Fate - OZ

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I've had a thought. What if, the misfits met before everything?

-Hey if your like the damaged teenager angst shit, check out the movie Runt (Tw- Animal abuse) :D

Austin's pov-
I lean back on a wall casually, cigarette held between my lips loosely. I probably should have left earlier, but I had wanted a cigarette and no one really asks about people just chilling and smoking. You know what people do ask about? Random men in multi-colored jackets rushing down said alleyway. He runs past me, launching himself up a dumpster and up on to the rooftop. I blink. And officer slides into the alleyway just behind him. I quirk up an eyebrow. "Looking for something officer?" I question. He looks at me quickly. "Oh. Uh, yes sir. Have you by chance seen a man running down this way? He's ginger, has purple clothes that are splattered with paint?" He describes. I hum lowly, breathing out a cloud of smoke. As I tilt my head back I catch the goggle covered eyes looking down at me. "Nope, haven't seen anything. Sorry." I offer dismissively, looking back down. The officer sighs. "Thank you for your help sir." He turns quickly, reaching for his radio. "He got away." He says, walking away. Such stupid people officers. "Thanks for that man." The ginger hops down. I hum lowly. "Street artist I take it?" I question, putting the cigarette out on the wall I was leaning on. "Yeah! You know me?" He gasps. I pause. "Your covered in paint and running from the cops." I offer lowly. He winces. "Right." I toss the cigarette bud into the dumpster. "You should have ran once you hit the rooftop, rookie move." I throw out, tugging my bandana back over my mouth. My other hand still resting in my pocket. "Who are you? Mysterious masked stranger?" He teases. I pause. "Dont worry about it." I deadpan, before walking off swiftly.

I sigh. I hate school. I hate pretending around so many people. Lily and Ray chat happily to each other in front of me. They aren't too much younger than me, having just been freshman. However I was held back a grade due to attendance so I was only a Junior. My hands itch for another cigarette but I don't give in. "Hey Austin, we're gonna go chill in the band room, you wanna join us?" Lily prompts. "What kind of nerd do you take me for?" I deadpan. She winces. "A cool one." Ray chimes, and tugs her sister off. I shake my head, wandering over to my locker. I pop it open without any fanfare, shuffling my books into my bag. I let the locker click closed behind me, and walk off. I generally try to ignore the eyes staring at me. It's a pretty common thing in school and I have no idea why. I generally try to not stand out. Just your average emo boy I guess. I walk to class swiftly, taking my usual seat in the back of class and sitting my bag down. I lean back in my chair and take my phone out. Kids file in slowly. Just another day. Seriously, I fucking hate school. And the way everyone always seems to be staring at me. And the way I always feel like I have to be... Someone.

I go as my sister's indicate, sitting with their friend group because no one cares where I sit except them. Not that they talk to me much. Think they worry about me being lonely or something. "Austin, can we go?" Lily suddenly asks. Oh yeah, the senior party on Saturday. I was, unfortunately, already going. "If your invited." I offer casually. The two cheer, getting odd looks from nearby tables. Rebecca, the actual senior here that invited them, gives me a look. "You sure about this?" She questions. I shrug. "You live and you learn, right?" I deadpan. I started drinking way younger, so I can't exactly ban these two from doing it. She shakes her head. "You are such a weird guardian." She laughs. I blink. Sorry? She turns back to the conversation and I return to the shitty cardboard pizza they serve us. Food is food after all. The group seems to be chatting about some sort of transfer students or something. Schools get transfers all the time. It's not uncommon. I stand, taking mine and the girls empty trays casually. "Do you think he cares for you guys so much because he's overcompensating for something?" I hear Jason asks. "Dude. Are you still mad that our brother is better than you?" Ray laughs. "No one man is that perfect." Jason hisses. "He's literally an asshole." Rebecca reminds. I hum. "He can also literally hear you." I deadpan, grabbing my bag. "Will you make it to my game?" Lily looks up at me. I blink. "Wouldn't miss it." I confirm. She smiles. I wave as I walk off. Exhaustion pulls me down, but I keep fighting. If only for Lily and Ray. Once they're adults... Then I can finally stop. Just have to... Make it that long.

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