Puppy Love- Superhero Remnants

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Okay, so I got this idea from a comment on Rdw656's story. Thanks to @The_Munchi. So you know, props for those two. (Sorry I keep stealing ideas from your story's Rdw656. I probably should start asking permission...)

Michael's pov~
I remain in my dog form, laying comfortably. Jesus dogs have it well. I jerk up to the soft sound of whimmpers. My dog instincts kick in and I jump up on the bed. Nightmare... not again. I nudge his head over and over again in attempt to wake him. He eventually jumps awake, meeting my large doe eyes. Atleast, that's what the others describe them as. "Scruffy..." His voice is hoarse. After waking in a panic, I've found he forgets I'm actually Michael. I just lick his cheek and give him a concerned look, tilting my head instinctively. "I'm okay bud." He smiles, scratching behind my ear. I start panting, unable to stop the happy feeling spreading through my bones at the touch. "I'm glad your always here for me." I rub against his face in an attempt of wiping away his tears. He looks over. "3 am. Better then last time at least." He turns. "Michael, your furs soaked." He remarks. I laugh, seeing he broke from his daze. "It's the only way I can wipe off your tears as a dog." I switch back, looking up at him still. My legs folded to the side. "Sorry I keep referring to you as Scruffy." He mumbles. I carefully wipe away his tears. "It's okay. Scruffy is apart of me now, I just want to make you feel better." I sigh. "You've been having these nightmares more frequently recently." He looks down. "I know... I told you, you don't have to help me through them." I lift his head, smiling softly. "And I told you, your my best friend and kind of owner. I'll help you through he'll and back." He laughs. "Im not your owner." He reaches up, scratching behind my ear again. I start panting, leaning forward. "It's funny how you still have puppy like reflexes." I laugh, catching my breath. "I told you. Scruffy and I are one now. I'm just part dog." I shrug. He laughs. I carefully pet his hair. "You should get some more sleep Ritchie." He pouts. "Do I have to?" I run my hand from his hair down the side of his face, holding it tenderly. "Yes Ritchie. You need sleep." He looks down. "Can you... Stay with me?" I smile, tilting my head lightly. "Human or dog?" He bites his lip. "Human." I lay down, pulling him down. "Of course." He rests his head on my chest, and I wrap my arms around him. And he slowly drifts off. Once I'm sure he's asleep, I sleep as well.

I wake up to him still in my arms. He's looking over my side at his phone. "Morning." I greet. He nods, as I pull away. "Did you sleep well?" He nods. "I woke up not long before you did." I sit up and he follows. I laugh. "You look like a mess." I ruffle his hair. He laughs. "Speak for yourself, when's the last time you slept as a human?" I give him a look. "10 years." He laughs. "Well, clean yourself up." I pull myself up and he follows. He went to go change. Once we found the truth it was a bit awkward because he had changed in front of his dog which was me, but we'd gotten over it. I stand and walk to the bathroom. I fix my hair and pull away. I bring my arm up and sniff. I might need to shower soon. Maybe I can force Ritchie to do it again. I smile softly. It was a bad situation but it definitely brought us much closer.  I walk out. "Which one?" He questions, standing before his mirror. I walk up, looking over his shoulder. "Left." He nods. "Thanks." He turns as my stomach rumbles. "Sorry." I flush, looking away. He laughs. "Go get some food. Your human now remember." I blink. "Right. Guess I've gotten used to waiting for you to finish your morning routine before I even thought of food." He rests a hand on my shoulder. "That was Scruffy. You may still have traces of Scruffy, your Michael now. You're your own person." I look down. What if I don't want to be? "Uh, yeah. I guess I'll go get food then." He nods, smiling at me. I walk down stairs, Mario and Austin asleep on the couch. I wonder into the kitchen, looking through. It's quiet. Ritchie always would be loud going through the kitchen in the morning. I pull out a bowl and get me some cereal. I hear his loud footsteps. "You need to go get groceries." I remark. He grins. "I will, you might want to cover your ears." Oh this again. I do cover my heightened ears, and he clashes his pans together. "Wake up!!" He yells. He sits down the pans and I let go. "Must you always be so loud?" Austin groans. "Seriously?" I laugh. "Ritchies an early bird. You have to adapt." I sit down and eat my cereal as Ritchie wakes the others and forces them up. "What are we doing that's so important?" Brandon yawns, rubbing his eye. "Living! These three just got back, your new to the group, let's go out and do things." I lean on my hand. "You did everything in the area like 50 times in the past years. How are you not tired of them?" He turns. "Because now I'm doing them with my friends!" I huff. "Wow. Feeling the love." He pouts. "It's not my fault i didn't know you were my friend at the time!" I give him a look. "10 years full of hints and you missed every last one of them." The others laugh. "You guys act like a married couple." Mario remarks. I turn. "It's more of relationship then you'll ever have." Austin laughs. "Burn!" Mario turns. "Your not much better either, Mister Hobo!" They engage in a screaming match and Ritchie and I laugh. "Is this normal?" Brandon questions. I nod. "Yeah. It's normally like this or it's Ritchie and Austin in a screaming match while Mario frantically tries to put out the fire Ritchie had created and I kinda sit there and try not to get involved." Ritchie turns. "Do I need to light something on fire?" I roll my eyes. "No you don't." Brandon groans. "Why did the Principle put me with you idiots?" Austin and Mario pause at his words. Ritchie merely smirks. I look at him over my shoulder, my eye glowing. "You want to repeat that?" My voice dropping. He blinks. "No?" I grin. "Good!" They return to their argument and Ritchie eats his breakfast calmly. I jump into the air, turning into a bird with ease. "Why are you a bird?" Mario questions. I hum. "Just open the door." He does so. I fly out, pulling myself into the air. I look around. Clear. I drop down, flying through the open door. "What was that for?" Ritchie questions. I change back, landing in a crouch. "Look out. There's been a few mysterious robberies recently, and I wanted to check around." Brandon crosses his arms. "How do you know that?" I laugh. "I can use the remote as a dog, I can watch the news." I change into a dog, jumping up onto the counter. "Scruffy always was a smart dog." Ritchie pets me. I laugh, relaxing at his touch. "He's a cute puppy at least." Austin remarks. I open an eye. "I can rip your throat out." He huffs. "You wish." Ritchie scoffs, petting me. "Scruffy, calm." I relax again. "Yes Sir..." I remark, Closing my eyes again. "He actually answers to Scruffy?" Mario questions. Ritchie laughs. "Yeah. I don't know about you guys, but he definitely listens when i do." I open my eyes. "Will you be a dog all day?" Ritchie questions. I shrug. "I can be. You want me human again?" He laughs. "Your cuter as a dog." I huff. "Fuck you too then." But I continue to sit calmly under his hand. "How would you react if we called you Scruffy?" Brandon questions. I blink. "Uh... I don't know?" I laugh. "Probably the same as if you called me Michael? Scruffy is my name now. Second name at least." My ears perk up at a bang. I look out the window. "You good there?" Mario looks over. "I heard a bang." I look the other way. "It might have been Oswald." Ritchie blinks. "It couldn't have been too major if we didn't hear it." I nod slowly. Maybe I'm hearing things, it's been happening a lot recently. Maybe I'm adjusting to being human again. "Well, let's go anyway." Ritchie grins. "Dude, we just woke up." Mario groans. "Well hurry up speed boy." Ritchie rolls his eyes. "It's not the simple Ritchie. Relax, let them have space." I chuckle, his hand moving to pet me once more. "Whatever."

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