Epic Teddy Family - Scp

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So this may be the most angsty thing I've written or It might be the cringest.
-once again on my hating Scp!Bryan arc. Might kill him 🤷

Mario's pov
I was 14. It was my junior year of highschool. I had skipped 3rd grade, and had the potential to skip more. I just didn't want to rush through my life. The scientists didn't care. 1.5 million. That's how much it took for my mom to sell me off. She didn't ask questions, just saw how much money she could get. I'm still not sure how they found me. It's not like I told people what I could do. As far as anyone knew I was a miracle, it was a feat of something beyond human that I survived the crash. I didn't tell them. But they found out anyway. They chained me down, called me dangerous when I lashed out. I was 15. It was my birthday. But I didn't get any gifts. No special breakfast from my mother. No kisses from my father. I got a number. Scp 5020. I got a classification. 5020 is considered safe. 5020 has the potential to become a Thaumiel with the right training. They gave me a room. And a farewell with the words, "Rest up 5020. Testing begins tomorrow." That was the last birthday I celebrated.

Sometimes, I think Mario died when he was 14. I wonder if anyone mourned him. Though I had only become me 9 or so years ago, I still tell myself that I'm 23 years old. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm lying. "5020, you will be testing with Scp ####." They test me with a new scp every day. Unless the testing takes a few days. They move my room around a lot too, for convenience. I moved sites a few times too. I'm 18 when they officially declare me a Thaumiel, though my identification is still labeled as safe. I learned to stop asking questions. I'm just so tired. After my new identification things changed for me. A lot more moving about and such. I find that a Thaumiel refers to an SCP who helps capture and contain other scp's. It's the worst thing I think I've ever done. But like I said. Mario is dead. Scp 5020? It's a good little test subject. I'm called The immortal dummy. They should have called me The perfect D class. Shouldn't expect myself to be anything less.

I sigh, a cloud of smoke leaving with the breath. I track the scp closely. It looks around, all paranoid like. Very subtle. It checks down the alleyway before walking in. Too bad I'm pretty good at being a nobody. "Going somewhere?" I drawl. The scp spins to me, paling slightly. I'm sure of it's eyes widening despite the sunglasses. "Who are you?" It demands. I hum, tapping my cigarette lightly. "I call myself Mario sometimes." I comment. It falters. "That's fucked up man." It deadpans. I chuckle. "Yeah I think so too." I take another hit, before I breathe out. "You have a name?" I question. It huffs, shying back. Ready to run at a moments notice. "JJ." It comments. I nod. "That's cute. They call you 5170." I point out. It falters. "Pardon?" I smile softly. "I used to react like that too. But you'll learn. They all do." I offer. It falters, before it suddenly takes off in a run. I sigh, and put my cigarette off on my arm. I drop it to the ground and take out a gun, shooting it just over their shoulder. They freeze at the crack of the bullet. "Listen, I am extremely hard to out run so let's not bother. Gunmen have been stationed at both entrances, you won't get very far. So let's just move on with our lives." I deadpan, putting my gun away. It looks at me slowly. I quirk up an eyebrow dully. "We're understanding now? Sick." I sigh, walking up to it. "What is wrong with you?" It whispers. "Why would you do this to me?" It sobs. I hum lowly, taking it's arm. "Don't try to appeal to me 5170. My mind is too far gone." I deadpan, chaining it up. Soldiers come up to take it away, before they walk up to me. I sigh, brushing my hair back before I walk with them off. They stand behind me at my sides, almost like guards. But they're here to not let me leave. Humanity can't know I exist after all. I'm nobody now. D class, remember?

I lean back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling silently. There's Nightmare before Christmas playing across the room for background noise. I have the sound track practically memorized, but I still enjoy it. I've watched a lot of movies over the years. Anything I can. They allowed me a very closely watched laptop for movies and games, those without a global chat of course, but my DVD's are very limited. I sigh, feeling my high fade. Stupid accelerated healing. Can't even do drugs properly. I fold my arm behind my head, and look up at the window they like to pretend I don't know about. "I'm hungry." I state, before standing. I wander over to my laptop to play a game while I wait. They've learned to sorta just give me what I ask for so long as it's not outrageous. Things can get really complicated if they don't. No one likes complicated.

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