Warrior- Favremysabre

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sabers pov~
I watched the kid do the others homework, he had been bullied into doing it hours before. I would stand by the window, but i know all I'll see is the other kids playing.

the kid finnished then heaved something else, his group project he was told to do by him self. I sat cross legged on his bed, my acquaintance appeared next to me. "find anything new?" he asked. I shake my head, "so he just works all day and never takes a break?" he asked. I sigh, noding. it's sad the kid never takes a break, he 18 he should be out living his life.

"do you want someone else watch him for some time? you haven't left his side in years." he tells me. I shrug, I never liked the idea of sleeping. plus we can't eat anyway. my acquaintance sighs, "this isn't healthy, you need to help this kid and leave." he says and disappears. I sigh, i don't want to leave.

the kid, shark, leans back in his chair and closes his eyes. falling into a deep sleep quickly. I Finnish the project for him and give him a note, i then pull a blanket over him. he shouldn't over work him self. wow, aren't I being a hypocrite? I laugh quietly and smirk. I don't think I've ever fully smiled, only ever my smirk of a half smile.

i watch as shark wakes up about a few hours later. he jolts up quickly, i kneel infront of him. even if he can't see me. he reads the note quickly and stands up, a terrified look on his face. I reach out for him but draw my hand back, i can't. I'm not supposed to interfere with the human world anyway, I've already done to much. unless I walk around as a normal human...

I hide anything to indicate I'm not human and frown, i hope this works. I might get bullied too... to bad. i watch as shark shakly lays down in his bed, slowly falling asleep. if I just quickly hack into the school system... and done, im afficaly a student. I sit in his chair and watch shark sleep, making sure nothing comes for him.

the next morning i walked a good bit behind shark and made myself visable. I walk into the office, "excuse me? I'm hear to go school." I write on a white board. "name?" the principal asked. "saber minecraft" I write. she nods, "here's your schedule. you can find out where to go. now leave" she waves me out, i walk out. bitch. I walk to my next class, being the last one in. I have my hands in my pockets, "new student in guessing?" the teacher asked. I nod. "okay, introduce yourself." I nod. I walk up to the board, "hello my name is saber, i chose to be mute." I write then look at the teacher. he points to a empty desk and I walk there, right next to shark. I watch shark out of the corner if my eye, don't let today be a bad day.

after that I followed shark from the shadows, when a kid threw him down. I growl, "where's our homework kid?!" they ask. he holds up an open binder, they take their papers. they start beating him up, i hide behind the leader. "stop!" I say, loud enough for them to hear me but with so many people around they won't be able to tell who said it. the leader turns to me, "well, well. little mute got a buddie to help him. looks like another nerd to me!" he say, then goes to punch me. I stand strait, his punch hits me in the arm and I don't flinch. he retracts his hand quickly, "ow! fuck!" he says, cradling his hand. once they had their attention on me I look at shark, 'go' I say silently. he nods and runs, i push through the guys and hide in the masses of people. I catch up to shark easily, i find him hiding in an empty classroom. "you okay?" I write. he looks up at me and nods slowly, "why did you help me? d-do you w-want something?" he asked, i do a half smile and shake my head. "I don't want anything. and I helped you because i wanted to" I write. he nods weakly, then hugs me. I could tell his head hurt, from slamming into the wall. I hug back and hold his head, "your head hurts" I whisper, "how did you know that?" he asked. I sigh, "I watched you hit the wall... more of an educated guess." I whisper back, he laughs. we part and walk to the next class.

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