Lychee- OoO S2

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I apologize for what im about to do the lovely bean. I also apologize if I can't spell their name or just use the person who voices them as a name. I get lazy sometimes.

Warning, this does infact escalate in a few spots. Blood and gore and 18+ stuff. If you have a issue, you can just skip. I'll give warning for anything too bad.

Lychee's pov~
I spin my scythe around my hand. "So..." Brandeen prompts. I lean on one of the towers he has around the stairs. "So what?" I cross my one arm over my chest. He sighs. "How has it been going?" I scoff. "Can't you litterly watch my every move? Why are you asking?" He crosses his arms. "I don't know what your plan is. That's what's confusing me." I nod. "My current plan, is to evaluate the campers. Know who to stick with and who to avoid." He shivers. "Ugh, friends." I laugh.  "Their not friends. Their pawns." He nods. "I like the way you think." We look over upon hearing a groan. Daveed. "Why haven't you killed him off yet?" I question. Brandeen sighs. "No idea." I grin. "Is it by any chance because you li-" He growls. "Shut up. Don't you dare finish that statement." I laugh. "Your not denying it!" He pulls out his scythe. I laugh, jumping over to the crystal. "Hit me you hit the crystal Brandeen." He growls. "Checkmate." I remark. He hisses. "Your a bitch." I nod. "That is correct." We look over at footsteps. "What is all that racket?" Daveed groans, rubbing at his eye. I notice Brandeen blushing. "Brandeen here is mad at me because I put him in checkmate." His eyes snap to me. "What? How are you here?" I shrug. "I can fly idiot." I stand up, stretching. "I should head back anyway." I walk to the door and open it before pausing. I turn to glance at the two. "Oh and Brandeen." He turns to me. "What?" He groans. I grin. "Make sure to regulate your blood flow again." I dodge a fire ball. "Your a bitch!" He calls as I walk out. "You know it!" I call back.

I sip on my grape juice as I reorganize my room. A knock echoes through my door. "Come in." I reply, returning to ordering the books on my shelf. "Hey Middle Bro...." I glance over my shoulder. Both of them? "Your room is so cool!!" Ricarro jumps around. I nod. "Very dark." Davis mumbles. I nod again. "I know. Isn't it fantastic." I briefly notice Ricarro jumping into my fire place. "Where did you get this stuff?" Davis questions. I hum, sitting down the books in my hands. "Unimportant. What brings you two here?" I don't need Davis around. But Ricarro holds great potential. I keep drinking my juice as Davis explains this trip they've been assigned to go on. "Why are you drinking the juice Middle bro?" Ricarro questions. I smirk. "You didn't think this is normally how I look now did you?" They nod. "Yeah, we kinda did." Davis shrugs. I hum. "Anyhow. We should be going shouldn't we?"

I laugh to myself. "What are you laughing about?" I look down. Drannus. "Why do you care?" I question. He jumps up next to me. "Because, I love chaos." I roll my eyes. "You just want to ruin my mood." He shrugs. "That too." I roll my eyes agaon. I pull myself up. "I should be going." He pushes me. I sigh, landing in a crouch. At least these cabins aren't to tall. I stand up, walking off. This camp is so boring. Maybe it's time to do a bit of manipulation... I grin.

I find Guyliner in the main hall. "Hey! Guyliner!" He huffs. "That's not- Whatever. Hey Lychee." I sit down next to him. "So, how close are you to finding out who your parent is?" He groans. "Not at all." I nod. "What are you reading?" I lean on the table. He blinks, reading off the title. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I smile. "I just want to be your friend." He shivers, blushing. "Uh... your smile is very pretty." I reach up, feeling my teeth. My fangs. "Whoops." I take a sip of the grape juice and feel them go away. "How did you just do that?" He eyes my mouth. "Grape juice, specially made by a friend of mine." He blinks. "Oh wow." I nod. I glance down at the book he's reading. "I remember that one. It's Mostly nonsense." He glances up. "Oh.." I chuckle, looking up at him. "So? What was your life like on earth." He blinks before talking. I listen intensely, only slightly pretending. He seemed to be red throughout the entire thing. "So~ Ever have a girlfriend?" I grin. "Or Boyfriend. I don't discriminate." He turns red. "I uh. No?" He looks down. I chuckle. "Your so red." I look out, seeing the sun set. "Hm, isn't it pretty?" I comment, staring at the sun. "It really is..." He mumbles. I look away, glancing up at him. His eyes immediately dart to the book, and I'm unable to tell where he was looking. I pick up a book off the stack, and start reading. Cal seems to observe me. I glance up. "Your always welcome to ask questions you know." He turns pink. "Oh. I uh." He looks down. "Who is your parent?" I hum, closing the book. "Janus." His eyes widen. "Oh wow." I nod. "Who do you want to be your parent?" He blinks, rambling on shyly. I keep my eyes on his. "How much studying have you been doing?" I chuckle. He blushed. "A lot?" I laugh. "You mentioned a lot of God's that I have no idea who they are." He nods. "Makes sense. I hardly know who they are." He laughs. I nod. I glance up at his eyes. We fall into silence. I smile softly, before my phone vibrates. I look down and slide it out of my pocket. "You have a phone?!" Cal questions. I nod. "Of course." I read through my text, before clicking call. I bring it up. "Oh, you rather hear my wrath in person?" I chuckle. "If I wanted to do that, I could have just visited you. Why are you mad anyway?" He groans. "Because. Your being all flirty to the boy. You do release why your there right?" I sit up. "Incase you forgot, I am in control of my own actions. You'll get what you want in the end. If your upset, maybe you can stop watching me. Why don't you go hang out with Daveed instead?" I roll my eyes. Cal watches me with wide eyes. "You know it's not like that." He's flustered. I lean back. "Go hang out with your little boy toy, and let me do as I please, as I know what I'm doing. Unlike you." I hang up. Cal tilts his head. "What was that about?" I sigh. "A friend of mine. He's kinda an asshole." Cal laughs. "Oh wow." I nod. We fall into silence, reading. Up until I hear him snoring. I glance up. He fell asleep. I chuckle, standing up.

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