Oh, he wouldnt. For various reasons." I chuckle. I stand, eyeing the arrangement. He chuckles. "Better?" I nod, before turning. "I think I'm going to ask out my crush." He chuckles, smiling. "About time. What sparked this?" I shrug. "The flowers." He face palms. "Jesus." I giggle. "You asked!" He sighs.

David's pov-
I spin the charm on my hand, clutching it. "Dad?" I glance at Plant. "Let me teach you a new word, kay?" Plant nods happily. I grin. "Asshole." Their eyes widen. "Bad word?" I hum. "I'll let you say it, in this case. No punishment." Plant looks down, before peering up at me. "Ashhole." I hum. "Close enough." I glance over. "Ritchie, is an asshole." I glance back. "Ritchie ashhole." Plant repeats. I nod. "Indeed." Plant smiles, glad they did good. "Go have fun Esh." They smile, running off. I glance back, mind swimming. Asshole indeed.

I lean on my hand, glaring. "David." Lucas sighs. I hum, noticing eyes on me. "What?" I remark roughly. "You keep spacing out dude." Lucas remarks. "Normally you glare at the wall." Kit comments. I huff. "I have a lot of pent up aggression right now, that's all." Ritchie chuckles. "You should take a sparring match or something." I eye him. "You offering?" I smirk. He pauses. "Me? You want to fight me?" I hum, looking back the wall silently. "What did I tell you David?" Lucas scolds. I roll my eyes. "That I'm being irrational." He turns. "Yeah, Ritchie I don't think you two fighting would be a good idea right now." Devin frowns. "Are you okay?" My hand until the table plays with the charm. I glance at him. "Yeah, of course. Like I said, pent up aggression." Lucas leans back. "Still irrational." Blake turns. "I'm lost." Lucas snickers. "Snowflake is less mad. More so Jealous." I glare at him. "Dude!" He shrugs. "I see no reason not to tell them." I huff. "You Are the worst wingman." He leans on the table. "Wait you like someone?" Mario remarks. I turn. "I'm just jealous of someone- that doesn't mean I like someone." I roll my eyes. He chuckles. "But you didn't deny it!" I facepalm. "I will freeze you." He laughs loudly. I pull my hand up, freezing his mouth shut. "Wait you like someone." Ritchie turns. I drop my hand, glaring. "Yes, that has been made vary apparent. Why is it so surprising?" I huff. They shrug. "Because your a hard ass." Eden remarks. I turn. "Like your one to talk." I remark. Devin looks down. "Eden, play nice." He scolds. I chuckle. Cute. I lean on my hand, attention switching to the flower charm in my hand. "Hello Plant!" Lucas smiles at the child. They smile. "Papa!" Attention turns. "As adorable as always." Blake remarks. Lucas nods. Plant smiles, fixing their jacket. I smile softly. Plants always cute. Plant runs over to me. I hum. "Hello sweetheart." They take my hand softly. "Nervous...?" They mumble. I hum. "Just a habit." They sit next to me. Plant starts playing with my hand and the charm on my finger. "How's Plant been doing?" Brandon questions. I glance over. "How have you been Esh?" They perk up. "Plant... good." They give a thumbs up. I smile. "Good." They nod. "Plant learns fast." Blake comments. Esh chuckles, smiling. My attention turns again. Devins muttering to himself quietly. Probably to Eden.

Devins pov~
He staring again isn't he? "Just fucking confess already." I frown. "I planned on it..." I mumble. "He just gets so cute and my gay can't handle it." I remark quietly. He laughs loudly. "Oh shut up." Ritchie glances at me. "You okay?" I nod. "Yeah... Edens being a little shit again." I remark. "Keep talking like that and I'll steal David from you." I glance up. "Your so lucky i can't hit you." He laughs loudly. "Eden dummy." I hear Plant remark. I turn. "Exactly." I remark. They smile. Lucas sighs. "At least I'm not the only one." David snickers. "You blew up the island together, why not be dummies together?" Lucas facepalms. I chuckle, crossing my legs. "He makes a fair point." Lucas turns. "Wow, I thought you'd be on my side." I shrug. I hear Ritchie snickering. I turn. "What are you laughing at?" He hums. "You." I quirk up an eyebrow, imagining a glass cage around him. "There we are." I remark. Brandon hums. "That does make things much better." Ritchie crosses his arms, kicking at the glass. "You should do that more often." David remarks. I chuckle. "Eh. I can't leave him in there for long." I glance over. "Eventually he has to breath." Ritchie gasps. "Or we can imagine air holes he can't speak out of." Eden comments. Ritchie glares. "Your being sadistic again." Kit comments. I glance over, shrugging. "Eh. I could make it much worse." I snap my fingers, and it's gone. He takes a deep breath. "Your a bitch." I shrug. Brandon hums. "Your an asshole, so what?" Ritchie glares. "Ritchie Ashhole!" David bursts out laughing. Brandon and Lucas snicker. I turn, smiling. "Plant?" I chuckle. Kit laughs loudly. "Oh that's a good one!" Ritchie turns to David. "You teach them that?" David takes deep breaths. "Maybe-" Plant smiles. "Good job Plant." I comment. They grin proudly. We eventually calm down. I made my way outside again. It's raining? I stand in the arch way, looking at the pond. The rain falling on it. "Devin?" I glance over at the figure standing in the rain. I hum. "Why are you standing in the rain?" I smile. He steps under the arch. "I don't mind it." He shrugs. I sigh. "Why are you shirtless?" I force back a blush. "Because I don't want my coat getting wet!" He remarks, before eyeing me. "You don't seem to care?" I shrug. "I can imagine myself dry again." I chuckle. He pauses. "What exactly is the extent of your power?" I hum. "Well, you remember everything Eden did. I could probably do more then that?" I chuckle. He hums. "Intresting." I nod. He glance over. "Can't you just... imagine yourself home?" I smile, chuckling. "Why would I do that when I could be here with You?" I question softly. He pauses, face going pink. "I'm sorry what?" I chuckle, looking down. Pink dusting my face. "To forward?" I chuckle. He exhales. "No- not at all." I smile, leaning on the moist stone, feeling the cold wind brush past me. "Better." Eden advises. I glance at David, seeing he's playing with the charm I gave him. I imagine us to my living room. He glances up, looking around. "What?" I hum, moving to my kitchen. "I imagined us to my house." I glance back. "Didn't think you wouldn't mind." He chuckles. "No, it's fine." His eyes move. He picks up a few flowers from my bouquet. I let him do so, humming as I clean up from what I was doing earlier. "Devin." I turn. He plops something on my head. "Let me know if it's too cold." He remarks. I glance in the mirror. A flower crown sat on my head, but they were all frosted over lightly. I glance back, smiling. "Its lovely, thank you." He nods, face a light pink. I hum. "Well make yourself at home. Can I get you anything?" I switch attention quickly. He chuckles. "Calm down dude." He lays back in my couch, legs slung over the edge. I hum, eyes drifting to the rain outside. Did this start because of Ritchie? Hm... I feel a tug on my wrist. I turn and David tugs me to lay above him. I blush, bracing myself on his chest. "You think to much, just relax." He comments. I exhale shakily. "Okay?" He chuckles, and I relax into his chest. He hums. "Can you make some flowers?" I hum, holding my hand out. I wave my hand, an arrangement appearing in my hand. He takes the flowers, weaving them into my hair gently. I hum softly, eyes falling shut. "Flowers fit you." He remarks. I chuckle. "I trust you." He nods. "They look nice in your hair." He comments. I hum. H stilts up my head. I open my eyes. He hums, face going red. "Holy shit your cute." He flushes, immediately looking away. I chuckle, resting on his chest. "Thanks." I press a kiss to his neck. "Get some rest David." I mumble, falling into the sweet embrace of sleep. "Love you." He tenses. "Love you too..." I smile, falling asleep.

Random crack ship I felt like writing. Don't mind me. I am also, still really tired-

1573 words. (The longer ones will come soon, I promise.)

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