Not what it seems- OoO

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Ima start using the series as classification, not the YouTuber it's centered around.

3rd person-
Human emotions are very complicated. It just an average day at camp for most. But Mario wasn't having fun. Far from it. He sat down in Xylo's cave. Xylo was off doing who knows what, and Mario was trying to relax. He sat on some coner, with his head buried in his knees. "Mario?" A shy voice called. He looks up slightly, seeing Xylo kneeling infront of him. "O-oh. Hey X-Xylo." He mumbles, face pink. "What are you doing?" Xylo questions, sitting down. "N-nothing." Mario hides his face again. "Awe, I thought you were good on the stuttering part. What's wrong?" Xylo rests his hand on his shoulder. "Feelings." Mario mumbles. Xylo sighs. "Remember the Aphrodite dance? Trust me, I know." Mario chuckles, looking up. "Why are you here though?" He sighs. "Kinda avoiding the other campers and Kay." Xylo tilts his head. "Why?" Mario just looks at him. "Feelings, right." Xylo sighs, looking down. "Hey, how about we go do something together? I have a quest to do, maybe you can come with." Xylo grins. "Sure!" Mario replies, slowly pulling himself to a stand. Mario yawns and rubs at his eyes "Why is your face so red?" Xylo questions. "N-no reason." Mario turns from him. "Lets just go." Xylo shrugs, grabbing his sword.

Xylo tried to hide his worry for his best friend. He didn't want to make him uncomfortable but he wouldn't talk. He might have to get KayKraes help. "What are we doing anyway?" Mario asked, slashing down one of the monsters in the desert. "Kaykrae wanted me to go see what happening down in a forest. She said something about a taint or something." Xylo shrugs. Mario chuckles. "You should pay more attention next time you idiot." Mario shakes his head fondly. "Hey, that's a son of Hades your talking to." Xylo pouts. "Im a son of Zues. And I'm not scared." Xylo smirks and Mario shys. "You won't fight me will you?" Xylo pats him on the shoulder. "Why would i do that?" Mario laughs.

Xylos pov~
Damn, he's adorable. Wait what? Stop that. No. I do not like my straight best friend. We arrived at the forest quickly to find a purple goo taking over. "What the heck?" He jumps back. "Over there." I point to some purple floating thing. It seemed to be in the center and at the worst of it. "How do we get over there?" I hum. "I can fly. I traded for Colins boots temporarily." I explain. He nods. "Well, I don't know if it's big enough for Jeffery." He tilts his head. I hum. "What to do, what to do." I look around. "Over there. There's another way in." I point over. We move to look in that way. "This should work." He pulls Jeffery from his amulet and flies in behind me. After taking down the main thing, the purple seems to retreat. "We did it." I comment, hovering next to him. "So will the forest just grow back after?" He shrugs. "I think so?" I look down. "I should head back and tell Kay that we did it." I stretch, smiling at him. "I'll come with." We fly back to camp, landing right infront of his cabin. "Hey guys?" Kaykrae asked. Mario picks up his horse. "We We're just about to go talk to you." I grin. She blinks, "well okay?" I nod. "We went and did that quest you sent me. The one about the taint in the forest." She nods. "Good." She turns to Mario, who was whispering to Jeffery. "Where have you been? Someone was looking for you." Looking for... him? What is this... anger... I'm feeling? "I was just with Xylo in his cave. Who could be looking for me?" Kaykrae shrugs. "Bri is looking for you Xylo." I tilt my head. "Why is Bri looking for me?"  I faintly hear Mario mumble something angrily. "Why don't you go find out?" I shrug and look at Matio. "Your always welcome in my cave you know. See ya later." I wave and start walking.

I knock briskly on her door. I hear a voice shout come in. I walk inside and see Bri on the bed, with Austin painting her nails from the floor. "I was told you needed me?" Austin doesn't even see me. "Oh yeah." She smiles at me. "I wanted to give you something, it should be just over there." She gestures with her head in the direction of a chest. I pop it open and see a necklace in the middle. "Its the necklace you requested, don't know why you wanted another one, but you have it." I glance at her. "You said the effects would be stronger because it had more blood?" She nods. "Correct." I smile at her, "thanks. I owe you one. And those look good, good job Bro." I wave and walk out. I walk back through camp, waving at the few people I pass, before reaching my cabin. Mario was outside watering Daisy. He smiled softly and was talking. I look over to see Kayla smiling at him through her window. I walk up and knock softly. I then push the door open. "Xylo!" I chuckle. "It's not nice to stare at people you know." I gesture out the window. She blushes. "I wasn't staring." I cross my arms. She sighs. "Yes I was staring." I laugh and she blushes. "I can't help it. I just wonder about him sometimes." I hum, "like a Lover wonder? Or a mother wonder?" She rolls her eyes, scoffing. "More like a caretaker wonder. Mario is not my type." I chuckle, glancing at the necklace around her neck. "Have your wings been healing fine?" She nods, turning. "I can't quite open them yet, but they're back." I clap. "Good!" She chuckles. I sigh, "ive got to go. See you later?" She tilts her head. "Where are you going?" I chuckle, "getting Mario something. His birthday may or may not be in a few days." Her eyes widen. "What?!" I nod. "He wants it to stay on the down low though. He even tried to keep me from getting him a present. Not like that'll happen. Just no big parties or anything alright?" She nods. "I need to get to work then!" She slithers out. I walk out and close the door. "Why was she in such a rush?" Mario questions, looking up at me. "Not sure." I move and sit on the stairs of his cabin. He turns to look away from me and goes quiet. Is he upset with me? "Did I do something wrong?" I mumble. He turns to look at me quickly. "What? No!" I smile softly, looking at the ground. Yeah right. I cross my legs neatly below me. "So how's the whole stalker thing going on?" I question him. He chuckles. "I don't know. Whatever it was, it's gone. I haven't seen or heard it at all." I nod. "Good. So... your birthday..." He sighs. "Don't remind me. Just another day to remind me that I'm another year closer to death." I smile at him. "Or, it's a mark to remind you how much you've grown. Your confident, strong, powerful, have great friends." He chuckles. "I guess your right. When your birthday anyway?" I shrug. "Don't remember. It's marked on my calender, so I can look later." He blinks. "How do you forget your own birthday?" I smile softly at him. "Obviously, I never knew my father. My mother died when I was really young, and my older sister was the one to raise me. She was often at work, so I took it upon myself to grow up quickly. I quickly forgot my birthday, as we never could celebrate it." His eyes widen. "You have a sibling?" I chuckle. "Other than Brick? Yes? Well, they are both half siblings. I share a father with Brick, and share a mother with my sister." He smiles softly. "Wow. Never knew that." I laugh. "Well, you and Kayla are the only ones that have ever really been my friends. I've never really had friends." He scoffs. "Stop making me feel bad for you." I pout. "Sorry. You can hit me with the frying pan." I hand him an iron pan. He rolls his eyes. "Im not hitting you with a pan." He hands it back. I shrug. "Suit yourself." I yawn, looking up. Night time? When did it get so late? "Are you sure it's safe to head back at night?" I laugh, "yeah. I'm good." I stand up. "See you tomorrow." I wave and start walking.

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