Social? Ha. No. -Mho

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Fuck @Ghost_Yashino for giving me writing ideas when I'm supposed to be doing homework.
-Kol is... Not as much of an asshole? Like, he's definitely not a good person, but he's not a dick.
-Artemis and Shino aren't dating

Shino's pov-
I sit silently on the balcony. It has a nice view, unfortunately I can't see it. I tilt my head back. The early morning air is fresh, and I can hear people waking up and getting ready for the school day. "Shino-Kun, I made breakfast, would you like any?" Rikku calls. I tilt my head towards her. "Sure." I spin around so my legs can reach the actual floor, and stand. "Did you ever use your quirk again?" She questions softly. I nod. "Yeah. Is my blindness that obvious?" I chuckle softly. Gotta make it a joke, even if I'm genuinely curious. "A little. You always look above people's heads." She giggles. I wince. "Sorry." I walk back inside, mostly on instinct. "Hello Shino!" Artemis chirps. I wave in the vague direction of his voice. "I just made pancakes Shino-kun, so you should have everything." Rikku explains softly. I nod. "Thank you Rikku." I remark softly. She hums softly. "I heard that Avians gonna give us a test today." Artemis remarks. Not many people know but Artemis and Rikku are huge gossips. Rikku pretty much knows everyone and is friends with everyone. Artemis is in the shadows a lot, easily over looked. Probably why he got into fashion, to get attention. I don't really talk with anyone much, but I have enough connections to know most of what goes on. These two help. I just eat silently as they talk. "Hey Shino, your friends with Blake right?" Artemis questions. I nod. "Yeah." Well, Blake doesn't have friends but I'd consider her my friend. "Has she told you anything about the upcoming tests? As class President, she should know right?" Rikku prompts. I shake my head. "No, she hasn't been told. Neither of the class presidents or vice presidents are told about tests for this reason. Though Miss V did let it slip that they'll be individual." I drawl. They perk up. "Oh dear, what about people with support quirks? That sucks." Rikku comments. I stand, putting my dishes in the sink. I don't like to wash dishes when I'm blind less there's a knife I wasn't aware of. Very easy to cut myself. And that's just a hassle I don't have the time or energy for. I return to the others. "Artie, how do I look?" I prompt. Artemis chuckles. "Like you still need to put on your uniform." I wince. "Right. Knew I was forgetting something." He laughs softly. "I'll be back." I give a weak salute and walk down stairs. I quickly put on my uniform, putting on my tie mostly by muscle memory. I walk back upstairs. "Your tie is uneven." Rikku points out. I cross my arms. "Okay this is just bullying the blind guy." Artemis giggles, walking up to me. I tilt my head back, letting him fix it. "How long are you going to be blind Shino-Kun?" Rikku questions, fixing their hat if I had to guess. "Probably just a few hours." Hopefully. I only knocked out a streets worth of lights, that's easy. It's honestly just a lack of sleep at this point. We wander off for school after. Test day... Great, now I get to talk to Avian about not being able to take it. Fun.

Okay so I think my lack of sleep was worse than I thought? Because I still can't see. I rest my head on the table. "Hey Shino, wakey wakey." Flex chirps, hitting the table. I look up at him dully. "I'm awake." He chuckles. "Your eyes Are closed. Don't humans need eyes to see?" Kol suddenly speaks up from his side of the table. "Shino's blind from his quirk, it's lasted all day." He throws out. "Your quirk blinds you?" Ana whispers. I nod. "Mhm. Temporarily. I haven't been sleeping, so it's worse." I drawl. If I didn't explain, they'd just ask more questions. And I really don't have the energy to care right now. I feel a small hand pat my head. "Thanks Ana." I comment. She giggles softly. "You should go back to your dorm and rest." Kol comments. I turn to him. "If you all decide to go out tonight, I want to be there." I deadpan. He hums lowly. "We're not. But okay." Flex speaks up again. "No seriously, has he always been blind? How do you know where everything is so well?" Flex gasps. I sigh. "My blindness is temporary, and it's a mental map. When I can see, I pay close attention for when I can't. I pay attention to things Flex." I deadpan, turning back to him. He makes the usual noise of his transformation. "Okay now who am I?" He mutters lowly. I sigh. Before I take in a slow breath. Long hair, shorter than before, no natural voice change, very familiar stance. "Walk?" I prompt. Flex slowly walks across the floor. I can tell the others are paying attention now. I lay my head down. "Blake, that's easy." I deadpan. He gasps. "Holy crap, that is actually scary." Kol comments. "How did you know that?!" Flex yells. Ares perks up. "What's happening?" Kol laughs. "Flex is testing Shino's ability to sense things when blind." I hum lowly. "I've know Blake since middle school Flex, of course I reconguise her. You didn't even put on a school uniform to try and confuse me." I explain, pulling myself up. Kol Snickers. "Go Shino man." I can feel their eyes on me. I slip around Flex, walking into the kitchen. "Heads up!" I hear Aurora call, and I catch the bottle just thrown at me. I run my finger over the edges. Gatorade. "Please don't throw things at me Ares. Doesn't anyone have any respect for the blind guy?" I shake my head, tossing out the bottle. "Okay how did you know it was me?" Ares yelps. I fetch myself a water bottle. "Your the only one here who drinks Gatorade. And the only one to throw something at me." I return to my seat easily enough. "Wicked." Kol laughs. I turn to him. "I'm glad my vision impairment can bring you joy." I deadpan. He chuckles, patting my shoulder. "It doesn't. You showing up the boys though, that I like." I shake my head. Idiots, the lot of them.

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