Secrets - Fto S5

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I call this one "a glimpse into just how fucked up my mind is."
-its a bit ooc but for a reason :)

Lucas' pov-
I sit silently in the corner, waiting. Jonathan's been gone for a while... Will I die I wonder? I haven't had food in a long time. Water in even less. Can't even heal myself. I miss Galrin... At least she was company. I stare at the walls. I'm so tired. How long has it been... I'm gonna die here aren't I? Dehydrated and alone.

I hear the door open. There's a door? I don't look. "Uhhh, hello?" A voice calls. I turn. A man in blue. Who is this man? He gives me a small smile. "I uhh, I'm Ritchie... Who... Who are you?" He questions slowly. I open my mouth slowly. Johnathan didn't like me talking. But he asked me a question. A cracking noise is made. Right. Dehydration makes talking hard. I gesture lightly at the lack of an answer. The chains on my wrist crackle at the movement. He winces. "Your not gonna... Kill me if I walk up are you?" He questions. I shake my head. He steps in and I notice another figure, dressed in white, catch the door. He walks up slowly and looks around. "Wow it is dry in here." He whispers, before crouching down next to me. "What did Jonathan do to you down here?" He mutters, and breaks the chains. I wince, my wrists rubbed red from the cuffs. "Common, let's get you fed." Ritchie helps me up. I tremble. When's the last time I walked? Pretty sure I was fed then. He leads me out, and I notice there's others here. "He's the only guy here boss." One of them comments. Ritchie's frowns. "So clearly he has some kinda significance." Ritchie mutters and eyes me. "Severely malnourished, and severe dehydration, surprised he's alive." Another comments. So many people. As we stumble I notice that the air is less dry. Water. Actual... Water. It's only a little. I'm led up the stairs and into an office. I'm given an apple and a water bottle. "Can you write down your name?" Ritchie questions, a paper sat next to me. I stare at the water bottle. Odd. "You can drink it." Ritchie assures. I open the water bottle, and move swiftly. I dump the water over my head, letting it run through my long hair and in to my ragged old collar. "So he's crazy." A man in a coat deadpans. The water absorbs into my skin and I feel better almost instantly. "Nope, i wonder if he has water powers or if he's a hybrid." One of the others whispers. I reach over, picking up the pencil. "Lucas, though people used to call me Boat. Johnathan called me Fishy." I offer up the paper. Ritchie frowns. "His name is Lucas, and two water based nicknames. Definitely something water-ish." He offers to the others. I nibble at the apple, not used to eating anything but crackers. Still so dry... "Lucas." Ritchie remarks. I look up quickly. Ritchie hums. "This is David, Kit and Mario." He gestures. I wave slightly. David huffs lowly. "So what was so special about you? Johnathan thought you important enough to lock up in solitary confinement 20 or so meters deep." Kit huffs. "Plus everything was dry as hell down there. That sucked." She winces. Mario nods. "Dryer than a Sahara desert." He deadpans. I frown. How do I answer that? I didn't even know he put me down so far. Think it was so I didn't have any water to manipulate. "He called me dangerous. Said that I wasn't allowed out after last time." Ritchie frowns. "Last time?" I pause. "I don't remember." Is all I write. He nods slowly. Mario rests his hand on Ritchie's shoulder. "It might be best we keep him on our side Ritchie." He insists. Ritchie frowns. "Maybe we recruit the cat? He has healing... Maybe he could help Lucas." He mutters. David groans. "I hate that cat." Kit tilts her head. "He doesn't exactly look injured. Can Lopho help malnutrition?" Ritchie shrugs. I frown. "I can handle myself. I do however owe you, as you have saved my life." Ritchie blinks. "You can handle yourself, after being saved from a death cell." He deadpans. I nod. He sighs. "He does owe us a life debt now. We can use that." David mutters. Ritchie sighs. "Stop capitalizing on people." He deadpans. David rolls his eyes. Kit eyes me. "So how exactly do you plan on... Helping yourself?" She questions. I perk up.

I walk out of the office swiftly, a new found strength in me. Likely from the water. The others follow. There's so much water in the air. It's refreshing. My feet sting, having no shoes on. I walk up to the fountain and stepping into it. "Should we stop a strange man from walking into a fountain?" Kit comments. I step through the curtain of water and bask in it for a long moment. Before I step out again, feeling slightly better. An ocean would be preferable... "What exactly are you?" Ritchie questions. "Water mage." I respond verbally now, voice still scratchy but it'll get better. They startle slightly. "Though I do believe I have hybrid dna just not sure what." I explain. He blinks. Mario frowns. "But what water mage is dangerous enough to be locked way under ground?" Ritchie tilts his head. "Well that makes sense for why it would be so dry. But you are right, water mages have potential but that's a bit much." He mutters. Kit grins, stepping forward. "So you have a place to go Lucas?" She accuses. I shake my head. "Then you, should totally join Divinus Magia." She insists. "He's not a criminal." David hisses. I wince. "Uhhh. About that." I mutter. They all look at me. I play with my hair. "It's... A long story." I whisper. Kit grins at me brightly. "Wanna join Divinus Magia?" I glance at Ritchie. He shrugs. "We can always use more members. Plus if you are a criminal it all works out. You'd be able to take quests, earn your own money and have housing." I feel a phantom memory of adrenaline shooting up my spine. I get to fight things?! "I'll need time to heal, get reacquainted with the world." I look around, noticing that some people are idling about. "The invite remains." Ritchie offers. I hum lightly, and step forward. "Hand?" I question softly, holding my own out. He blinks, but offers his up. The same with the sigil as well. Hmm, that'll make it easier. Seems it's imbedded with magic, so I can just focus on that magic. Not just Ritchie's. I rest my hand over his, making a memory trace in my mind of the magic. He winces. "Wow that feels weird." Ritchie mutters. I pull back. "When I am ready, I will find you." I remark simply. He blinks. "That's not weird at all." Mario deadpans. I hum. "It is a magical trace. I will be able to track down your specific magic." I explain. Ritchie nods. "Well then, I await your return Lucas." He smiles. I nod. "It's been a pleasure." I duck my head in a sorta bow, a long forgotten instinct. "Common, I'm tired of this weird guy." David waves them off and walks off. I smile lightly. Interesting man. I turn, walking in the other direction. Oceans are my favorite place to rest.

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