Demon Form -Sds 1

466 13 5

New Seven deadly sins is in and reminded me how much I love the show
-short? Maybe? Yes. Definitely.
-i struggled a lot to get the dynamic down, so some major out of character things I suppose?
-may expand on this idea some day? But not today. Maybe.

Michaels pov-
I run my eyes over the words, reading in peaceful silence. Brandon was asleep in his bed nearby, and David was sharpening his axe down stairs last time I checked. And us 3, luckily, get to sit in peaceful silence because Ritchie's out. Of course, that never lasts. I can hear the door slam. "We have a job!" David calls. Brandon doesn't even stir and I stand, sitting down my book and walking down stairs. "Must you slam the door?" I growl. He grins. "Common Cap! A job! Money! Something to do!" He lowers his voice on the last one. "Ritchie isn't here." I comment, walking up stairs. "Wakey wakey Brandon. We have stuff to do." I comment. He groans. "Get up before I blow up the bed." Unfortunately, I can, and will do it. I have before. My patience runs thin, we all know that. "5 more minutes." He groans. I hum. "5. 4. 3." I count down. He sighs. "Fine." He pulls himself up, groaning and following me down stairs. "What do you want?" He groans. David bounces. "We have a new job!" I pluck the paper from his hand to scan it. "He's excited because we have to meet up with Merlin." I explain. Brandon sighs. "Do we have to get Ritchie?" I shrug. "Probably. We'll pick him up later." I walk out. "For a small guy you move fast!" David yelps, rushing after me. Brandon following. "It's a survival tactic." I comment. David quickly catches up, damn giant.

Of course, by time we actually make to Merlin, David hasn't shut up and Brandon is asleep. I reach up to pull him down through the doorway. "David, shit up before I stitch your mouth closed." I growl. He shuts up quickly. I knock briskly on the door. "Come in." I oblige. She eyes us. I look at David. "Keep Brandon from hitting a wall." I push the asleep male his way. He groans. "Fine." How he keeps flying while sleeping we really don't know. "The other not with you?" She questions. I shake my head. "We'll get him if we need him." She runs over the details before clearing her throat. "It is likely you may not be of much use in this form." I pause. "What?" She frowns. "Michael-" I shake my head. "No way. You know I don't like using my demon form." She sighs. "Michael, you need to be prepared if anything goes wrong." I huff. "I could traumatize them. And we live with Ritchie." I gesture vaguely at the two mid sentence. "How bad can your other form be? Besides, you can't traumatize us if you wanted cap, like you said, we live with Ritchie." I look back at Merlin with a scowl. She shakes her head. "Greed and Envy are put of commission at the moment. And Gluttony is busy at the castle. If worse comes to worse, you need to be prepared." I huff. "Common boys. We need to track down Ritchie." David says a rushed bye to Merlin. "David!" I snap. He rushes after me and I slam the front door behind me. "Why is he in another fit?" Brandon mutters. "Merlin Sama thinks he might need to use his demon form with our new mission." David comments. Brandon blinks. "How bad can it be? We've fought demons before, we know what they look like." I shake my head. "I'm different. There's a reason everyone who's ever seen it, is dead." I hiss, continuing to stomp away. "Cap-" I spin around to David. He steps back. "You know where were going?" I huff. "We're getting Ritchie. Now unless you want me to mess up for face, shut up!" He nods. We encounter Ritchie talking to a guy in front of a store. Flirting, now doubt by the red look on they're face. "Ritchie!" I yell. He turns. "Flirting times over." I bite. He grins. "I can play the bottom if you like." I grab him by his jacket and shove him. "Move before I castrate you." I growl. David gives a rushed apology as I keep walking. "Hey! What was that for?" Ritchie groans. "Im all for being ordered around, but what's got Cap this upset? Only Ive ever gotten him there." David shushes Ritchie. "Merlin told him he might need to use his demon form on your mission." Brandon mutters, before yawning. "Will we finally get to see it?!" He gasps. "No!" I throw my hand back slightly and throw a small explosion at Ritchie. He sputters. "Fiesty." He grins. I reach up to run my hand through my hair and letting the strands fall messily over my eyes. I need to take my anger out on something. "Where are we going?" David finally asks. "Merlin sent us to a far village." Is all I say. I reach down to pull on my bracelet so it snaps against my wrist absentmindedly, allowing it to center against my anger. David argues with Ritchie, but keeps them quiet. Brandon floats forward to me. "Can I go back to sleep?" He groans. I hum. "Sure." I comment lowly. He grins. "Sweet." He lays down just above me and is asleep quickly, just floating along with me. I snap the bracelet until my skin is bruised. Which, is actually kinda impressive. We come across large gates. "Are we finally there?" David comments. Ritchie grins. "People here I come." I turn to them. "We're at the town. The people here are very protective of they're significant others and don't explore those kinda options, and frankly, not in the mood to clean up your blood." I sighs. "Brandon! Up!" I call. He sits up. "Morning." He yawns. "What are we actually doing here?" David prompts. I hum. "The town reported a mysterious power source in the forest that's been generating creatures unlike anything seen before. Kill count is rising and the creatures are only multiplying." I glance between them. "Your hairs in your face-" Ritchie steps forward but I smack his hand away. "Don't, touch me. And don't even say anything about my eyes." I look back at the other two. "We're setting up base here." I hum. "Brandon, please stay awake. It would be better if you did." He groans but lands again. I push open the doors and walk in. Others give us looks, but I focus on my path and my bracelet. Ritchie winks at one who growls at him. "Ritchie." I scold. He groans. "Pull yourself together." David huffs. "Don't." I dismiss. I lead the way to the inn. "Can I help you?" The lady questions tiredly. I hum. "2 rooms for Michael." She nods. "Got it." She hands me the keys. I hum, handing her a few gold coins. "That's my apology for my.... Associates. I don't want them here either." She frowns. "Boys!" I call, David and Ritchie already fighting. Brandon walks my way. "Two rooms? Who's stuck with Ritchie?" He frowns. I hum. "Himself. And I'm keeping the key so he can't leave it." He nods. "Smart." I turn to the two. "Let's go!" I bite, slipping the keys into my pocket. Brandon leads them to follow me into the town. "You look emo." Brandon comments. "It's hot." Ritchie purrs. I continue to snap my bracelet until it snaps. "That's not good." Brandon mutters. I stop and look at it, before sighing heavily. "Cap, your wrist is bruised." David comments. "Shut up." I hiss. "Yeah your pushing your luck today." Brandon mutters. We stop by the main hall, report our appearance, and return to the inn. "What's the seating arrangement?" Ritchie purrs. "Your rooms in here." I open the side door to another room. He perks up. "Kay!" He walks in and I close it behind him. "Sweet." David grins as I lock it. "See you in the morning!" I call. "You didn't give me the key!" He calls back. "Better not leave then!" I look at the other two. "I have business, I'm going out. Make yourself at Home, feel free to take a bed, don't open the door for him." I gesture at Ritchie's door. "There's only two beds." David comments. I shrug. "I don't need a bed to sleep, I'm not picky." Brandon hums. "You can always share with me. We both know nothing will go down." I hum lowly. "Don't worry about it." David frowns. "Cap." I look at him. He hums. "You sound exhausted. Like, more then Brandon. You should get some rest." I wave him off. "I'm fine." I push open the door and walk off.

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