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Michaels pov~
My name is Michael, I'm the devil. or Lucifer or a bunch of other names. I was currently in my mansion. I sat up high, somewhere. "Sir?" I hear David call. I look down. he was looking around. I drop down. he backs up in shock. "okay sir... we have some business to attend to." I sigh and nod. he leads me to the door. "so you have some people to meet with. their new to the area, and are staying is ashborne." I sigh. "thank you David. I'll get on that." I walk out and take off. I land on one of the roofs, listening to them for now. "you idiot." the ginger one yells, hitting the other. Richie and Austin, Bri and Devin. Austin hits back. I watch Devin sigh and take out a sword, breaking it up. I chuckle. Riane'inar. how lovely. I watch them for a few minutes more as Skelator shows up. I slide down and land on my feet at the ground. "who are you?" Richie growls at me. I turn to face him, and chuckle. "Devil!" Piarre yells at me. I sigh and simply create a cage around him. "I'm Michael." I state simply. I look up at the two chill people. I notice Austin and Richie got into yet another fight. Devin goes to break it up again. "Incubus, I have this." I pull out my staff and recite a spell, watching them go silent and freeze. "oh! can you teach me that?!" Bri gasps. I walk forward. "no worries." I push the two apart. "for true alphas you'd think you'd be more mature." I look at the both of them. "especially you Riane" I address him by his actual name. I wave my hand and watch them gain feeling back. "what the hell dude?" Austin yells. I roll my eyes. I step back again. "as a true alpha, I'm surprised you don't know me." Richie had grown quiet. "what's that supposed to mean?" Austin asked. I sigh. "o incubus boy other there knows who I am, why don't you ask him?" Devin looks down. "y-yeah. I do." I chuckle. "who are you then?" Richie speaks up. I turn to him, "well, I'm the devil of course. but please call me Michael." he smirks. "Names Riane'inar. Call me Richie." Bri yells, "Ryan. his name is Ryan." I sigh. Richie turns and glares at them. I pat him on his shoulder. "calm down. true alpha power can be very destructive if not used properly." I state simply. he sighs and drops his head. "well I'm Austin." I laugh. "I know. I'm the devil, i know all." Austin groans. "how come he got to do his cool introduction and I don't?" I walk forward. "because he has respect. unlike a certain someone." I back up as he swings at me. I look down and check my watch. "I must be going now. hope to talk to you sometime." I jump into the air to avoid another swing. I fly up and perch on a roof again. "was that really the devil?" Bri asked. "very much so." Richie and Devin state at the same time. Richie was looking away in thought. "what was that Ryan?" Richie turns and starts walking. "Ryan!" Richie turns just in time to miss a tree. he walks out of their little town and to the fort behind it. he slides inside and sits down. I fly in. "you remember. don't you?" his head snaps up. "slightly... did I know you before?" I chuckle. I move to sit on the ground. "sorta. your the reincarnation of someone I once knew. back when there was still a chalice, and a blood moon." I sigh. "his name was just Richie. plain. he was a druid. part human part tree. very intelligent creatures." I look up at him again. "you see me in more of a formal outfit no? black hair. purple stripe. brown eyes." he nods weakly. "that's the basics of it." I stand up and change form. to what I once was. "I look like this. or did at least." he bites his lip. "yeah." I change back and sit down. "do not let this thoughts confuse you. those are from generations ago. they do not matter." he nods again. "why do I feel the need to trust you? why do I feel the need to be around you? I just met you. your the devil. my feelings are very confusing." I freeze. "maybe it's instincts. I'll read about my library and find out. I do know everything." but I don't want to tell him the truth... I sigh and stand up. "I best be going now. take care Riane." I then fly up again. I land at my mansion. I walk inside and fly to my library. I slide on my reading glasses and get to work.

I review just about everything I can. I remember some interesting things. I even remember something that wasn't in the books. and I think I know why.

I ran my hand through his hair slowly. "are you sure this is a good idea?" He asked, starring up at me. "not really. but I want to do it. and you do too. I can tell." he sighs. "that's true. but I want to make sure of something first." I hum an approval. "I know you don't die. and I know I will. but I ask of you to always protect my reincarnation. and don't tell him about what we were." I chuckle. "of course. anything for you love."
Flashback end~

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