Homies- Mho

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Guys. Shino and Kol. They be homies.
-This may be vaguely romantic. I just can't help it- that's my bad. I know their minors. But what good friendship isn't vaguely romantic? (Probably any good one.)
- are they in highschool or college. Someone help me.
-So uh. Shino. Tea or Coffee? Which one you think?

-it did end up being romantic so... yeah? Sorry?

Shino pov~
I sway in the chair. This is fun. Watching people talk isn't bad. I tap the keys, altering the volume. Hm... "is it just me or does it feel like someone's looking at us?" I hear. "No I feel it too..." Yuki glances around. Nico hums. "Camera maybe?" Shizu laughs. "It probably nothing!" I hear footsteps. "Shino?" I mute them, turning. "Ana." I greet. She blinks. "What are you doing?" I hum. "Watching the cameras." I gesture to the seat next to me. "You wanna join?" She sits quietly. I tap a few buttons, opening one of the audio tracks. "I'm serious." Blake huffs. "Don't touch me." She steps back. "Awe why not? I'm sure your love to see yourself!" Alex chirps. "What's happening?" Ana mumbles. I hum. "Well, Flex is trying to be Blake. You know, like his job is. Trying to be everyone." She blinks. "Okay?" I nod. "He just has to touch her shoulder or something." Ana nods. "So we all have a role...?" I shrug. "Of sorts. Obviously, Flex is the spy. Trying to be everyone he can for secrecy." She nods slowly. "What exactly is the point of the group?" She questions. I hum. "For a bunch of misfits to have fun really. But I think the main goal is to help people. People that normally aren't helped. Like the homeless people the proheros just... never cared about." She nods slowly. "Okay." I chuckle. "I mean, if we go help people. We help people. If we just want to go bowling, we'll go bowling. As simple as that." I lay back, resting my feet on the table. She smiles. "That sounds nice." I nod. I turn back to the cameras.

Eventually, Ana left for night classes. And the Kol twins came down the ladder. "Shino." One greets. I hum. "Hey you two. How was class Flex?" Silence. I glance at them. "You stand differently. I know which ones you." Flex frowns. "Shoot." He changes back. "Observant." Kol comments, sitting next to me. Flex just stands behind us. "Class was nice!" He chirps. I nod. "Been down here a while." I lean on my hand. "Yeah! I finally got to touch Blake." Flex chirps. Kol and I glance at each other, snickering. "Yeah I saw." I remark, looking back at the screens. Were silent for a minute. "We need music in here." Kol comments. I hum. "Do we have speakers?" He sighs. I shrug. "I mean, I could try making some." I glance at them. Flex gasps. "You can?" I nod. "Would just have to go get some Energy to do so. Otherwise it would knock me out cold." Kol laughs. "If you want." I stand, climbing up the ladder. They follow. I walk through the door. "Hm... where can I get some light?" I mumble. Kol hums. "The school?" I nod. "Smart." I weave through the trees, cutting off my natural light. They follow. I lean on the tree. Hm... campfire should work. I hold out my hand, it glows as the campfire flickers out. And back to make some speakers! "How do you store that?" Flex questions. I hum. "With lots of practice." I chuckle. Kol nods. "I would assume so." We make our way back. I concentrate, and two speakers appear. "Now let's hope they work." I comment. Kol laughs. "Maybe. It was cool anyway." And tiring... two larger objects. I did not have enough energy for this. I sit down. "How do we wire this?" Kol questions. I turn, switching one of the cameras to a normal screen. I hum, tapping with haste. "What song should we play?" I glance back. Alex gasps, walking over. He types something in. And it starts to play loudly. I stop it quickly. "Okay, too loud." Kol laughs. I tap the volume a few times. Before testing it. Turning it down quickly. "Better." Kol laughs, nodding. Flex sits down. "We can't turn it to loud, someone will hear us." I nod. "I know. Ana also doesn't like loud noises. Or so I'm assuming at least. So you know." I lay back in the seat. I'm tired. I lean on my hand, rubbing my eye. "How long have you been looking at the Screens?" Kol comments. I shrug. "A while probably." He hums. "Maybe you should go to your dorm... take a nap or something. You've been here a while I can tell." I stand. "Just because I should check on my roommates. I'll be back later."they nod. I climb out, heading to my dorm. Let's see how those two are doing.

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