Different- Crossover

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If I don't know the character name, I'll probably just call them the voice actor.
- Probably some Major cursing.
-Crossover! Cyberpunk explores the dimensions.

Mystics pov~
I tap my chin, eyes skirting over the city. Footsteps sound behind me. "You walk loudly." I comment. They hum. "I'm not exactly stealth based. I glance back. "What brings you to this part of town Randis?" He hums. "Supply pick up." I nod. "Makes sense." I push myself up. "What brings you about?" I glance at him. "Work." He laughs, towering over me. "Anything I can help with?" I squint. "Your not getting any pay." He shrugs. "I'm bored." I hum. "Scouting currently. Impulse and Quake are on their own jobs. I need to steal from a locked chest." I point. He nods. "Just go in and storm the place." I shake my head. "Not everything is solved with brute force. This is the best option. Wait till the security lessens and break the window. Take the chest, get out." He hums. "Take the chest?" I shrug. "Easier then hacking into it. I don't have hacking abilities. It would take far to long." He nods. "How do we get through the window?" I chuckle, spinning a gun on my hand. "Shoot some windows out of the opposite side, jump over via that bridge." I point. "And break that window." He tilts his head. "Wouldn't the glass breaking over us hurt?" I roll my eyes. "Might hurt you. I'm not exactly human remember?" I jump over the bridge. He follows. "Yeah. Yeah." I aim, shooting out a pane. Sirens go off and they rush over. Then I break another, and another. Then walk over. He follows. I kick the glass, it shatters. He follows. "I want to fight someone." I shrug, grabbing the box. "Then go fight someone." I jump out. He busts down the door, taking out the guards. "I feel better now." He follows. I roll my eyes, smiling. "Whatever. Let's get back." I contact the others. "Job done." Special part of being the only three of our special kind. He hums. "How strong are you?" I shrug. "Strong?" We head back. "This is where I take my leave." I wave, walking through the door. I walk up stairs, dropping the box. "What's this?" Impulse questions. "Its my task." I file it in. "What's in the box?" He questions. I shrug. "Open it." Quake gets to work, it pops open. A glowing orb in it. "Lame." I nod. He picks it up. "Why did you pick it up?!" Quake silently yells. "Sounded fun." It glows, blinding us. "Great."

We look around at the field. "Why the fuck?" I snap at Impulse. He shrugs. "Another dimension most likely." He looks around. "At least it's something new." Quake remarks. "Great. Let's figure out where we are." Impulse hums. "I feel strong magical waves. And considering were in a... field... or something, definately somewhere different." I nod. "Choose a direction and we start walking. We have our weapons." Quake points and we start walking. We come across a camp. "Camp. That sounds fun." Impulse grins at me. I roll my eyes. "Don't kill anyone yet." We walk up to the gate. "Barrier. Wonder if we can get through." I remark. Impulse holds out his hand. "Seems so." We walk forward. "What exactly does it keep out then?" I cross my arms. "Dunno." Impulse shrugs. "Let's find a counselor or something." Quake instructs. I nod. We walk in, finding a figure. "Your up!" I roll my eyes walking up. I tap the blue haired one. He turns. "By any change do you think you can direct me to a Counselor?" He smiles, eyeing me. "I'm Cal, nice to meet you. I'm assuming your looking for Kay?" I shrug. "Just whoever runs this place." He hums, looking at his friend. "Where does Kay stay?" He hums. "Normally her office, or her cabin. But she's out." I turn. "She's out." Impulse and Quake walk over. "Who, the person that runs this place?" Impulse questions. I nod. "Clearly." I roll my eyes. "What do we do now then?" He groans. "Clearly, there are other people here. Just ask them dumbass." I gesture. "Who exactly are you?" The one in purple questions. I step back. "Uh, Well I'm Inpulse... This is Quake." He gestures. "Mystic." I remark. "Well, I'm Xylo. Why exactly are you here? You don't seem like Demi gods." I face palm. "Great. We transferred to a fucking dimension with demi gods." Impulse throws his hands up. "Shut up." Quake remarks. "Anyway." Impulse hums. "Were not exactly from this dimension. We were accidently traveled here, and now we're just looking for a place to stay." Quake sighs. "Your the one that touched the orb." I nod. "She's right. If you didn't touch the orb, we would have just got our money and been fine." He grins. "It's an adventure! Embrace it!" I reach over, grabbing him and throwing him. "Anyhow." Xylo yelps. "Is he okay?" I nod. "Yeah. He'll be fine. I've thrown him harder." Quake sighs. "Should I check on him?" I turn. "You can..." She waves, walking off. I turn back. "Well. Your an interesting bunch." Cal remarks. "You can get set up in a cabin. But you'll have to share." I laugh. "Don't worry. Were pretty much siblings. We can share a place." I hum. Wonder how Bleak is doing. "Okay..." I grin. "Were spratic, you never get used to it." I laugh. Cal nods. "Which pantheon do we leave him with?" I hum. "Pantheon??" Xylo nods. "Greek, Asian, Egyptian." I chuckle. "Look, I don't even have an origin. My origin is from hundreds of years ago." I hear a yell. "Mysticccccc!!!" I roll my eyes. "What?" He frowns. "I'm getting impatient." I rub my temples. "We need this place to still be standing Impulse." He frowns. "I wanna stab someone." I sigh. "Go into the wild, and find some monsters. Were in a world of mythology, I'm sure some are around." He crosses his arms. "Do I have to?" I glare. "Yeah. If you wanna stab someone, stab a monster." I point. He rolls his eyes. "Finnneee." I rub my temple. "Your supposed to be the leader dumbass." He flips me off. "Stop fighting him." Quake remarks. I shake my head. "I'll fight him all I want." Xylo steps forward. "Stab?" I nod. "We're from a violent world. It's kill or be killed." I shrug. Quake nods. "There's little to no technology here." I blink, quirking up any eyebrow. "Well yeah? We're in a world of magic. Why would they use tech?" She groans. "Your still useful." I pat her shoulder. "Strange..."

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