Austin: The Misfit- OZ

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Welcome to yet another story where the timeline is so randomized even I have a hard time understanding it.

Austin's pov~
We're in a world, where every action has consequences. No matter what you do, it will always come back to hire you. "Austin?" I hear someone call. "In here." I step out of my room onto my balcony. Colin turns to me. "There you are! I need your help." I eye him. "What brain are you on currently?" He hums. "A normal one. Well, two crossed to make myself normal." I nod. "Yeah, sure. What can I help you with?" He smiles softly. "I might have done something stupid." I sigh, gently moving my hair from in my face. "What now." He looks up. I notice a shopping cart, in a broken window. "Who's window is that?" I question, glancing at him. "Seekah's..." He mumbles. I sigh. "Where is Seekah currently?" He shrugs. "I think he's down stairs with Bri." I roll my eyes. "Go keep him down there. I'll fix it." He nods rapidly, jumping off the balcony. I climb the ladder, until I reach his balcony that's cover in glass. I glance up. "How did he even...?" I shake my head. "Whatever." I step over the glass, my boots are thick enough. I tug out the Shopping cart, making it out without breaking more. How do I fix this exactly...?

I walk into the main room, seeing Colin standing infront of Seekah. "Colin, let him go." He glances at me. "Did you fix it?" I nod. I glance at Seekah. "Becareful in your room. There might still be piece of glass." I turn to Bri, who was working on something... That's not really my scene... I step forward. "Hey Bri?" She moves to look at me, her face turning red. "Yeah?" I hum. "Do you have any bandages left?" She nods slowly. "Yeah, in that cabinet over there." She points. I rummage through, pulling out a bandage. I tug off my glove. I'll need a new pair of those... I wrap it around my hand. "What did you do?" Seekah questions. I glance up. "Fixed a mess Colin created." Colin shys away, pouting. "It was an accident!" He yelps. I blink. "How do you even do that? He was two floors down." He groans. "What did he do?" Bri questions. I roll my eyes. "Some how got a shopping cart through Seekahs window. I cut my hand fixing the glass." Colin looks up. "How did you fix the glass even?" I shush him. "That's for me to worry about." I tug on my glove over the bandage. "I'll be going out for a little while. Keep a good eye on each other and my sisters." I stand up. "Your going out? At night?" Seekah questions. I nod. "Affirmative." I turn, glancing at Bri. "Oh, and by the way. There s a vehicle out back I need you to fix please." She grins, nodding. I step out of the building, pulling out my gun. You can never be to careful nowadays.

I lean against a tree, panting. Running rapidly is something I'm still adapting to. I glance around, shooting the last few of the hord. I catch my breath rather quickly. Looking down at the pink bear. Another one of these? I sigh. I could bring it back. I glance up. The moon is kinda up. Say, 4 am? The freaks will be rather frequent, and it's rather heavy. But it's for Bri. So I'll do it. I pick it up, holding it under on arm. The other held a gun. Now, what's the safest way home? I maneuver through the forest, finally seeing the tower. I climb up over the wall, dropping down and catch my breath. The things I do for the misfits. I chuckle to myself. I pull myself up, pocketing the weapon. I sit the bear down inside. Seems like everyone went to bed. I flick on the lights. I fixed one once. Maybe I can do it again? Let's see. I pick up a wrench off the shelves.

Well, I figured it out eventually. Took me a while, and I kinda had to go find parts, but I did it. "Austin...?" I look up. Bri? I wipe dirt off my face. "Hey." She glances infront of me. "Yeah, I found another Gummy. Decided to fix it up." I lean back. "Try it out." She grins. "Gummy, stand up please." It does so. She grins. "Thank you so much!" She hugs me. I hum. "It's nothing." I stand still as she hugs me. "Guys?" I look up. "Hello Colin. You sleep well?" He nods slowly. "What is going on here...?" I shrug. "She hugged me. And won't let go. I haven't cared to try and pry her off." Colin looks infront of me. "Did you make a purple Gummy?" He questions. I shrug. "Found it. I fixed it up and decided to make it purple." Colin steps forward, eyeing it. "Hey Gummy. Relay message 5." I grin slightly. The gummy turns to him. "Colin is a trouble maker." It replies. Colin turns to me. "You seriously taught it that?!" I chuckle lightly. "Yeah. Yeah I did. And 5 other sentances." Bri pulls away. "Show me! Show me!" I roll my eyes. "Relay message 3 Gummy." It turns to me. "Every action has consequences." It's in a stone cold voice. My voice. "Why?" Bri questions. I shrug. "Because, I did." I reach forward, pulling the stitching on the ear tighter. I then tuck it into the rest of the furry coat I've given it. "Have you taught it any songs?" Colin questions. I nod. "Yes. But I won't be playing any of those, it's a suprise." I tug my mask up further, as it was falling down my face. "Why do you hide your face?" Colin questions. I shrug. "It's just a fashion choice." I wipe more grime off my arms. "Good morning..." Seekah greets. I nod. "Morning. You sleep well?" He nods. "Yeah. What are you three doing?" I gesture to the robot, but walk off. "Woah, when did we get another one?" I pick up a cup. "Last night. I was out and I found it." I sit down the cup. "Well, this was fun. But I should be going." I glance over at Bri. "Where are you going?" She grins. "Just meeting a friend." I blink. "You have a weapon on you?" She nods, showing me her pistol. "Good. Don't do anything stupid, you know how to contact me." She grins. "Sure Sweetie!" She gets the pink Gummy before heading off. "Why does she keep calling me pet names?" I mumble. Colin and Seekah laugh. "She totally likes you dude." Seekah punches me in the shoulder. I move back by the impact. "Careful with that metal arm of yours." I roll my shoulder. "Oh yeah, sorry." He chuckles. I shrug. "Your fine." I open up the back of the gummy. "Since when do you know about this kinda thing?" Colin questions. I hum. "Well, in kinda just applying common knowledge to experiments I made in the past." I pull my hand back quickly, shaking my hand. Damn it, electrocuted again. Lucky me, I have pretty good pain tolerance. "Kay, well, were going out." Colin mentions. I turn. "Alright. Just remember to bring we of your food with you and don't get into trouble." They nod. "Yes boss!" They reply sarcastically. I roll my eyes, turning back to what I'm doing.

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