Michael and Mario Part 1

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3rd person-
Michael stared out the window in his office. it was night time and he was staring at the moon. he had been awoken by nightmares again, so he just stared. something felt off, but he couldn't place it. every time he closed his eyes, he would see his nightmare, and it almost scared him. this one wasn't even about Lilac and his past mistakes. he sighs, rubbing under his eyes. his skin is turning sickenly pale and the deep bags under his eyes make him look dead. the other guildmasters just think it's his look and that it's fake. it's not. he wonders how sleep feels like, he's forgotten. Michael gets pulled from his thoughts by the sun hitting his face. he embraces it, and stares out, watching the light cover the land. all but grimshade. the building was always rather dark on the outside. Michael smiles, watching the land come to life. he just continues to stare. a knock rings on the door. "come in" Michael calls, not looking away. the person walks in. "hello Michael." he turns his head to look at the person who entered. "Brandon?" he thinks before tilting his head, "hello Brandon. what brings you to grimshade?" he shrugs, "I was wondering if I could hang around here a while. I needed a break, the Divinus Magia were loud and annoying. it's quiet here." Michael nods. "of course, you and Richie are always welcome here. it is normally quiet unless were having a guild meeting. as long as you don't mind my pacing." he smiles. "thanks Michael." Michael nods again. he then swivels to look out the window again. "Brandon?" Micheal tinted pink, recognizing the voice immediately. "welcome brother" Brandon replies. Richie looks at Michael before looking away. "what are you doing here Brother?" Brandon looks at Michael. "the guild was getting loud, and grimshade is my quiet place." Michael suddenly hums and nods. "you both seem to come here for quiet often." he states, turning to face them again. Brandon sat up on the ledge of the balcony, while Richie leaned against the table. "despite your guild been full of assassin's and such, it's oddly calming here. plus, I always take an opportunity to see my best friend." Richie smiles. Michael feels his heart ache but smiles softly. "sorry for the horrible hospitality, can I get you anything? drinks perhaps?" Michael moves to stand more inbetween them. Brandon chuckles. "do not worry. we are friends, don't try to be all formal on us now." Michael shrugs, "A lot has happened recently, I forget to relax sometimes." he chuckles, the twins joining in. "what all have you been thinking about recently?" Richie asked. Michael leans against the table next to him. "well, we have Eden, my guild, alantitde, some grimshade things I'm not allowed to talk about, my love life, my social life, my friends, a few random things I have no idea where they came from, I have spirit issues to deal with, those books I read the other day, and more." Michael stares up as he goes. "woah Michael, don't stress yourself. your not alone, let us help." Richie throws an arm over Michael's shoulders.

Michaels pov~
I lean towards Richie a little, barely enough to be noticeable. "so let's work our way through alright?" Richie starts, "the first thing is Eden." Brandon continues his brothers statement. "Eden is an ongoing problem for all of us. there's nothing we can do, so don't worry about him." Brandon explains. Richie watches me carefully. "obviously, we all get stressed about taking care of our guilds and we can't help you with whatever secrets grimshade has." I nod, having known this. Brandon smirks. "Your love life, huh? why didn't you just say Lilac?" I turn pink. "because Its more than just lilac" Richie raised an eyebrow. "explain?" I lean into Richies shoulder. "I know Lilac is dead or just isn't coming back. she probably forgot I exist by now. I've moved on. I think I like someone else." I mumble. Brandon and Richie both gasp. "oh my god. who?!" Brandon shouts. believe it or not, Brandon actually loves gossip. "I can't tell you yet. I mean, I don't even know if I really like them." I blush harder. Richie hums and shrugs, "describe them or how you feel around them." how do I explain him with out letting them know who it is?

"well... they have the prettiest Royal blue eyes that I just get lost in whenever I look at them, and the brightest fluffest hair ever that I just want to run my hands through whenever I see them. their hair falls perfectly into their face to look messy yet still be adorably cute. their face is so perfect it hurts, with a sharp jawline and perfectly white teeth. they wear kinda weird clothing but i still love it, covers enough skin to be decent but still showing just enough. they're in a guild that often doesn't agree with my ways but they still is willing to support my decisions no matter what. they're personality is just as lovely. they may seem childish but they can be serious when needed to be, and they're so strong. they've always been there when I needed them, even if my problem was to difficult for h-them to handle."

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