A boy and a song- Favremysabre

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im sorry for ten thousend songs.

third person~
the curtains part to reveal a guy sitting in a chair, a mic stands in front of him. he holds a guitar in his hands, no one recognized him. but you could tell he wasn't new in town. he starts playing the guitar, no beat kicking on or anything. after a minute he opens his eyes, "Merrily we fall out of line, out of line.
I'd fall anywhere with you
I'm by your side.
Swinging in the rain
Humming melodies.
We're not going anywhere until we freeze." he sings, the crowd falling in a silent shock. his eyes were a entrancing forest green.

"I'm not afraid anymore
I'm not afraid.

Forever is a long time
But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side.

Carefully we'll place for our destiny.
You came and you took this heart
And set it free.
Every word you write and sing is so warm to me
So warm to me.
I'm torn, I'm torn.
To be right where you are.

I'm not afraid anymore.
I'm not afraid.

Forever is a long time.
But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side.
Tell me everyday
I get to wake up to that smile.
I wouldn't mind it at all.
I wouldn't mind it at all.

You so know me.
Pinch me gently.
I can hardly breathe.
Forever is a long, long time.
But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side.
Tell me, everyday I get to wake up to that smile.
I wouldn't mind it at all
I wouldn't mind it at all"

he finished the song, carrying out the last note perfectly with his guitar. his eyes fall closed, waiting for either clapping or booing. one person starts clapping and soon the crowd in roaring. he opens his eyes smiling, putting his guitar on his back. he stands up and bows then walks off stage.

sabers pov~
I read the article describing the performance on the mystery man, as they've named him. I sigh, rolling my eyes. I place it back where I found it and keep walking. it was just some hole in the wall show, nothing big. it's all everyone talking about. just shut up about it already, dear god. i walk into class, same as out there. the bell rang and nobody did anything. the teacher looked at me with pleading eyes. I sigh and stand up, walking to the front. "YOU ALL PAY ATTENTION AND PUT AWAY YOUR PHONE THIS INSTANT BEFORE I TAKE IT FROM YOU!!" I shout. everyone rushed to their seats, phones aren't put away but their not on them. "thank you" I thank the class, walking to my seat. the teacher looks at me gratefully then starts teaching, halfway through I look over at another kid. I stand up walk over, pluck his phone from his hands and sit it on the teachers desk. he glares at me, i shrug it off. you try living my life, these petty kids are nothing.

- after school-

I was walking home and I see fliers up all around asking the mystery man to call in and take a job opportunity. I rip a few of them off and read the details, then call some of them when I get home. managing to get a few gigs around. I then have to go to one of them soon so I get in the car and start driving, once I get there I park and pull my hood up to cover my face, the slip the bandana off. I walk inside, a friendly smile on my face. I walk up to the security guard, "hello there, I'm looking for *insert random person here*" they nod, one leads me to her office. I knock lightly and go in.

- after that because I'm lazy-

I sit down on stage and smile brightly, pulling my hood down. this time I had a piano, because they provided it. I close my eyes as the curtains open up, i hear a few sequels and gasps. but I just start playing.

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