Hackers- Cyberpunk Genesis (Mho)

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Yeah... I kinda really like the concept of cyberpunk genesis.... So, here I am. And crossovers are... Yes.
-When their world is actually a video game in a video game

Mystic's pov-
I keep my eyes closed. "You know he's going to kill you." Impulse comments. "No he won't. I'm just having a little fun." Quake remarks back. I hum. "Quake. When I open my eyes, I better be on the bed." I remark, not bothering to open my eyes. They do this a lot. I feel the cushion below me and open my eyes. I look over. Quake had her glasses on and Impulse was leaning on the wall. He chuckles. "How do you always catch us?" I chuckle. "Because I'm very alert at all times.  Why do you guys keep trying to prank me?" Quake shrugs. "It's fun." Impulse nods. "She makes a fair point. Even you have to admit pranking people is fun." I roll my eyes. Before smirking. "It is. That's not the point." Quake hums. "How can you tell your in the air?" She questions, looking at her tablet. I stand. "I can't feel the bed below me. And you had me to far up, I could feel the roof when I moved." She snaps her fingers. "Noted." She walks off. Impulse smirks. "You love floating." I roll my eyes. "So, What's Quake working for?" He hums. "She wants to prank Randis." I snort. He shrugs. "Apparently he has some kinda high tech machine thing, and I want to know what it is. So, were going to prank him, so he can't kill us for looking." I pause, tapping my chin. "Won't he kill us for pranking him?" He shrugs. "Not if he doesn't know." He smirks, walking off. I laugh, cracking a smirk and following him.

I hum, rolling a metal ball between my fingers. "What's that?" Impulse questions. I blink. "I don't know..." I tilt my head. "It looks like those old puzzle things Creator had." He pauses. "Quake says scan it, why would Randis have a puzzle anyway?" I tap the skin by my eye and scan it. "That's it." Quake comments. I grin. "Sweet." I open my coat and slide it into the pocket before heading back for the door. I grab something else on my way out and slide out the window, easily making my way to the roof. "So what is it?" Impulse questions as I join the others. Quake glances at us and shrugs. "I don't know. I just know it was his." I grin. "And now it's ours." Impulse laughs. "Let's find somewhere to look at this. Don't wanna break our house again." We nod. He leads the way to a large penthouse. "Who owns this place?" Quake questions. He shrugs. "Don't know, don't care." I take out the sphere. "So what do we do?" Impulse plucks it from my hand, and starts fidgeting with it. "My scanners say that its just metal." She comments. Impulse presses a piece and the edges start glowing. He hums. "That's unnatural." I quirk up an eyebrow. "You think it'll kill us?" Quake laughs. "It can try." It gets brighter and brighter until it all we can see.

I sigh, looking around. The others follow. "Where... Are we?" Quake whispers. Impulse hums. "Well, there's trees, and water. So I'm going to say... Another dimension." I cross my arms. "Or in the past." I look up. Mountain. "Well were in a town and there's a building up there. So it's probably important." Quake pulls out a tablet and I start walking. Impulse follows. "This says we're currently in 2018." Quake comments. Impulse hums. "Great. Keep your eyes out. Anything could be possible." The ground shakes with an explosion and I look back. Someone speeds past us. "Okay, different universe." I nod. Impulse hums. "Fun." We walk up. "Monarch Academy." I read, glancing at Quake. She types it. "This says that it's a highschool for people with specialized quirks." I blink. "Quirks?" Impulse hums. "What's a quirk?" She huffs. "I'm looking into that!" I glance over when someone lands before us. "You 3 lost?" He has wings. Impulse takes the lead. "Something like that. We're kinda new to town, and don't really know how we got here." Quake taps my arm and I glance at her. She shows me the tablet and my eyes widen. The person chuckles. "I'm Avian, and I teach at Monarch. Suppose I can show you around. Who might you be?" Impulse steps back to talk with Quake. I step forward. He looks at me. I smile. "I'm Mystic. That's Impulse, and that's Quake. Quake doesn't talk much." I say the last part quieter. He blinks. "Oh..." He eyes me. "I've never seen someone like you, you dress rather strange. Where might you come from?" I laugh, crossing my arms. "Well I've never seen someone like you. Different is different." I avoid his question. Impulse steps forward. "You think you can show us around? Just so we're not as... Confused. Maybe we can even enroll at that academy." He laughs. I look at Quake. This son of a bitch, is not actually trying to put us in school is he? Quake leans closer to me. "He thinks it'll have more opportunities to have fun." She whispers. I nod. "Fair." I look at Impulse. Avian leads us off. "So is your name actually Avian?" Impulse throws out. He glances at him. "Hm?" Impulse blinks. "Avian literally means bird. That just seems... Cruel." Avian laughs. "It's not my actual name, no. Just my hero name. And besides, your name is Impulse isn't it?" He hums. "It's not my actual name either." He leaves it at that. Avian shows us around town before bringing us to the school. We arrive in an office that's covered in snow. Avian shivers but we stand, unphased. "What's this?" A penguin speaks. Impulse looks at Quake. "Aren't Penguins extinct?" He whispers to Quake. I roll my eyes. Avian smiles. "We have some friends." He gestures. I look at the penguin. "I'm Mystic, this is Impulse, and Quake. We're new to town and we think attending this... Academy, would be good." The penguin glances at Impulse and I look at the two. "Can you cut it out?" I roll my eyes. Impulse huffs. "Fine." I look at him. "I'm Kowalski. And to enroll in this school you have to prove that your quirks are strong enough to be here." I nod. "Okay, so what do we have to do?" Avian grins.

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