Old Friend- OoO

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Pony tail Cal pog
-can be romantic or platonic Cal and Xylo, take as you wish
-This is honestly just a lot of fluff mate
-its 2 am, brain isn't working too hard

-I definitely didn't just now realize that when I transfer my stories to this book to publish them it renders any italics/Bold/underline effects nonexistent... Oops
(I usually write other languages in italics and now I'm 90 percent sure that they don't exist anymore)

Cals pov-
I shift slightly, humming along to the radio as I wipe down the counter. I mostly zone out, allowing myself to fall into the practiced rhythm. Only a few customers lingered in the store and I probably should go check on them in a second. I toss the rag back on the edge of the sink, reaching for my own drink. Of course my peaceful moment is interrupted by the ding of the door, and I quickly slip into my persona. "Hello and welcome..." I trail off as I check sight of the man that just walked into my job. He's not wearing his armor or anything but he's not exactly a man you can miss. "Xylo." I mutter. He smiles weakly. "Hey Cal. It's been a while." I take a slow sip of my drink, staring at him. "You know I hate when you do that Cal, say something." He groans. I pause and then sit down my drink. "It's been 3 months Xylo, no calls no texts, not a letter, I thought you died." I huff. He frowns. "I know, things have been really bad recently and that's kinda why I'm here. Set's back." I take another slow slip of my drink, mostly just to be dramatic. "And you need my help? A camp full of powerful people." I don't drop the real title when surrounded by mortals, and he winces. "Look, there's been a lot of fire, and everytime we try something he disappears. You know how the campers are, can't work together to save their lives. Literally. Please Cal, your my last hope." He leans closer to me over the counter. I sigh, leaning my head back to the point where my pony brushes my shoulder blade. "I come back to camp, attend one of your fancy meetings, kick Sets ass and leave?" He nods. "That's all I ask. Hopefully after I can return to my letters and stuff. No one else has to know were still in contact." I close my eyes, running my hand through my hair. "Your lucky I like you." I open my eyes. He grins. "Id say I owe you but I've owed you a lot over the years." I nod. "Damn right you do." I shake my head. He folds his arms on the counter with a grin. "So? What do you recommend?"

I fiddle with my hair, constantly pushing it back before it falls again. "I'm excited for you to see the camp Cal, like physically in person." Xylo grins. I nod, slipping my hands in my pockets to stop fiddling with things. "Time to see if your pictures hold up." I remark. Xylo nod, glancing back at me. "You know you didn't have to get on all of your God stuff Cal." He comments. I shrug, keeping my eyes forward. "It's easier to fight in." He nods, fully decked in his armor and weapons again. "So who all's going to be at this meeting?" I glance at him. He shrugs. "I don't know how many campers. But I can tell you the main ones. We have Mitch, King of Atlantis and son of Poseidon. One of my old friends, as you know." I laugh. "Xylo everyone either is your friend or hates you. And literally everyone has wanted you dead at one point do the other." He falters before nodding. "Yeah okay, your right." I grin, basking in the desert sun. He chuckles. "Anyhow. Next is Momiji, camp counselor of the Asian pantheon, daughter of Inari Okami. Then there's Inpu, he represents the Egyptian pantheon being the son of Anubis." I nod along, trying to process as much as I can. "So then he's my cousin." I mutter. He pauses, glancing at me. "Really?" I nod. "Like, 3 or 4 times removed but yes." He chuckles. "Alrighty then. There's also Ricarro, he kinda just shows up sometimes. He's the son of set." He glances at me. I nod. "Technically also my cousin. Set's my cousin, Anubis is Sets son, so it's just removed over and over again." I chuckle softly. He blinks. "Oh, interesting." He nods to himself before continuing. "There's Nad, He represents the Nordics, son of Vidar. Ashara to represent the Hindu, son of Ashwatthama. And then there's someone named Mors, I'm not really sure who he is, seems kinda threatening." He shrugs. I chuckle. "Your threatened by everyone." He huffs. "Because everyone likes to kill me Cal, it's very stressful being me." I grin widely. "Oh you poor thing. Whatever will you do?" He laughs. I smirk, rolling my eyes. He chuckles, finally relaxing. "So since we're going in via the desert we're actually going in the back, so you'll see the temple first thing." I falter. "Via? Via? How old are you?" I laugh. He gasps. "Your older than me?!" I grin. "Only if you count my time locked away and I don't. Seriously man you leave this camp enough to know Via is not something people say anymore." He rolls his eyes. "Oh fuck off." I smile, the tip of a pyramid coming into view.

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