Getting Married -OoO Short

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This is an Origins Short story. Unlike my normal stories, this won't be to detailed. It's just a random Idea I had. Xylo x Cal

Cal's pov~
Ricarro keeps bugging me about marrying Xylo. I mean, I don't have an objection, but no. "Ricarro." I sigh. He frowns. "Pleaseeeee? It doesn't have to be real! For me?" I sigh again. "Let's ask Xylo." He perks up, rushing off. I follow. We find him walking out of his cabin. "Ricarro, Cal." He greets. I sigh. "Ricarro, tell him why were here." He gasps. "You and Mama are getting married!" His face flushes. "What?!" I hum. "Just a moment Ricarro." I tug Xylo off. "He won't stop until we get married." I roll my eyes. "It doesn't have to be real. He even said so. Just say yes and we can get this over with." He frowns. "Seriously?" I shrug. "You can say no. He won't take it well. Just remember if you say yes he's going to make us also sign adoption papers for him and Lychee. As they are brothers." He sighs. "Where did he get adoption papers?" I shrug. "No idea." We walk back. "Ricarro, we'll do it but it isn't a real wedding okay?" He nods rapidly. "Okay!" I feel a sting of pain through my heart but I ignore it. He rushes off. "What did we get ourselves into?"  He questions. I shrug. "Let's just get this over with. We'll deal with the adoption thing later." Xylo shrugs. "I mean, to be fair, I don't have a problem with adopting them. Their already my sons in way." I laugh. "I'm the mom of the camp. You get used to it." He grins. "At least your aware." I roll my eyes.

Lychee grins. "Dress or suit?" He questions. I blink. "Why?" He shrugs. "Xylo's obviously the guy in the relationship. Mario's dealing with him." I roll my eyes. "Xylo should be the one in the dress." He walks out. "One minute!" I roll my eyes. I am not wearing a dress. He walks in. "Xylo refuses to be in a dress." I roll my eyes. "Suit. I chose suit." He nods. He starts searching through clothes. "Ricarro chose ring pops. What's your favorite flavor?" He turns. I shrug. "Watermelon." I won't even question it. He nods. "Davis is going to walk down the isle with flowers. Xylo will be standing at the makeshift alter Ricarro made with Lee." I rest a hand on his shoulder. "Lychee." He turns. "Yes?" I take a deep breath. "I know this is all fake, but Ricarro genuinely wants us to sign those papers. Do you want Xylo and I to sign those papers?" He cracks into a smile. "Honestly? Yeah. You guys have been the best parents I've ever had. Id love it to be true." I let go. "I'll sign them. I can't say anything for Xylo, and we won't be properly together. But it that's what you guys want i won't fight it." I shrug. He shoves a stack of clothes into my arms. He smiles. "Go ahead and change." He walks out. I do so. I wore a light grey shirt and a soft blue suit. My tie is a deep purple. Didn't think that would actually match well. There's a knock at my door. "Come in." He walks in. He eyes me. "The necklace?" He questions. I cross my arms. "It doesn't come off." He nods. "The suit suits you." He smirks. I roll my eyes. He sits me in the chair and adjusts my eyeliner. He then fixes my hair. "You pull your hair back?" He questions. I nod. "You didn't know?" He laughs. "Nah. Never saw it." He pulls out the hair tie. My hair falls loosely. The music kicks in. "How did Ricarro set this all up so quickly?" I question. He shrugs. He peaks out of the cabin were using. I roll my eyes. "Are you walking me out?" He turns. "Of course!" I sigh. "Fine." He tugs me out. I force a smile on my face. He gathered a decent crowd. I stand parallel to Xylo. "Lychee did well." He remarks. I nod. He wore a white shirt and light blue tie. His suit was a deal purple. "He really put a lot of thought into this." He shrugs. Lee begins a speal. Instead of the sickness and health she changes it. "Love Cal for as long as the sun shall be up, as this wedding no longer exists afterwords." We laugh. "I do."  Xylo remarks through out his laughing, sloding a ring pop onto my finger. She gives me the same bit. "Sure, why not?" He groans. "You have to say i do." I smirk. "I do." I roll my eyes, sliding on his ring pop. She grins. "You may now..." she trails off, looking at Ricarro. He rushes up to whisper to her. "Kiss the groom." Xylo blushes. I press a kiss to his cheek. "Tada." She grins. "Yay!" Everyone cheers. I laugh. He presses a kiss to my cheek too. I laugh. "Your beard tickles idiot." We walk off. "What now?" He questions. I shrug. "Nornally, the newly married spend time together and enjoy the after glow." I yawn. He pouts. "Am I that tiring?" I shrug. "Nah. I'm always tired." Ricarro runs up, Lychee in tow. "You guys like the rings?" Xylo laughs. "Yeah." Lychee holds up the papers shyly. Xylo blinks. "What... are those?" I carefully grab them. "Are these adoption papers?" I question. Ricarro nods. "You just have to sign there." He points. I step over to the table. I simply sign before handing it over with a smile. "Here you are." Ricarro and Lychee turn to Xylo. He smiles. "Where do I sign?"

Everyone dispersed. "So we just became fathers." Xylo remarks. I was eating my ring. "I'm a mother, we both know this." He laughs. "This has been a very eventful day." I shrug. "This has slowly became normal." He looks down. "Ah. You like my ring that much?" I roll my eyes. "Your an idiot." Why do I like him again? He shrugs. "I pride myself in being rather smart actually." I drop my hand, the sunset illuminating me from behind. I lean forward and press a quick kiss to his lips. "Thanks for the ring." I wink, walking off. He stares at me with a dazed look, face red.

This was fun. I have started my rewrite of the "Lychee" Series. What other OoO ships would you like to see? What other series would you like to see? I'm kinda a loss of ideas recently. A "My true alpha" Part two is also in the works.

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