Set's kinda a dick - OoO

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So this, is a request by... @Ender2398

*I made two versions, this is the shorter one. Virtually the same, but they are different.*

Cals pov-
I idly trace over the marks on my arms. I had changed my bandages to cover them. This is my fault. I should have just, told him. Ricarro could have handled it. Why didn't I just tell him? He trusted me as his mom and I lied to him. Why did Khonsu give me this power if I would just keep messing up? What's the point in knowing the future of I can't fix anything? I press my eyes shut, hands shaking. I couldn't even give Xylo one good party. Damnit. And now Momiji has been manipulated, Drannus has overtaken Dranne, Set has full control of Ricarro, the Seductive Rose is at large... I lean over, head resting on my hands. "Hello Cal." I look up at Set quickly, still possessing Ricarro. Oh.... oh no...

I exchange my sleeveless jacket for a proper one, covering my exposed arms. The bandages covering my hands. I look at the necklace in my hands, it's small design staring back at me. "Hurry up won't you?" Set calls. I tug the necklace on and stand quickly, slipping out of the room and following him out of the pyramid. Set starts to fly. Fantastic. I run after him. Definitely gonna get my cardio in now. He brings me to a cave he calls the Oroboros Lair. I play stupid, but I know the creature. I know it intimately. I listen idly to his monologue, noting down anything important he mentions. He's really gonna drag me around isn't he? Damnit why do I have to be a good person? Can't I just be selfish and let people die? Set goes about explaining this whole staff thing and why he's possessing Ricarro. Lot of exposition. "Your gonna kill 3 people." I echo. Set grins sharply. I can feel the Oroboros slithering, breathing. It's here, sleeping. You don't kill entities like that. They just go to sleep. Set dismisses me after a while of talking, and I walk off. I can no longer feel the exhaustion from rushing here earlier. He... he's going to make me kill someone isn't he? But I don't break. I won't. I can't.

Set doesn't contact me for a week after. But Khonsu does. Every night he drags me to the time corridor and tells me about things. My powers, the future, the past, whatever suits his fancy. I wake up each morning more tired than the last. And as well as my eyeliner hides it, I'm sure the eye bags are noticable. If not, the clothing I wear is. "Hey Cal... whatcha doing?" I hear Xylo question. I blink slowly at the ceiling before turning to him. At this rate, Ricarro becoming Set and trying to kill everyone? Like, only one extra notch of stress for him. Surprised he hasn't just imploded at this rate. "What?" I question. He winces. "You were staring at the ceiling?" He questions. "Oh. Yeah." I look up again. "Just..." I frown. "Making sure its still... there." I whisper. His eyes widen. "Oh." He sits by my head. "I didn't... I didn't think about that." He whispers. "It's not usually an issue. Just, haven't been sleeping well. And it's also a pyramid." I confess. He nods. "I sorta noticed that first part. My cabin is always open to you Cal. Plus I patrol regularly so you won't get snuck up on." He offers. I sigh, looking back at the ceiling. "You wanna go outside?" He whispers. I sigh. "Yeah." I stand, and tug on my jacket. He guides me out.

I lean back on a tree, flipping through my notebook. I suppose it makes sense. I would become a counselor the moment my life crashed down. Though I suppose drunk Davis is better than dead Davis... I miss being drunk. Solves all your problems for a while. I sketch a snake into the book absentmindedly. What is Set going to ask of me I wonder? Could probably lie a bit. Stretch the truth. Whatever. Wonder if he'll kill me. "Cal, how have you been since..." Inpu comments, wandering over. "Alive." I offer casually. Inpu sits next to me. "We all are. What's that?" He questions. I pause, actually looking at the snake. "The Oroboros." I whisper. He glances at me. I clear my throat. "Apparently it's closely linked with Khonsu." I offer. He tilts his head. I shake my head. Not important. "Any updates on Momiji?" I question. He sighs. "No. She wants nothing to do with me since I won't give her any power. She also insists that Ricarro is dead, and won't ever come back." He explains. I frown. "She's been mind warped." He nods. I close my eyes, exhausted. Flashes of people dying spears behind my eye lids. A reminder of what's at stake her. I open my eyes quickly again. Inpu quirks up an eyebrow. "Everything okay?" I chuckle awkwardly. "Oh you know. Just not sleeping great. You know how it is." I brush back my hair. Accidentally tugging on the small braids now in my hair. Whoops. I pull my hand back quickly, fidgeting with the journal. "Sounds about right. That night was... a lot." He whispers. I hum lowly. "There's a lot you don't know." He gives me a curious look. There's a sharp sting behind my eyes and I twitch slightly. "Sorry. I'm probably just gonna... try and get some rest." I stand. He lets me leave, asking no questions. Good.

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