I don't have a title...- OC Request

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so... this is about 2 ocs that were created by Fire_Cracker101. as this was a request by them as well. I added a few random characters as well, whos photos will be shown above. just as fillers.

Quincy's pov~
I sigh, watching my group of friends talk, playing with my hair as I watch her talk with a big smile on her face. "dangit paige, why are you so cute?" I think angrily. I move my gaze to someone else. seeing as we are in a park, it was easy. a couple sat talking to each other happily.
Often I am upset
That I cannot fall in love...
that thought drops quickly when an argument starts up quickly. well then...
But I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it
I turn back to my friends, when all eyes are on me. "are you okay girl?" one of my guy friends asked, Adrian. I smile softly,
"Are you tired of me yet?" a couple of gasps. "are you feeling okay?" Paige asked. I turn to face her.
"I'm a little sick right now
But I swear
When i'm ready I will fly us out of here"
they look at me confused. I just stand up and walk home. once home I look at myself in the mirror. why did I have to be a girl? and like a girl? suddenly I had an idea. i grab the pair of scissors next to me.

I'll cut my hair

I watch as the strands of golden hair fall to the ground.

To make you stare

I could almost feel their stares on me and I brush my hair a little. I pull off my shirt, staring.

I'll hide my chest
And i'll figure out a way to get us out of here.

I smile as I pull on something that restricts my chest. moments later deciding it isn't enough and driving out to get it properly done.

the next day I meet up with the others. everyone stares at me. "hi guys! like my new look?" Paige frowns. "why'd you change? you looked better as a girl, no offence." I become stotic. one of our other friends, Saverin, speaks up.
"Turn off your porcelain face"
she tells me. I shake my head.
"I can't really think right now in this place"
i gesture around us. she looks confused, "why?"
"There's too many colors
Enough to drive all of us insane"
they look at me. when a group of six strut up to us. a male and female leading them. they do their normal bulling and leave.

the next morning they do the same. today, I felt extra, empty.

"Are you dead?"
they ask when I don't react their hate comments. I cut of one of my friends.
"Sometimes I think I'm dead
Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head"
i smile at them laughing, I pull up my sleeves and show everyone my own abuse.
"But i don't wanna fall asleep just yet"
is all I say to all the wide eyes. "why did you do that?!" Paige exclaims. I laugh, then give her a blank face. "isn't it obvious? I'm a stupid nobody who can't do anything right"

My eyes went dark
they all gasp at my now black eyes. I smile at them.
I don't know where
I don't answer any of their questions. I just watch.
My pupils are
But i'll figure out a way to get us out of here
i smile at them again, only for it to drop again.

"Get a load of this monster!
He doesn't know how to communicate!"
the girl screams. a crowd forms around us.
"His mind is in a different place"
the guy exclaims.
"Will everybody please give him a little bit of space?!"
Zane says, gaining everyone's attention. but the two don't stop.

"Get a load of this trainwreck!"
the guy starts.
"His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet!"
and the girl finishes. I look down, this is exactly what I tell myself.
"But little do we know the stars welcome him with open arms..."
Paige speaks quietly. everyone turns to her, I look up at her, suprised.

it's all I can say. she smiles, "this is all my fault? isn't it? because you loved me and changed for me, and I rejected you. I guess I just didn't understand my feelings" she walks forward and kisses me. I melt into it.

Time is


Tracing his face
But strangely he feels at home in this place.

after that, I never cut again. because I finnaly had a home.

I tried. i hope you like it. if not, I can always do it again. yeah I know it's sort but I didn't exactly know what to do...

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