Favermysabre-part 1?

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so just so you know they are in collage.

sabers pov.
so let me tell you a little about me. I'm the schools nerd so to say, I'm the smartest in the school. I get bullied a lot, I made a deal a while ago that if they don't bully anyone else they can do whatever to me, and I'll make sure no one stops them. I could fight back but I don't want to. I have a group of friends but they don't know the deal, they just know not to stop them. they also know not to mess with me because I will hurt them. one of the kids in my group is the popular kid. girls want to date him, guys want to be him, but the thing is I like him as well. but the thing is he is bi, he has came up to the group multiple times but the thing is that I've killed them all.

oh I'm so silly, his name is shark. well that's not his real name but only I know. shark always were sunglasses, I don't know why but who am I to judge, i wear a bandana everywhere. now back to real time, me and shark are in a tree talking. I'm hanging upside down. "dude do you know how unsafe your being right now?" shark asked, I looked at him. "I thought you would know by now that I like living on the edge" I said, shark burst out laughing, "says the guy who has a perfect record all around" shark said, I started laughing. "hey! it's not my fault I'm smart" I shouted at him. he was laughing so much he almost fell. I sat up right and helped him. "dude calm down. take a breath" I said, he nodded and got his breathing under control. "how many times has this happened now?" shark asked me.

"fifteen times. dude you really need to calm down" I said, he nodded. I let go of his hand, then flipped out of the tree. "dude how do you do that? that was so cool" shark yelled at me once he climes down the tree, "lots of practice, now class starts in three minutes" I said, "wait three minutes! I'm going to be late!" shark screamed, then took of running. I think he forgot we have the same class... anyway, I took of running after him catching up quickly. I walked next to shark running. "dude you need to learn to run faster. sleeping of witch we have gym next."(ive never been to a collage before so I'm sorry if I get some things wrong) I said, he looked at me walking next to him. I smiled and grabbed his hand and took of jogging, once we reached the locker rooms he was super out of breath. "wait we still have five minutes... you lied to me!" shark yelled at me, I smirked. "that i did. if I told you how long we really had you wouldn't rush and become late" I explained, he was thinking about what I said because he knew I was right. he threw his arms in the air, "your right, again!" he shouted, I laughed. just then the bell rang, "let's go"

after changing into our gym uniforms we went and sat on the bleachers. "so what do you think we are doing?" shark asked me, "I heard we are sparing" I said, soon the bleachers were full of students. the coach blew the whisle, "are right today we are sparing! pick your partner! once you've picked come up to me with your partner!" he shouted, I flinched. "so you want to spar, I know you'll beat me but I want to practice." shark asked me, I nodded. "sure" we stood up and walked down the bleachers. we were the first to pick, "you sure about this shark? he's one of the best fighters I've seen" the coach asked, "yep, I even beat him" I said pointing at the coach. he looked shocked, "yeah, he won't hurt me, plus I want to learn from the best." I smiled at sharks words, the coach nodded. he wrote our names on the paper.

we walked to the corner of the room, we got In a fighting stance. "no hard feelings?" "no hard feelings" after that we actually started fighting, everyone was watching us, whispering, making bets on who will win. shark tried to punch me but I easily dodged, "that's your first mistake, you tried to through a punch first. you have to know your oponet. with some of them you don't fight first, like me" I explained while dodging another punch. he nodded, "got it". I looked at him, trying to find his next move. notging, guess it's my turn. I quickly punched him lightly in the shoulder, but that was enough for him to be distracted, I fliped over his head and landed behind him, grabbing his head in a head lock and leaned against the wall, sitting down. "3, 2, 1. saber wins!" the coach shouted. I let go of shark, he had a dazed look on his face. I looked around, people were shocked and angry.

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