Fuck - OZ

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If anyone has seen the show Mr Iglesias and wants to talk about how cute Marisol and Mikey are I would adore that.

Austin's pov-

"Are you sure about this?" Ray questions. I hum lightly. "Sure about what?" I check my reflection, idly fixing my hair. "Whatever you're about to do. You're acting weird." She deadpans. I glance at her. "I'm not. No." I take a deep breath and oat her shoulder. "But if there's one thing the end of the world taught me, it's to make good with what you have." I assure. She giggles, turning slightly to watch me walk away. "Can't wait to see what you'll do." She calls. I walk off quickly. Gotta do this before I lose my confidence.

I lean on the open garage door, waiting until Bri rolls out from under the car. "Is now a bad time?" I call. She turns. "Sweet tart! No, never!" She chirps, grinning brightly. I nod, pushing myself to a stand. "Common." I gesture. She follows after me quickly. "Where we going?" She prompts. I hum lightly. "Oh somewhere where we can talk privately." I assure. She grins, going pink. "Alone time with Austin." She whispers to herself. I just continue to lead her into the forest. "Don't you always say not to go out into the forest cause of the gummy bears?" She questions. I shrug. "This is important." I turn to her fully now. "Serious man." She points out. I nod, and reach out to take her hand. "So. We uh. We've kinda been dating for a bit now? About a year I think?" I question. She nods. "Roughly." She smiles. "What about it?" She questions. I keep my head down, idly tugging off her dirty gloves. "I know you're like... A zombie. And you're nearly impossible to kill. But I'm just a human. And a guy with a fuck ton of anxiety." I mutter. She giggles. "But the truth is, I still don't want to lose you. In any way. I know I'm not the best at... Showing that. But you really do mean a lot to me Bri." I insist. She nods. "I know. You do show it. Just in your own way." She assures. I pause and let go of her hands long enough to reach up and tug my bandana down. She perks up, smiling. "Hey, there you are." She offers softly. I don't even hide the smile. I reach down to tug off my gloves as well, dropping them to the ground with hers. "Seriously Austin, what's this all about?" Bri questions. I pause, and take her hands in mine. "Bri. You were with me when we created the misfits, and you've helped me through the end of the world for over a year now. And I think it's time, I show you just how much that means to me." I offer softly. She blinks and I sink down to my knee. "Austin." She states, voice shaking as it seems to click. I wince and free one hand to reach into my pocket. "I couldn't find a box, so I hope just the ring will do?" I offer softly, holding it up. She just stares. I smile weakly. "Bri? Is it cause I didn't ask properly? Bri, will you marry me?" I insist. She blinks slowly, clutching at my free hand. "You bought me a ring." She whispers. I hum lightly. "Actually I raided a jewelry store. They had a few others if you don't like this one. It was not easy getting your ring size by the way." I deadpan. She laughs, and I notice the tears brimming in her eyes. "Hey, easy. No tears." I shush her softly. "I can't believe you did this. The world's ending and I'm still covered in oil, were literally in the middle of the forest. You jerk." She complains. I blink. "Is that a no?" I question. She tugs me to a stand effortlessly and presses a quick kiss to my lips. "Yes, obviously." She breathes. I smile. "Good. And by the way, I love you no matter how you look. Place doesn't matter when it's you." I assure. She chokes before pulling me into a kiss again. I melt into it willingly. And, I only have to shoot one zombie over her shoulder that tries to interrupt us. Score.

I sit back on the counter. "I need to get a rubber ring. So I can wear it while I work. Are these diamonds?" Bri rambles. I blink. "It's not like I could ask anyone Bri." I deadpan. She giggles. "I wonder if a jeweler survived the apocalypse." She questions, shifting her hand in the light. "It's odd how many people rob jewelry stores actually. Considering money doesn't really have any value." I point out. She shrugs. "Maybe they want shiny rocks. Or they're like Devin and obsessed with money. Or... They thought it was a temporary act of the world ending and they'd be back later? Like, purge style." She insists. I shake my head. "Well, that's what you ended up with." I gesture at the stone. She giggles, swaying happily. "Woah, I haven't heard Bri this giggly since you went on your first date." Seek calls as he walks out with Colin. "What did you do?" Colin squints at me. I blink. "Maybe I drugged her." I offer lightly. He gives me a look. "Look!" Bri throws her hand forward to show it off. "Holy shit, that's a ring." Seek breathes. "You're engaged?!" Colin yells. I tilt my head. "Do believe that's what a ring on the left hand ring finger means yeah." I offer dryly. Bri laughs. "What? When did this happen, you proposed? I thought you'd never get around to it!" Seek rambles. I roll my eyes. "Well I already have a suit so pick a date Bri." I offer. She turns to me quickly. "You do?!" She gasps. I shrug. "I wanted to be prepared." I offer, smile hidden behind the bandana. She bounces in place, shaking her hands quickly. Oh jeez, I kicked her into a fit. Whoops. "I need a dress, and oh my god Colin you're gonna be my maid of honor." Bri states. Colin grins. I hum lowly. "Suppose we'll have Ray be the best man and Seek can be the flower girl." I offer. Bri grins. "And my brother can walk me down the aisle. Oh my god!" She yells. I chuckle. "Do we know anyone who can officiate a wedding?" Seek questions. Bri pauses. "Can I legally officiate my own wedding?" I question. They laugh at me. "Given our limited personnel, maybe we just have Ritchie do it? It can't exactly be legal cause we have no documents." Bri points out. I nod. "Oh my god we're gonna have to find rings." Seek gasps. "Nope, have those." I assure. The three look at me. I hum softly. "Said I was prepared." I remind. They laugh. "I can't believe we're actually doing this." Bri breathes, walking up. She pulls my bandana down to kiss me properly. The other two cheer for us. Dramatic bitches.

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