Leo...? -OZ

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Leo's pov~
I look around. Our barn. Our barn...? I notice two figures sleeping next to me. Who are they? Why is my head pounding so much? I slowly push myself up. It's dark outside. What time is it? I climb down the ladder and look around. Seriously, where am I? I rummage through my pockets before seeing a bag. When did I pick that up? I search through it. Yeah, this looks normal. Mostly. I swing it over my shoulders. "Leo...? Why are you up? It's the middle of the night?" I spin. The black haired one was at the ladder. "Leo...?" I mumble. He blinks. "That's your name. Are you feeling okay?" I step back as he steps closer. He looks familiar. "Leo, do you know who I am?" I shake my head. His eyes widen. "David! Wake up!" He yells. A man climbs down. "What?" He hisses. The black haired boy crosses his arms. "Something's wrong with Leo." I blink. David. David. Where do I know a David? 'David' turns to look at me. "What gave it away? Maybe the unnaturally scared look on his face?" I look through my pockets, finding a book. I blink, flipping through. Seems like a diary. I step back as I briefly notice the red one in a hoodie stepping towards me. "Leo... how much do you remember?" He questions. I look around. "What day is it?" I mumble. "About, August I think?" David blinks. My eyes widen. August? "Leo, My name is Lucas." The one with a red hoodie introduces. Lucas? As in, the author Lucas? "Lucas." It slides off my tongue. "You... since when were we friends?" I blink. His eyes widen. "That's right! I met you before all this went down." David crosses his arms. "Explain." Lucas hums. "I helped write a book. We met when he came to get it signed. Obviously, he was well known so I knew him. We talked a little and that's about it." August. I've lost about 4 months of memories. I filter through the book again. Something's sound familiar. Seems I was close with these two. "Brandon." A voice snaps. I snap up. "Don't call me that." I don't care how close we were, no one, calls me that. "Great, back to square one with him." Lucas groans. David steps forward and I step back. Lucas does the same. I stare at him as he carefully walks towards me. "Do you know why were in a barn?" I shake my head. He nods. "This was David's old's barn, okay? Currently, we're in a zombie apocalypse. We reside here cause it keeps us safe." I nod slowly. He holds his hand out and I flinch. "Can I touch you?" I nod carefully. He trails his hand along my neck. "How did you just... lose your memories?" I shiver under his touch. "I don't see any thing." Lucas remarks. David snickers. "I mean, I see Leo shivering at your touch." Lucas pulls away quickly. "Oh! I'm so sorry." My lips curve up slightly in a smile. "Your fine." I cover my mouth. Did I just smile? I haven't smiled... in years... "are you okay?" Lucas questions. I move my hand, nodding. "What now?" David questions. Lucas sighs, walking over to the map. "Michael needs a new shipment." Davis groans, following over. "Of what." I carefully walk over to the Map, analyzing it. I notice a marker, showing "Michael's Lab." On it. Oh. Okay. This feels familiar. My head starts to pound as memories flash by. "Leo...?" I look up. They both were looking at me. Lucas smiles softly. "You spaced out there. You want to come with us...?" I nod. "Sure. What could the crazy munchkin need?" David grins. "You remember him?" I shrug. "Briefly." Lucas nods. "You got your bat?" I pull out a bat embedded with nails. You'd think, I'd do this better as to cause more pain. Lucas hums. "Alrighty then." I follow them out, expertly avoiding the defenses. They talk loudly, and I listen. Before I hear something. On an instinct I grab both of their wrists. "What's wrong?" David questions. I shush him. I look around. Behind us. I side step, lodging my bat in a zombies head. I stare at the zombie as it falls. I take back my bat, hitting it lightly on a tree to shake off the blood. "How did you do that?" David remarks. I blink. "I heard it." I mumble, and we start walking. We walk into an empty town. I follow behind them. I knock out Zombies silently. "Hey, can you carry this for me?" David calls. I walk up. He gestures to the metal plates in front of him. I sit my backpack in front of me and start filling it up. Before picking it up. "If that's too much I can carry some." Lucas remarks. I shrug. "I'm fine." David groans. "Now we go find the munchkin." Lucas looks around. "You know where to go from here?" David shakes his head. "No? Let's go look at the map." I scale up a building quickly and look around. "That way." I point to the large mountain in the distance. "Leo's as amazing as always." Lucas remarks, a dazed look on his face. David smacks him on the back of the head. "Shut up. Let's go." I climb down before following. We make it to the mountain. Memories flash through my head, adding to my headache. I remember climbing up. Lucas groaning just like he's doing now. "Come on slowpoke!" David yells. I climb up slowly. This sucks. "Ugh, I hate the drop." Lucas groans. I look at the small building. David turns to me. "Hurry up." I walk in, closing the door behind me then dropping. I bounce right back up. This is fun I guess? I come to a stop. "Michael!" Lucas calls. The tiny little guy walks out. "Boys! You made it." I notice a robot chasing around a pink haired girl. "Leo, go ahead and put the metal in my lab." Michael remarks. I blink. Lucas chuckles. "Up the stairs, first door you find." I nod, and walk across the purple pathway. "Oo~ the pretty men are here!" The pink haired girl yelps. I ignore her and put the metal in his lab. "Leo! Help!" I spin on my foot. The robot was running from the pink haired girl. "What seems to be the problem?" He runs behind me. The girl cowers back. Am I scary? I blink, steping away quickly as he rests his hands on my shoulder. "Podrick! Careful with Leo!" Lucas walks up. "Why?" 'Podrick' questions. Lucas sighs. "He lost his memory. He doesn't know who you are." I carefully step closer to Lucas. Podrick smiles. "Oh! I'm sorry! I'm Podrick, as you heard. I'm a cyborg, human brain in a metal body. This is Cookie!" I blink. Cookie. Cookie feels wrong. I grip my head as my headache increases. "Are you okay?" Lucas yelps. I nod. "Migrane." I mumble. I glance up, feeling it numb again. "Do you guys have any medication for headaches?" Lucas questions. Podrick shrugs. "Cookie, can you go ask your brother if he has medication for headaches?" She nods running off. Lucas carefully rests a hand on my shoulder. "You sure your okay?" I gently grab his hand, nodding. "I've delt with migraines before." I try and force reassurance onto my face. He sighs. "Of course. The others walk up. David rushes over to me while Michael rummages through stuff. He tosses us a bottle. I catch with ease, popping it open. I throw two pills in then swallow. "Okay then." I toss the bottle into my bag. "Thank you." I bow my head slightly to Michael. "Ugh, you guys need to fix him. This is weird." David shrugs. "We don't know what happened. He woke up this morning like this. No puncture wounds our wounds at all. It just... disappeared?" I look around. "What now?" I question. David shrugs. "We head home and Lucas can make us some food." I turn. "You cook?" He nods. "Indeed I do." I hum. Something about these two, something comforting. I don't like the other three. They unsettle me. "Come on." David grins, tugging me away. "Call us when you need something else!" Lucas salutes. I follow as the go through the fake wall. David not letting go of my wrist. We arrive at the barn. David goes to open the door before noticing. "Sorry!" He yelps, letting go of my wrist. I shrug, walking in. I sit down in a chair crisscross, watching Lucas cook. David goes back to sharpening his axe. I stand up, looking at the map. I look around, my hand trailing across it. Where are we? My hand lands. About a mile or two off my house. How did I end up here? My game... I move my hand again. Here. Mile or half a mile away. That's why. I remember this barn. I passed by it often, on my way to games. I assumed it was just a barn, like normal. Didn't pay much attention to it, as my life was pretty busy. Now I have all the free time in the world. What did I want to do? What should I do with my time? There's a hand on my shoulder, and I look up. "You've been staring at the map for a while. Why don't you sit down and eat some dinner?" Lucas hands me a bowl. I nod slowly, steping back and sitting on the ground. "He is strangely adorable." Lucas remarks. I eat silently as they talk. Before i pull out my book. I read through it slowly. My memory returning. But it's still so blurry. Who were they to me? I've never felt like this before. They make me feel... safe. I stand up, sitting the bowl on the counter. "I'm going to go lay down." I mumble, climbing up. I lay down on my sleeping bag. I hear them talking. Before someone walks up. "How are you feeling?" I look up. David. I blink. "What are we doing tomorrow?" He laughs. "Trying to survive another day." I nod. "Were going out tomorrow. Feel free to tell Lucas." He frowns. "You avoided my question." I grab his hand, staring at it. "I don't know. I don't know how to feel." I look up, giving him a soft smile. He flushes. "Oh... I guess I'll leave you be now." He smiles. "Feel free to tell me or Lucas if you need anything. We're here for you." I push myself up. "Lucas!" I call. He climbs up. "That's the loudest you've been the entire day. You okay?" I shrug, "wanted to make sure you heard me." I wrap my arms around both of them, pulling Lucas to the floor. They laugh. "Careful there." Lucas adjusts. I close my eyes. "Leo...?" I let go, opening my eyes. "Sorry." Lucas laughs. "Don't be sorry for wanting a hug Leo. You can hug us any time you want." David nods, smiling. A sharp pain courses through my head and I fall forward. One of them catches me as I grip my skull. "Leo?!" They both yelp. My hands are removed from my head and held gently, the other wrapping their arms around me. I start shaking. "I need you to calm down Leo..." David whispers. I clutch onto their hands. My memories sting as they come in, but my memories remain blank of these two. The question Why? Stings my head. They both wrap their arms around me the the pain suddenly fades. What the hell? I relax, my mind crashing.

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