Adorable- Yugioh Warzone

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Here we are! Few warnings.
-This is based off of the Yugioh Warzone roleplay done by Boat, Ritchie and Mario in specific.
-I don't know anything about Yugioh in specific, so this will be mostly adventure based? I'll skip over the game part mostly.
-I only have a brief idea on what to do here. So this might be short?
Enjoy anyway!

Aero (Lucas) pov~
I look up from my card at a knock on my door. I stand, fixing my hood. "What?" I open the door. "We have a mission Aero." Ritchie grins. I hum. "Lead the way." He nods. "Glad you could join us." Mario remarks. I close the door behind me. "Well, you just now got me." A smirk tugs at my lips as I follow Ritchie to our leader. "Wreck be joining us?" Mario shakes his head. "Nope. Just us three." I nod. We walk up to his office. Ritchie lands some knocks on the door. "Come in." We walk into the office. "Boys. Late." He growls. I shrug. "They just picked me up." I hold my hands up in mock surrender, sitting in A chair. "What's up?" The others sit. "I have a scouting mission for you three." I notice the other two space out, and focus closely. "Understand?" I nod. "Yes sir." He glances at the two. "I'll fill them in." I sigh. He nods. "Yeah. Now, go." I stand. "Boys!" I call. They snap back. "Let's go." They nod, following me out. "What are we doing?" Ritchie questions. I hum. "Scout. Pack some materials, we'll be put a few days." Their eyes widen. "Days?!" Mario yelps. I nod. "Now go. I have a few other things to do before we leave." I wave them off, walking into my room. I grab a few things, slinging a bag over my shoulder. I walk down the stairs. "Draco!" I call, knocking on the hidden door. He opens it. "What?" He groans. "Me and the boys have a mission." He blinks. "And?" I hum. "We'll be gone a few days. I'm hoping your done with that upgrade?" He nods. "Who do you think I am? Of course I am." He hands me the device. "You definitely asked for a lot. Don't. Loose it." I shake my head. "I won't." He hums, handing me a bag. "If anything goes wrong give one to the boys. You'll know what they do." I don't question it, nodding. "Thanks Draco." He smirks. "No problem. Just don't do anything stupid." I laugh. "No promises. I have to go." He huffs, nodding. I return up the stairs. "Hurry up slow poke." Ritchie teases. I roll my eyes. "I just had to speak with Draco. Let's go." We climb out. "Where are we going?" Mario turns to me. I huff. "Your lucky i saw you idiots spacing so I actually listened." I start walking. "Hey!" They chase after me. I roll my eyes fondly. We banter lightly. "Where are we going?" Ritchie whines. I hum. "We should set up camp around here. This is the safest area." They nod. "Should we go to that cave?" Mario points. I nod. "Scope it first." We slip in. "Clear." Ritchie remarks. "You care to actually explain what were doing Aero?" Mario questions. I sit down my bag and my sleeping bag. "Scouting. He gave us a few days to get in and get what we can." I hum. "We start today?" I turn to Ritchie. "It's night, incase you spaced again. They'll have extra defense. We should just get equipped with our surroundings first." They nod. Mario whispers something. I turn. "Did you say something?" He flushes. "Oh! No." He looks away. "Sure..." I shake my head, returning to my bag. I pull out my new toy. Thanks Draco. "What's that?" Ritchie leans in. "Oh, it's an upgraded version of my glass." I slip it on my ear. It glows, the red glass like projection appearing before my eye. "Woah." It glew slightly, but wasn't to bright. I look around. I had gotten used to the red hue of my sight. My eyes flicker to Mario. "Sweet." He laughs. "What does it do?" I hum. "Not important. I'm going out." I climb out before they can speak. I pull myself up a tree with haste. Eyes scowering the landscape. I knew it would be useful. I could see the building in the distance. Real smart. I return to the ground, running silently and quickly. I crouch down. "Did you see that?" The guard questions. "No?" They're idiots. Good. My calculated eye scans the area. "I know your there! Come out!" The one shouts. I wrap my hand around their mouth. They turn to me as I pull them back. "Shhhh..." I shush. "Quiet now. We don't want your friend to meet the same fate now do we?" I whisper, their eyes widening. I send a knife through his neck, lowering him to the ground slowly. I back up, looking away. I really don't like the sight of blood. I glance around. There's no bushes here. Surprised I managed to sneak around in the first place. I slip back over. The camera might have caught me. My red hoodie is pretty iconic. Shit. I lauch a rock at the camera, breaking it. I hide around the tree as the shattering brought attention. I should go.

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