What is up Kyle - More short stories

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Two updates in one day? Wow. Never before seen.
-I have no idea what is actually on this story, didn't reread. Have fun.

Cals pov
When your alone, after a while you find yourself counting. For a lot of people in jail they have chalk they can mark with, stones to carve marks into the wall. they count every single daily routine. That's how they know. People in solitary confinement also have a routine. A much more strict, more isolated routine. Here's the big difference with me. I'm alone. I don't need food, I don't need sleep. I don't have anyway to mark it. Well. Mostly. The difference between me and those 'crazy people' they put in those padded rooms? They have padding. And people watching them. I have me, myself and I. And Lucas. He's my only friend. I know this because he tells me to paint myself red. And only friends do that.

It's after 3 years when something changes. I scramble to my knees to look over at the pale colored wall. What is that? "It's a looking glass." Lucas comments. I blink sitting in front of it. "To where?" I mutter. "Touch it and find out idiot." Lucas deadpans. I rest my hand on it, and fall through. I end up on the ground and freeze. Green. Grass? I... I'm touching grass. But... I can't feel it. I run my hand over the ground, watching the strands pass by my hands. I turn swiftly, looking around. I'm sat on the ground alright, in a place I only see in my dreams. "Its called Camp Oasis." Lucas remarks, standing next to me. "Camp Oasis." I echo, my voice quiet. I don't use it much. Lucas tells me not to waste my breath. I push myself up slowly. Working out is the only thing I could do in the bubble. That and talk to Lucas. He was a good coach. I look around. There's voices. Someone else talking. I walk over slowly, peaking around the corner. It's some dude in purple, standing next to someone with animal ears and 4 tails. 4! "He's coming back Inpu!" The one in purple snaps. "Xylo it's been 3 years, no one can sense him anymore." 'Inpu' retaliates. Who are they talking about? "Inpu if I make a statue, then it's real. Then I have to accept that he's gone. That the one person who always trusted me, who always believed in me, is gone." 'Xylo' whispers. Inpu moves to hug him. "You have to let him go Xylo. We all miss him. Cal was more than just a friend to us alright? But he deserves to be honored." Inpu whispers. My eyes widen. "But I'm Cal." I mutter. Lucas laughs, sitting up in the edge. "Hey look Dragon Fly, you had friends before. Looks like you abandoned them too." He remarks, jumping down and walking over. "I can see why, he's cute." Lucas cradles Xylos face, looking closely at him. Before I know any better I feel something protective curl in my gut. "Leave him alone Lucas." I remark. Lucas laughs, looking at me. I move from the corner fully now. "Awe, why? Jealous?" He grins. I watch as the two leave. "Yes." I growl. Lucas rolls his eyes but disappears.

I found that when I enter the looking glass I am... Just a ghost. I can't interact with things. No one can see me. But I'm there. I currently sat on a bench. "I'm telling you Xylo. He's back." Nad explains. Apparently Nad used to know me too. My names kinda "taboo" around here. I mean, I imagine talking about anyone who's apparently dead, isn't really a good idea. But I'm special. Or something. Am I ghost? Is that why no one can see me? "How is that possible?" Xylo whispers. Nad shakes his head. "I don't know. Sometimes I can feel his aura again, although faint. Then sometimes it disappears again. I think wherever he is, it's like an in-between world that he's flickering in and out of." Nad gestures. Xylo gasps. "The Corridor of Time!" Nad pauses. "The what?" He blanks. I tilt my head. Corridor of Time? I go there sometimes. It's the place with all of the hour glasses. "We have to find Inpu!" Xylo remarks. They run off quickly. I stand, trailing after them. We arrive in a small temple. I sit myself up on the edge of a railing. "Xylo? Nad? What's wrong?" Inpu questions, looking at them with concern. Xylo exhales. "We think Cal might be stuck in the Corridor of Time!" He yelps. Oh I wish. Khonsu didn't like me there. Apparently being able to see into other timelines was "too much interference" for me. So back to the white box I went. "But he controls that space, how would he be trapped?" Inpu prompts. Xylo shakes his head. "No he doesn't. Khonsu does. Remember? Cal only controls that small bubble he made." Xylo explains quickly. Nad hums. "So what, Cals stuck outside of the timeline? Either way we can't reach him." Xylo falters, and Inpu perks up. "Actually." The two look at him. He smiles. "We just have to find another child of Khonsu right? Another person who can access the timelines." Inpu explains. Oh yeah. That won't happen. I'm a reincarnation, not a child. Khonsu is asexual? He has no kids. Well, he tried once. Didn't stick.

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