Brandon, You have an issue- Fto

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Totally stole this idea from Rdw656. They had it in a list of headcannons. I'm also adding in a section from the comments, so like, go them.

Ritchie pov-
I sigh, feeling Brandon's hair run through my hair. I let him do as he pleases, reading through papers. "Ritchie...?" I look up, noticing that David was in front of us. "How can I help you?" His eyes travel up. I glance over at my brother. "Brandon." He retracts himself. "Sorry. Sorry." I sigh, returning my gaze to David. "You were saying?"

Here we were again. I read my book as Brandon sat behind me. He had pulled out my bandana and was just tugging through my hair. "Brandon sir?" Inmo? Brandon was still distracted. I nudge Brandon. "Brother." He pulls back again. "Inmo? How can I help you?" I sigh. My attention focused on my book.

I sigh, pausing in the middle of talking. "Brandon." He pulls back, pink shading his cheeks. "Sorry." I shake my head. "You have an issue." He looks down. "I know." Silver laughs. "What is happening here?" I rest my arm on the table, then rest my head on my hand. "Brandon has an obsession with my hair." Bri gasps. "Makes sense. Your hair is so fluffy and soft-" She stops suddenly. I sigh, shaking my head. "But you only stop me when you have too." Brandon grins. I blush as the others laugh. "You two brothers are crazy." Michael remarks. I nod. "Of course. Who do we have to be normal for?"

This is the shortest thing I've made in a long time. But I felt like writing on this headcannon. Thanks Rdw656.

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