Oblivious- OoO

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YO BITCH. I swear these stories are coming soon, I just keep writing- I have a problem- So have this OoO short.

Cals pov~
I lean on my hand. "Your going to start drooling." Lychee remarks. I hum, shrugging. I watch him swing the sword. "Wouldn't be the first time." I remark. He sighs. "Just go confess." I huff. "Not happening." He hums. "Why not?" I sigh. "We don't even know if he likes guys. Or if he has love at all. He's always been more fighting." He stands. Walking forward. "Xylo!" He calls. The armoured male turns. I hide around the tree. "Hey Lychee, what's up?" He chuckles. Lychee hums. "I have a question." He nods. "A friend of mine. Is uh. Interested in you. Emphasis on a friend." Xylo nods slowly. "Okay?" Lychee hums. "Do you... have interest in males by chance?" Xylo hums. "It's sounding like your talking about yourself. But yeah, still. Uh, I like people? I don't really care about their gender?" He shrugs. Lychee hums. "Cool. He's been really upset recently over this." He rolls his eyes. Xylo laughs. "So let's back track, someone likes me?" Lychee nods. "Indeed. Hopefully, I can convince him to actually confess now." Xylo hums. "As someone thats been on your side of this before, yeah it's kinda stressful." He hums. "I'll go get him now." He walks off. Xylo turns pink, covering his face. "Someone likes me...." He mumbles. I lean against the tree, biting my lip. I turn red. "There you go." Lychee remarks. I exhale. "The fuck do I do now?" I mumble, exhaling. He hums. "Confess." I turn red.

I lean on a tree. "Are you okay?" Nad questions. Xylo hums. "Apparently someone in camp likes me." Nad snickers. "You didn't know?" Xylo blinks. "No?" Nad sighs. "Guess you are oblivious. He's practically drooling all over you all the time." Nad remarks. Xylo huffs. "Does everyone know about this?!" Nad nods. "Most people, yeah. Pretty obvious." Xylo looks down. "Yikes." Nad laughs. "You'll find out eventually." He looks up. "Oh hey Cal!" He waves. I pull myself up. "Hey." Xylo hums. "You hear the entire conversation?" I nod. "Indeed." I hum. "You guys did stop and speak right in front of me." Nad nods. "True." Xylo hums. "Do you also know who likes me?" I chuckle. "Yeah." He groans. "Why does everyone know?" I hum. "Because your oblivious?" He groans. I crack a smile, smiling fondly at him. "Why won't anyone tell me?" He mumbles. "Because he needs to confess himself." Nad remarks. "Were letting him do his thing." I nod slowly. Xylo frowns. "Do you like anyone..?" I question. He turns pink. "I don't know? I've really thought about it?" He looks down. "Well now's your time to think about it." Bad chuckles. He exhales. "How do you know you like someone?" Nad looks at me and Xylo follows. I look up. "Uh... it's really different for everyone." I hum. "But I know for me it was when... i couldn't stop thinking about them, and I just always wanted to be by their side. Things like that." I look back down. "Honestly, you'll know." He turns red, looking down. Nad grins. "You like someone." He exhales. "I- think I do..." He covers his face. Nad laughs loudly. I grip my sleeve, but smile. "Well that's a good thing. Maybe they like you?" He nods weakly. "Oh god Lee will never let this go if she sees me." He groans. I chuckle. "Your always welcome around the Pyramid if you need a place to cool off." He hums. "Yes, the Egyptian area. Perfect place to cool off." He deadpans. I roll my eyes. "You know that's not what I ment." His attention switches. "Your gripping your sleeve rather tightly." I glance down. My hand had turned white from my grip. I let go quickly. Ah, now my hand hurts. "Oh, I didn't realise I was doing that." Nad snickers. Xylo seemed to ignore him. "Is your hand okay...?" I hum. "I mean, a little sore." I open up my hand before closing it again, sending a stab of pain up my arm. Only thing revealing it was my flinch. "I think that's more then a little sore." Nad comments. Xylo hums. "Yeah... that didn't look nice." I chuckle weakly. "I've felt worse." I shrug, dropping my hand. "Still think you should get it wrapped or something." Nad comments. Xylo nods. I hum. "Its not a big deal, really." Nad shrugs. "I have to go meet up with Mania, you two have fun." He walks off. Xylo gently takes my hand. I turn pink, and don't dare to move. He hums, gently pressing down on my fingers. "You gripped that sleeve pretty damn tightly. You have quite a strong grip." I chuckle weakly. "I guess." He grins, pulling back. "I'll leave you be." I nod, quickly dropping my now shaking hand. He hums. "I have to go meet up with Mario now. Later." He waves. I wave back. Once he's out of sight, I move behind a cabin. I slide down, staring at my hand. It didn't really hurt, I've been hurt worse. But why did that affect me so much? So what if he likes someone? He could like me! "Don't be stupid. Why would he like you?" I exhale, your back. Great.

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